
Instead of Three Wishes: Magical Short Stories by Megan Whalen Turner

kate_reads_literature's review

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4.5 Stars

This was cute, whimsical, and a lot of fun! I'm tempted to give it 5 stars just because it's Megan Whalen Turner, but I didn't love all of these so 4.5 it is! I'm going to list the short stories below in order from my favorite to least favorite

Instead of 3 Wishes - I loved the modern take on an elf giving wishes to a no-nonsense modern girl
The Baker King - This one reminded me the most of The Queen's Thief series and as I figured out the twist I felt very clever lol
Factory - Admittedly a little morbid in the end, this one was still rather sweet and charming
Aunt Charlotte and the NGA Portraits - I love stories about selkies and although this one could have used some more depth, it was fun nonetheless
Leroy Roachbane - I liked the magical realism of this one
A Plague of Leprechaun - This one was fine, but had a rather unsatisfying ending imo
The Nightmare - This was the only story I didn't care for. There seemed to be no real point to it and that was mildly disappointing. I'm glad the collection didn't end with this one

virginiaduan's review

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Whimsical and seemingly light, the stories have deceptive range and depth. Enjoyed it!

awall14's review

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When I read this book I kept imagining me reading it to my future children. I do not know why.

These are are cute/great fantasy stories. For the most part. Unfortunately there were some not-so-great ones too. The first one and Instead of Three Wishes were predictable and didn't really interest me. It was worrisome when I started this book. It reminded me of a sophisticated child writing, not the brillant-it-makes-me-feel-stupid style of writing that I joined to Turner in my head.

I was worried. But I kept reading cause I always finish a book (Usually) and I knew it was technically a children's book, so my expectations should be a bit different.

So here is my advice for this book:


Factory will make you happy and actually make you pause for a minute. Factory is five stars. The rest are all a steady three, maybe 3.5. I'm glad I kept reading. It was light and lovely fantasy. I think it could make children actually get into fantasy. Like I said before, I picture me reading it to my children. :p

Don't let the stupid (and ugly) cover stop you. Don't let the not-so-great first story stop you. It's a worth-it read and it will take you a day. If you like fantasy you'll like this. (I think. I make no promises of course.)

justkenzie's review

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This was a delightful book of short stories. I read them in between classes at school, or when I got finished with my in class assignment. I also read a couple before I went to bed at night. It was very nice to have something short enough to squeeze in my, otherwise too busy for a novel schedule, but still long enough to be enjoyable. Here are my ratings on each of the short stories within. These ratings are based solely on my own personal taste and how much I enjoyed them. It could be drastically different for many other readers.

A Plague of Leprechaun - 4.5 stars (Delightful!)
Leroy Roachbane - 3 stars (Fun one.)
Factory - 5 stars (Intriguing.)
Aunt Charlotte and the NGA Portraits - 5 stars (It was on the long side, but the story was rather lush and imaginative.)
Instead of Three Wishes - 3.5 stars (It was humorous, but wasn't quite as interesting as I hoped.)
The Nightmare - 2 stars (I just didn't know what to think by the end of this one.)
The Baker King - 2.5 stars (There were interesting ideas, and the start of something bigger, but it didn't seem quite fulfilled.)

tshank76's review against another edition

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A book inspired by mythology, legend, or folklore.
A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature.

elevetha's review

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Esp. liked "Factory", "Instead of Three Wishes", "Aunt Charlotte and The NGA Portraits", and "The Baker King."

"A Plague of Leprechaun"

2 stars. Nothing that stood out.

"Leroy Roachbane"

2 stars. My least favorite. Much too odd.


3 stars.

This was, by far, the one that evoked the most emotion from me. Impossible and sad as it is, it was an excellent short story.
One paltry summery coming up:

John, a construction worker, is placed on crane duty at a site. Days are dull until Edwina, a ghost murdered by her family unwilling to make way for the construction company, appears. They become friends, read books and poetry together, exchange stories, Edwina bemoans lack of chocolate, and fall in love. Realizing that he couldn't stand to get promoted, grow old, and live without her, John begins hoarding books and chocolate. One day, he takes his coffee with cyanide up on the crane.

Several months later the a crew member remarks "That he'd seen...two people, a young man and a woman, sitting on invisible furniture with their feet up, reading books and eating chocolates."

I'm not condoning suicide, not even for love(Hello, Romeo and Juliet), but the way MWT writes....It's really quite sweet.

Aunt Charlotte and The NGA Portraits

3 stars. I called it!!
Spoiler Selkie!! I knew it, I knew it!
Nice story.

Instead of Three Wishes

3 stars. Cute and fun.

The Nightmare

2.5 stars. Interesting idea. Quite glad that the boy gets what was coming to him.

The Baker King

3 stars. Really liked this one. More reminiscent of "Queen's Thief" than the others, as well.

engpunk77's review against another edition

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Cute little short stories that left me smiling (no teeth) for a second. The endings to some of the stories were too mild for me.

lovelylibrarian's review against another edition

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I've always been a Turner fan, ever since I finished her Thief series. I am desperate for more from her, but I'll take what I can get. I had so much fun reading this book. Each story was different and unique. My personal favorite is the one that the book gets its title from, Instead of Three Wishes. Each one has it's own feel and tone to it. That's what I felt was most amazing. They were so different in scope and yet each speaks to the reader.

evamadera1's review

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I really loved the format of this book especially since it prevented Turner from getting overly complicated, a lamentable side effect of her "The Thief" series. I liked most of the stories, even the one that ended rather depressingly. I also liked the quaint magic that pervaded each story. I definitely recommend this book.

natalielorelei's review

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Cute, fluffy stories, although I vastly prefer the Attolia books. My favorites were the sweet dystopian ghost story, the Attolia-esque Baker King one, and the one about the girl who refuses her 3-wish reward and the frustrated elf who has to figure out what to give her instead. Also, I found "The Nightmare" a little disturbing, but not in the way it was intended to be, I think.