whatsheread's review

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A fitting self-help novel to round out my hellish year. I can’t say I learned much, as it is very much geared towards working mothers of younger children, and I am not that. It did confirm some things about my work situation about which I was already taking action. I found most of what Ms. Turner has to say as nothing more than common sense, but sometimes you need to hear it from someone else. Being a working mother is difficult, and if this is a book that can help you, then I suggest you read it for the chance to assess your values and goals and find ways to make motherhood a bit easier.

jill_rey's review

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Stretched Too Thin is the “self-help” book every female needs! I don’t care if you are a mother or childless, spouse or single, home owner or living with your parents - Turner offers sage advice, relatable experiences and achievable solutions. From friendship to self-care, work, parenting and home every page had me nodding my head in agreement and jotting down notes for positive changes to make in my own life. Anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed or guilty will relate to this book.

As a working female, or adult in general, I often feel overwhelmed in all that needs to be accomplished and the minimal hours in my day. I feel frustrated that many of the books I read on overwhelmed feelings offer stories with no solutions or workable advice. Stretched Too Thin provides relatable experiences and attainable action items to better yourself. It also provides important reminders that every human needs to hear again and again. Each chapter wraps up with several pages of prompts and activities to help the reader both become self-aware and resolve the concepts broached in each chapter.

This is absolutely a book I will be picking up again and again! For any female, mother, adult or employee, do yourself a favor and read this book.

For the full review visit: https://fortheloveofthepageblog.wordpress.com/

*Disclaimer: A review copy of this book was provided by the publisher; all opinions are my own.

booknerdbobbie's review against another edition

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I read this in one sitting! I loved The Fringe Hours by Jessica and actually took her advice to heart. It'll be no different here. There's a lot of mom guilt in my life, especially since I work full-time with 3 kids. But I'm glad I work full-time and help provide for my family. It's been a blessing!

This is the book for you if you want to take a step back to help you not feel overwhelmed being a working mom.

*I received a review copy from author and publisher for my honest review.

blueeyedshook's review against another edition

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Inspiring book that touches on so many of the struggles of working moms. Being a work-at-home mom on a part-time basis, so much of this book connected with me. Most specifically the self-care section. We have a tendency to put ourselves last place, waiting until the last possible second to take care of ourselves, and when we don't, we often carry huge loads of mom guilty for putting ourselves first. I learned this important lesson firsthand last year when my body declared that it was time for me to rest, resulting in surgery. And I often wonder if that could have been prevented if I'd taken the time to rest along the way and care for myself on a regular basis.
Jessica Turner gives wonderful and practical suggestions on ways to implement self-care, not just physically but spiritually and mentally as well.
I found the chapters on family time and spouse time also great reminders.
While some sections didn't apply to me as much since I work-at-home, I know the pages hold great wisdom for other moms. However, the one negative I felt was that her view on flexible work hours for moms was short-sided. For example, she makes a huge point to find a work environment that offers flexible hours. However, so many working moms are teachers or nurses that don't have much control over their hours and certainly would not be able to request flexibility in those hours. Not everyone has a office job. I wouldn't even mention it if it wasn't such a large section. Thankfully I have complete flexibility in my own job, but most of my friends who work do not.
That being said, I highly recommend this book to all moms. Even stay-at-home would find value in the pages of this book!
I was apart of the launch team for this book, and was giving the audiobook from the publisher. The audiobook is great. The author reads it herself and even adlibs periodically! Her personality really comes through in the audio, and I'm also looking forward the hard copy so that I can go through and journal all the reflective questions and highlight galore!

dlmiddle's review against another edition

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This book is absolutely phenomenal and a must read for working moms (and honestly all moms). I am not a traditional working mom - I am a Reservist that does not have a civilian career, so stay at home with my kids 94% of the time but found Jessica's book to be so encouraging. She addresses mom guilt and gives practical tips. My favorite chapter was probably her chapter on friendship and community - things that we all need. I had the opportunity to listen to the audio book, which was read by the author and included little tidbits that are not in the print version. We all go through seasons in our lives where we are stretched too thin. This book is just what you need in the midst of those season. I highly recommend it to any and all working moms.

I received the audio book from the publisher as part of the launch team.