
Catch a Tiger by the Tail by Charlie Cochet

juz's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional funny medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


bronwynheeley's review

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The end was a little mean 😝 - 4.5, this was my fav one so far

kaitlin_durante's review

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Calvin and Ethan also made me very happy.
They needed this story to finally push them into officially being together.
Calvin being the team sniper didn't really click for me until this book where I was like damn his job is not easy. He may not be the Therian in their duo but make no mistake that his job isn't taxing.

April 2021 Re-read... Cal and Ethan again made me so happy.
Ethan being able to reach just a little further out to his family was just wonderful.
Him and Cal together <3 <3 <3

teresab78's review

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****Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance®****

Story Review:

The THIRDS series is always a winner and Catch a Tiger by the Tail is a great addition. I loved seeing Calvin and Hobbs together. Getting to hear their inner thoughts was a treat.

We still get tons of Dex and Sloan, who are still my favourite couple. However, tigers have always had a spot in my heart and Ethan Hobbs is there too. It was enlightening and heartbreaking to hear his thoughts as his selective mutism prevent us from knowing much about him. Hearing both his and Calvin’s backstory added so much to the series.

The action parts were suspenseful and the rest was laden with humour. The story was well paced and engaging.

The ending left me on tenterhooks and I can’t wait for the next book to be out! How I hate cliffhangers! Don’t let that dissuade you from reading this though. It was worth it.
Narration Review:

I really like Mark Westfield’s performance in this series. I wasn’t as enamoured by Hobbs voice though as it sounded quite whiney at times. I love, though, that I can tell all the characters apart and I could even tell that this wasn’t a Dex and Sloan book just by the general narration. The different POV stayed true to the character’s voice.

Prism Book Alliance®

nancybennett394's review against another edition

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emotional lighthearted reflective relaxing fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


haletostilinski1's review

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So I thought the last one would be the filler book, but then it wasn't. But this? This was basically filler, except for the end that makes you go


And for the most part I kinda loved that about this book. There wasn't complete danger and craziness at every turn, there were relaxing moments where we got to see our faves just be and see them having fun and reading some funny moments - this series always manages to make me laugh, and I love that about it.

Plus, Calvin and Ethan were a pretty strong couple. They were about on par with Ash and Cael for me, as in I liked them a lot, they were enjoyable and sweet (and also pretty hot) but they still aren't like Dex and Sloane for me, they still didn't grab at me like they do. And I found myself relishing more in the few Dex/Sloane tidbits we got more than I was relishing in Calvin and Ethan. Not to say I didn't enjoy them together, but I didn't love them together, is all I'm saying.

And I tagged this as both happy ending and a cliffhanger because Calvin and Ethan get their happy ending, they get together and are pretty damn solid, but what happens in the end is setting up the next book, which goes back to Dex and Sloane (i'm so freaking excited, I've mostly just wanted to get back to these two, even as I have been enjoying the break from them as well with two lovely couples).

It also starts the set up of book 9, which I did see is Seb and Hudson's book, as big stuff happens with them in this even though they aren't the main focus.

So, if I enjoyed this as much as Ash and Cael's story, then why am I not also giving it 4.5 stars? Well, because of the discourse that happens in this book that made me slightly uncomfortable.

Because even though this is dealing with humans and therians, what happens with Calvin is obviously an allusion to racism in America and racial prejudices POC face, and suddenly a debate on police violence was happening through the events of a paranormal novel. Because Calvin kills a (hispanic) man who has hostages, killed someone, and was about to kill someone else when he killed him, but the man's wife isn't given all the facts, and the media manipulates the story so that people are outraged with Calvin and the THIRDS in general (the wife even refers to Calvin as a "THIRDS pig" which is so blatant I was like woahhh okay) and there is a protest. This is so similar to what has been happening today, but only in a paranormal lens. I think the book tries to be sympathetic to both, but it kind of feels a little like...well, because we're dealing with the Destructive Delta team, it has to be sympathetic towards them, and it came out looking like the wife and the protesters were in the wrong, because they didn't know the facts.

Which, the outcome with what happens is a lot better then what happens in real life, and of course our heroes end up being way better than any real cop in these situations ever turns out to be, but I was a little like...okay, this is pretty blatant commentary about real world issues and it makes real life cops who murder unarmed black people look a little more sympathetic, even if it doesn't mean to be because the situation with Calvin is completely different to real life situations, and it was warranted, but it still...made me a little uncomfortable, especially with how the family of the man was portrayed. idk idk, it just bothered me overall. Because in a story that is mostly filler and getting Calvin and Ethan together, I don't know if that sudden discourse in the middle was needed, ya know?

And the story does not outright say "you should side with cops because they're needed" buttt at times it kinda felt like it to me. The situation in this book is not the exact same as in real life, but the discourse that happened because of it felt a lot like debates happening in real life and I just...didn't think it needed to be in here. And who the fuck knows, maybe the author didn't intend for it to come off that way and wasn't thinking of todays political climate, but that's how it came off to me, anyhow.

Anyway, enough of that, it wasn't detrimental to my overall enjoyment of the book, and I think it should be read if nothing else for the funny moments and the sweet moments - there's this one super sweet moment between Calvin and Ethan that just made me go "awww." Also, super hot sex ;)

jess_theinkspell's review against another edition

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Ma WTF?! Cos'è 'sto cliffhanger da paura? Datemi il seguitooooooooooooooo

Voi ce l'avete un comfort book?
Un libro, o magari un autore, che vi tenete per i momenti difficili? Che sapete che (ri)leggendo sicuramente starete bene?
Per me, il mio confort book, è la serie Thirds. Ma è più di un libro, direte voi. Eh sì, mi piace esagerare. Mi piace poter scegliere tra risate (1 e 2), dolcezza (5 e 6) e seriosità (3 e 4). Mi piace sapere che questa autrice è in grado di avvolgermi come la mia coperta preferita e farmi stare al caldo.

Arrivando da un volume cinque bello, ma che non mi aveva conquistata al cento per cento, (qui la recensione) ero un po' scettica a iniziare questo nuovo capitolo perché temevo di nuovo quella sensazione di insoddisfazione che i Thirds non mi hanno abituata a provare.
Ci sono volute circa due pagine perché mi rendessi conto che il ritmo della storia di Calvin e Hobbs era completamente diverso dal quella su Cael e Ash e la cosa non ha fatto altro che illuminarmi a giorno.
«Sei tu a definirti, Ethan. Non le tue medicine, non il mutismo né nessun altro. Tu.»
La trama è estremamente semplice, ma è il giusto ponte di collegamento nella pausa che la storia di Dex e Sloane sì è presa attraverso le storie degli altri elementi della squadra.
Rispetto al volume precedente, qui abbiamo più azione anche se sempre limitata. Esploriamo il ruolo di Calvin come cecchino e cosa comporta per lui questo ruolo sia come membro della Destructive Delta, sia come essere umano.
Dall'altro lato abbiamo Hobbs, una tigre teriana che però ha molto del cucciolotto. È impossibile non desiderare di abbracciarlo. I suoi problemi sono importanti e gli rendono la vita più difficile di quello che già normalmente è, eppure lui va avanti. Come? Grazie a Calvin ovviamente.
Non è solo una storia d'amore, è prima di tutto una storia di amicizia. Il rapporto fra i protagonisti è più profondo rispetto a quello degli altri componenti della squadra perché più vecchio, più radicato.
Certo Dex e Sloane non si battono e restano sempre i miei preferiti, ma Calvin e Hobbs si assicurano il secondo posto sul podio senza difficoltà.
La porta si chiuse, e Ethan gettò le mani in aria. «Già, non posso abbassare la guardia per un minuto. Quei due non riescono a togliersi le mani di dosso. È stupefacente che escano di casa tutte le mattine.»
Calvin fece spallucce prima di andare verso il muro di scatole. «È piuttosto dolce, però. Voglio dire, amare qualcuno così tanto da non riuscire a non toccarlo quando ti è vicino, volerlo sempre tra le tue braccia. Come se sia doloroso stare lontano l’uno dall’altro. Sono fortunati.»
Tra l'altro, una cosa che ho apprezzato tantissimo è la costante presenza della squadra. In "Contro ogni logica" la storia è girata quasi interamente intorno ad Ash e Cael. Sì, Dex era presente perché in quanto fratello di Cael era inevitabile, ma qui ci sono proprio tutti e inevitabilmente non mancano le scene che fanno piegare dal ridere.
Tipo quella della scatola.
Voglio il cartaceo solo per poter rileggere quella scena ogni volta che mi gira.
In più viene introdotta in maniera molto più esplicita la relazione fra l'altro Hobbs (Seb) e Hudson e ammetto di non vedere l'ora di poter leggere anche di loro.
Ma prima... prima devo assolutamente avere tra le mani il settimo volume perché accidenti alla Cochet (no, non è vero, vivi altri cent'anni, donna!) non può chiudere un libro con un cliffhanger del genere.
La gente sta male poi. Ho l'ansia adesso.
«Ottomila agenti nel quartier generale, e voi ragazzi dovete frequentarvi l’un l’altro. Do la colpa a Dex.»
Ethan lo guardò inarcando un sopracciglio.
«Se succede qualcosa di pazzesco, guarda caso quel ragazzo è nei paraggi. E diffonde la pazzia. Ma dannazione, gli voglio bene. Anche se ha trasformato la mia squadra in un grosso festival hippie dell’amore. Posso offrirti qualche consiglio? Da un tizio che ha due figli con dei fidanzati emotivamente sottosviluppati? Più a lungo provi a ignorare la cosa, più gli farai del male. Le cose sono cambiate. Non puoi tornare a come erano prima. E di sicuro non puoi permettere che ciò ostacoli la vostra prestazione, o la Sparks ve la farà pagare.»

jamiesbookaddiction's review against another edition

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This book was kind of like Cael and Ash's book. It was ok, but really this series is Sloane and Dex for me.

I really do wish maybe there was a little more background or detail on this selective mutism that Ethan has. It keeps getting mentioned, but I'm not sure it's been completely described. I was sad to hear what is going on with Rafe. It makes sense a little more why he's angry all the time. But it was a little hard to believe that Seth or Ethan never really paid attention for all those years to truly see what was going on.

Calvin was Calvin. He's sweet, patient, and loyal to his family.

This one ends on a doozy of a cliff-hanger. Man, I didn't see that coming, although maybe I should've, considering how they've all ended somewhat cliffy so far.

jacqueleenthereadingqueen's review against another edition

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Oh Ethan Hobbs... my sweet sweet Ethan. I've been waiting for you and so has Calvin. Finally we get to see the man behind the mutism. The man Calvin has protected and loved his whole life.

Very little angst in this book which was quickly overcome. These two MCs have been friends their whole lives so switching to lovers, especially for Ethan and his anxieties, is a bit of a hurdle. There was never any doubt these two cared deeply for each other. Even from book 1 in the THIRDS series you just knew.

I loved being inside Ethans head. As a man of few words he has plenty of thoughts. He's an all around sweet and kind person. Calvin is a saint. He is patient and perfect for Ethan. He too is also learning new things. He realises its okay for him to lean on Hobbs. He can't always protect him from everything.

And the ending . .. oh snap did not see that coming!

oliviak_31's review

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emotional slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
