
The Stonecutter by Camilla Läckberg

annelisenogue's review against another edition

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Je n'ai pas été complètement tourneboulée. Je trouve l'idée de l'autrice des blaguounettes sur les rapports hommes-femmes franchement datée. Mais j'ai trouvé ça sympa, j'avais besoin de ce genre de lecture un peu noire en ce moment...

kecheema's review against another edition

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My favourite one yet!

sakahi's review against another edition

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I read this in English, just to be clear.

mountainrunner's review against another edition

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I think I would have liked this more if I read it when it was first published. At this point in my mystery reading career, I'm over one-dimensional villains and have seen the key plot point/culprit's logic played out in plenty of other crime novels.

ombraluce's review against another edition

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Come sempre accade nei libri di giallisti scandinavi, più che la trama è importnate l'indagine sociale, l'addentrarsi nei mali della società, quella società che è apparentemente perfetta e superiore, ma che nasconde un profondo disagio.
Così abbiamo una lunga storia di odio che attraversa più generazioni e si sfoga in brutali omicidi, che si unisce a dosi incredibili di stupidità, cattiveria e pregiudizi.
Da tutto questo, non esce bene nessuno.
L'impressione è che la Läckberg abbia messo un po' troppa carne al fuoco, non riuscendo così a controllare diversi punti dello svolgimento in un romanzo che invece ha parecchi punti di interesse.

herchaoticlife's review against another edition

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What another fun, gripping and addictive ride. I just can't put these books down.

And the only reason I won't pick up the 4th book right away is that I'm reading the series with best friend and we decided to now start reading (re-reading for me) the Throne of Glass series in between each Patrick Hedström and Erica Falck series.

So this Summer just became even more interesting.

feanorwasright's review against another edition

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Una historia al nivel del libro anterior, aunque me gustó más el segundo. De nuevo, lo mejor la construcción de los personajes, su realismo y la relación entre ellos. Incluso me he emocionado al final con Patrick y Erica y no he podido evitar soltar una lagrimilla.

No le pongo el 5 porque no me ha gustado como ha cerrado el final, demasiado deprisa, dejándolo todo para las últimas 20 páginas y dejándose algunos cabos sueltos. Por lo de más, genial, ya estoy deseando leer el siguiente :D

tulstig's review against another edition

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Another excellent story of crime in Fjallbacka. I love the way the story includes the past and present alongside each other, which finally provide the solution to Patrik's headache.

beth_sandyeggo's review against another edition

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This is the third in the series, the third I've read. I'm not sure if the books are getting better or if it's just because the characters are actually developing, a tiny bit each book. The mystery seems a bit better, as the author is sharing some insight into the clues. That is a stark contrast to the first book, in which no clues were shared and disappointment in the plot followed. The time contrast was interesting, but this plot was transparent to me. I knew who did it, just didn't know the link to the characters in the past. I'm undecided if I will continue reading the remaining books in the series.

acowsta's review against another edition

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I had been looking forward to reading this book for a long time, but since I had never read this writer, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to buy my own copy. I eventually got it through my public library and then I was glad I didn't buy it: the writing is just not that good. I don't know if this is a problem with the translation from the original Swedish or whether the book itself is not well written. In any case, I found the characters to be utterly underdeveloped, cartoony, cheesy; I don't even know how to adequately convey my annoyance and dread every time I picked up the book. Actually, here it is: ugh.

At least it was a quick read, and by the time I was sure I was hating it, I was too far into the book to abandon it. I didn't want all that time to have been wasted time and I wanted to know who did it. I was also fascinated / appalled by the fact that no one in the book seemed to know what Asperger's was, and the story came dangerously close to arresting one of the characters simply because every one said he was weird (he had Asperger's), but in this there was at least a small redemption in the end. I looked it up and found out that even though the translation is new, the book was originally published in Sweden in 2005, so I guess Asperger's was not a known thing at the time? Or it was just beginning to find its way to the collective consciousness.

But there were a hundred things like this that bugged me, and not all of them were worth researching. I think I got a good enough sample of her writing to know I won't be reading any other books by her. Moving on!