
Alpha by Jasinda Wilder

amandas_good_books's review against another edition

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I pray this is good. I'm feeling like I've read the same thing over and over and over. again.

klindtvedt's review against another edition

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Beautifully Intense & Perfectly, Paradoxically Superb...

"Alpha" by Jasinda Wilder was recommended to me by a colleague well versed in my love of dark and moody love stories. At first I was skeptical given the cover and description blurb and chalked it up as being just another bdsm dom/sub story. But wow was I wrong, completely, irrevocably incorrect, because the truth is this book is a dark romance lover's dream.

My oh my, what I wouldn't give for a few hours inside the mind of Jasinda Wilder. Her imagery here was superb. Perfectly, paradoxically superb. This book quickly became a feverish addiction after only a few pages. Wilder's prose is beautifully intense, lusciously erotic, brooding, suspenseful, and dark. Her characters are straight forward yet gorgeously complex. And Valentine, my God what a vision did she create in my head of this man.

It is a must read for lovers of this literary domain. BUT first understand this, this book needs to be savored like a fine brandy. You need to settle down with a glass (or bottle) of your favorite wine, and slowly gaze upon each page in order to fully engage with and enjoy each delicious word. Valentine and Kyrie's story, so ripe with sexual tension, confusion, and angst, it has no choice but to unfold at an almost torturous, languid speed. However you will be rewarded for your patience because by God is it glorious. 

The pacing of the chapters brilliantly matches the growing crescendo of their connection and exploration of each other beautifully. Matching Valentine's predatory stalking of Kyrie and her reciprocal posturing perfectly. So good is Wilder's character development, I purposely slowed my reading pace so I could soak in the story. I shamelessly enjoyed every, single, page, basking in its angst and lust filled silkiness like warm caramel caressing my tongue.

I am very much looking forward to continuing my exploration of Valentine and Kyrie's journey in Beta, and truly wish I had found this series sooner!

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Alpha Jasinda Wilder
Alpha by Jasinda Wilder
Erotic Romance with a little suspense. Standalone.

"You. Belong. To Me."

When I read the teaser for Alpha by Jasinda Wilder that was at the end of Falling Under, I was officially HOOKED. With all the NA books out there, Alpha finally gave me that tingly, anticipatory feeling I got when I initially read Fifty Shades of Grey. (Yes, I know, there have been a ton of books that came out since that I loved even more.) I knew it would be hot, because, well, it's Jasinda. But I really like my heat with a little more dominance and kink than Jasinda usually writes.

Holy Hotness! We all know Jasinda can write hot, but she takes it a step up in Alpha. I was on the edge of combustion the entire book.  Sexy and thrilling, I couldn't look away unless it was for a sex break. Well, honestly, even then I didn't stop reading for long...uuumm....lets just say I kept reading until I couldn't hold my kindle anymore and my eyes rolled back in my head. (Mr. Ana thinks it's a challenge, and he never complains about my reading, especially books like this!)

Jasinda had a full on mystery amongst the sex, and you just had to keep reading to figure it all out. What an addictive read!

Kyrie was a really likable character. Relatable and sometimes funny, I enjoyed her inner voice. I adored her best friend Layla as well, and I'm hoping maybe she gets her own story. As you read in the blurb, Kyrie is at the point of desperation. She was evicted and her electricity turned off the day she got fired.
"I was sexually propositioned by Mr. Edwards."
"Shut the fuck up."
"He said I could keep my job if I sucked his cock. I mean, he didn't say it in so many words. But he made it clear... by pulling his dick out."

So when the mysterious $10,000 check shows up, Kyrie has no choice but to cash it. She would have ended up stripping or even worse, just to eat, let alone pay for her mother and brother's care. As the checks keep coming, Kyrie cautiously spends the money, knowing she will have to pay up one day.
"My name is Harris. I'm here to collect you."..."My employer has sent me to collect what is his."

After packing her belongings and flying in a private jet, she arrives at the penthouse, and is blindfolded.
"Who–who are you? Why am I here?"
"You don't need my name just yet. As far as why you're here?" His voice lowered, became hushed, a growling murmur that made my stomach clench.
"You're here because I own you, Kyrie."
"What - what are you going to do to me?" I hated how weak, how afraid I sounded.
"Everything." His voice was thick with promise. "But nothing you won't enjoy."

Not being able to see, Kyrie must rely on on her other senses. She has no idea if that man is young or old...nothing. But his voice and words are having an effect on her. He is both sexy and reassuring, yet he makes her keep the blindfold on and won't even tell her his name.
"Here is another promise I will make you: you and I will not engage in penetrative sexual intercourse unless you ask for it. And you will, Kyrie. That's the promise, here. You will. You'll beg me for it. But it won't happen until, and unless, you ask me for it."

Kyrie isn't a prisoner. She can leave, but all of her expenses are still there. Her mother is in a home, her brother needs his tuition paid. She has the choice to see how this plays out with the millionaire or leave with all of her bills still hanging over her head. But the mystery man is not ready to reveal himself to Kyrie...not yet.

Alpha Jasinda Wilder

There is more going on....
"I am keeping a secret from you, Kyrie. A very deep, very dark secret. One that affects us both, and one that will change the very fabric of our relationship."

Still, even with the blindfold, Kyrie can't help her physical reaction to him as he helps her eat dinner blindfolded. Jasinda really made this work. I felt breathless along with Kyrie. I wanted him too, and had no idea what he looked like. The build up, the anticipation, the fear, the helplessness, the teasing, the excitement....Jasinda had us feeling it all with Kyrie.
“I’ve barely touched you, barely begun to kiss you, only just learning the secrets of your body, but already you react so beautifully. Kyrie…Kyrie…you are so beautiful. Such a precious thing, and I simply cannot wait to make you sing, to make your body hum and shiver for me.”

Wow...see what I mean?
Alpha Jasinda wilder

And if the build-up was hot, holy shit...when it really started, WOW.

Alpha Jasinda Wilder
 Jasinda kept you on the edge of your seat, trying to figure out the whole story while telling the hottest story I think I read this year. Jasinda was always great at the lovemaking scenes, but we get diiirrrtty in Alpha. And...

"One word out of you, and I'll snap. I'll pull into the nearest alley and fuck you where you sit. You're flushed and nervous and the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and you smell like expensive wine and good food and pussy. I'm barely holding onto my restraint right now."


  • •Alpha sucked you in and didn't let go once.

  • •I loved Kyrie's voice.

  • •I enjoyed her friend Layla, and wouldn't mind her story!

  • •The blindfold. I loved that, it ratcheted up the tension and it was hot!

  • •The twist caught me by surprise.

  • •Jasinda's sex scenes were a little more my style--a little less flowery, well, except for the flower part, (you'll see) and a little more dirty. (And no 'turgid'!)

  • •The sexual tension was so thick even before the sex, that I was ready to grab the guy without any knowledge of his looks.

  • •Mr. Ana had a smile on his face for 2 days. (So did I.)


  • •I would have loved an epilogue, but the book, though the ending satisfied, did leave it open for more.

  • •Him swearing he wasn't a Dominant at the beginning of the book. While he isn't into pain or bondage, he is very much a Dominant.

Rating: 5-5+ Stars, 5 Heat



Alpha wasn't an epic, New Adult bawl-your-eyes-out kind of book like many of Jasinda's books. It's a gripping erotic romance with suspense. It hovered close to having too much sex without going over (or maybe that was me?) but there was more than enough story to even it out, and believe me, I wasn't complaining! I thought it was a short, fast read and was surprised to find out it is 445 pages! Jasinda's pacing makes it a quick, easy, totally hot read that I am saving on my kindle for those nights I need a little extra motivation for Mr. Ana.  
"It's not even really begging. It's just...asking me nicely"
"Please..._____" Who needs dignity when you can have public orgasms?

 P.S. I'd love to see some of the male point of view, maybe novella? But please, I beg of you, if you do that Jasinda, don't pussify the guy like I've seen many authors do.

Note: You may want to visit my Red Room of Pain/Erotic Toystore before reading this one!


Purchase Alpha by Jasinda Wilder


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works4books's review against another edition

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it was a very easy read with no real plot (I saw it all coming from a mile away), there was errors in duplicate words and missing words (not sure if they have an editor or not). However this book had a bad case of "tell not show" and I didn't really care for Kyrie and Roth well he was ok in some parts and others he irritated me which is not good when you're reading a book that is basically a smut book. I do love smut books but this was not one of them and I have no idea how this book has 4 stars with over a thousand readers. I almost DNF but I really don't like not finishing books.

jamsu's review against another edition

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This book was not for me. I usually love when heroes are possessive and call heroines theirs but it annoyed me every time "Roth" did that. I found it pretty ridiculous that he had to learn to trust her before telling out heroine anything, even his own name. Especially after the 'big' reveal.

Kyrie life is not full of party. She has been struggling since her father died but suddenly she's getting checks and some of them even including messages from mystery guy.

plantqueen14's review against another edition

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Sooooo, I got this for free thanks to a link from SBC. It had mind blowing sex scenes, but I have to agree with pretty much every other review on here. It had a pretty weak story. The whole reason for our illustrious heroine to be in the situation with her new main squeeze was just kinda out there and a little ridiculous. This dude is down right creepy. Seriously. But, she got great sex so who cares. The writing was fine, I was not annoyed at all with the style. It was easy to read fast. It did keep me to attention, but at the same time did very little for me. What a strange book...

raffaem's review against another edition

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I expected more from this book based on the plot description. It sounded like the promise of a unique storyline mixed with my favorite type of sexy billionaire. It pulled me in right away but turned into a series of sex scenes and a pretty obvious secret reveal.

kath12's review against another edition

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So I didn't even finish this book, I got to chapter 3 and just gave up. I was really sad because the build up to this book was so awesome. The synopsis and the cover got me(only reason for the 2 stars). But when I started reading it, well I had to check and make sure that I had the right book. It started out pretty good, like I was really excited to see how this played out but a few pages in and it lost me. The chick stuttered so much I really thought that was a speech problem for her, it drove me nuts. I couldn't hold on to the story and the characters so I just had to quit. Yes ladies and gentlemen I am a big fat quitter! Maybe one day I will pick this up again and try to read it but as for now, off to the archives you go my little ebook.

sohare1981's review against another edition

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This is the second time I’ve read Alpha by Jasinda Wilder. I remember really loving the book the first time around but well it’s hard for me to say this with all honesty. The main love interest Roth, really irritated me. He seemed overly cocky/arrogant…and it really annoyed the heck out of me this time around. He says how much he loves Kyrie, but then in the same breath reminds her that he owns her. He tells her Steven was basically a sadist and abused women and he, Roth, didn’t want a BDSM relationship, yet he ties her hands at one point, and then several times smacks her butt (a lot) and makes her beg him for sex. He says he wont force her to do anything, then in one scene they’re at a traffic light and he forces her to take off her underwear and makes her come while some stranger in a van next to them watches, when she clearly told him she did not want that. (He ignored her and kept going).

He tells her he is in love with her, but again in the same breath tells her he owns her. He says she can leave whenever she wants but holds the fact, she will be basically destitute, her mother would no longer get the care she really needs, her brother wouldn’t be able to afford college any ore…and she would probably end up stripping or going into prostitution and he would demand that she repay him, the money she’d never be able to make in her lifetime. But yes, she could leave whenever she wanted. The first time I read this, I wasn’t familiar with any of Jasinda’s work and I thought the sex scenes were hot…but now I’ve read all of the Big Girls Do it series, and am half way through the black room series, and read Stripped and well the sex seems to be very clinical after all those other books. Though I still like this book a lot more than I did fifty shades of grey, and I think it delivered what I wanted fifty shades to give me (but failed).

But I don’t know about four stars…Roth was very, very annoying to me. I wish you could give half stars…I’d be happy with 3 and half. Since I can’t, I think I’ll go ahead and give it four.

mnboyer's review against another edition

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I loved this and was so excited to find Jasinda Wilder in a sea of otherwise "bleh" erotic romance novelists.

The plot follows the "billionaire falls for a regular, broke ass girl" story line, which actually is NOT my favorite because it paints a world where people that are into erotic sex have to be set up on a power dynamic. Is there not a man out there who isn't a billionaire that knows how to show a lady a good time in bed? Ya'll can argue this later. But...a broke girl begins getting checks from an anonymous source, 120,000$ in total, and then a knock on her door happens 12 months in and she's wisked away to be "owned" by someone. The :"owning" and "buying" of a woman bothers me a half a star disappeared here.

But eventually we end up with some steamy, steamy scenes that are worth a solid 4 stars.

I just wish that this book pulled away from some of the cliches and weirdness. You cannot really "buy" a woman and to do so STILL bothers me. You're like well if you do not want to be my sex submissive then I guess I want my $120,000 (which I know you don't have nor could ever get) back so choices choices. *cringe* And later we find out there's some MURDER that has taken place and we're supposed to think "Well, sure, he's a murderer but think about the orgasms!" Yeah. Let's step away from the creepy dark ledges people.