
The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

sorryiambooked's review

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I really liked the characters and the development of the and the tie in with the overarching story line from the first book was appreciated. However, the whole surviving on her own was something that felt very disappointing to me - I expected more. Overall though an enjoyable read.

bookrambler's review

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The protagonists of this story are Jina, who works in tech and Levi, team leader of an elite paramilitary unit called the Go-TEAM. The story is told in dual POVs and in the third person.

Jina Modell goes from working in the office of a paramilitary group to being drafted for in the field operations as a drone operator. She’s assigned to “Go-TEAM,” and must go through and pass rigorous physical training to keep her job, or she must quit. Jina is determined not to leave and more so because of Levi, whose team she's been assigned to.

The first half (and then some) of the book focuses on the grueling training Jina has to go through and how she navigates her relationship with Levi. So there's romance and then here's the suspense part: a powerful congresswoman wants to sabotage McNamara, and she wants to do this by taking down his beloved Go-TEAM.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an eARC.

bandherbooks's review

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Working at an elite para-military organization has its perks, sometimes they even let you play really cool video games not available to the public during your lunchtime! Super cool, until Jina finds out the game wasn't really a game at all - it was a test that she passed with flying colors, a test that has now landed her into a crazy training program to get her ready to deploy with a GO-Team.

Refusing to quit despite the crazy training, Jina the IT nerd eventually begins to hold her own with her assigned team of super fit action heroes. She holds her own even though she fervently believes her sexy team leader Levi wants her to fail.

Eventually Jina is fully certified and begins missions with her team. Over the course of year she alternates between being bored, scared, and amped. Jina and Levi hid their massive sexual tension from each other and the team, as but they are both committed to the team. Then Jina gets left behind...

My first Linda Howard, but I enjoyed! Fans may quibble about the very slow burn of this romance. I felt the tension between the characters but I was a little bit mystified over the kinda instant lust/love and the non-interaction that took place for a large part of the book.

Thank you to Avon for the free ARC!!!