
Hunting Kat by Kelley Armstrong

hemloc's review

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Three reasons to read Hunting Kat:

1) After reading Cassandra's POV short stories, I wasn't convinced I wanted a vampire lead character, but Kat changed my mind. She features in only two very short stories yet I feel like I know her as well as the other characters in this series.

2) As usual with Kelley Armstrong's work, the story is well written, easy and pleasant to read.

3) Kat has only recently become a vampire. Seeing her get used to that is hugely enjoyable.

One drawback to Hunting Kat:

1) Kat's two stories are fairly similar to the Darkest Powers and Darkness Rising book. A genetically modified supernatural teen is on the run from the Edison Group. Each story differs in big ways, but that's the general idea. It would have been nice to see something different.

bookwyrmknits's review

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Fun short story in the Darkest Powers universe. I don’t remember the main series well enough to know if Kat and company show up anywhere else, but I hope so. I’d like to see more of her story at some point.

adinda97's review

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This was short story, I did really enjoyed it. In the beginning it was a bit strange, but the end was very good. Maria V. Snyder is one of my favorite writers.

blz22's review

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This was short story, I did really enjoyed it. In the beginning it was a bit strange, but the end was very good. Maria V. Snyder is one of my favorite writers.

julaliciousbookparadise's review

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review to come.

kaixxx's review

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I didn't enjoy this series finding it was way too short. I loved Kat and loved finding out about another experiment on the run. The only problem was that the story just ended. I think the story could have been longer so we could find out what happened to her next. I hope that another story will come out about Kat, where she could possibly meet the others from the darkest powers and darkness rising series. Do not think I will read this again as it makes me slightly annoyed how it ends. xxx

nagia's review

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In a nut shell, loved it!!

I really-really like Kat, I liked her from the start.

Now I like Neil too, he sort of reminded me of Carlos. :D

Kelley tried to squeeze too much information and action in this short story but I lapped it up all the same.

Now I need at least a novel from Kat'a POV, with a lot of Neil!!

Ow!! It's going to be great!! And I can really see Kat and Neil fitting in nicely with Chloe, Derek, Tori and Simon.

a_h_haga's review

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So I'm still on an Armstrong-high, and so I'm glad I have some short stories of her's lying around.
I honestly didn't remember much about this story, and I avoided reading up on it before reading it, so I would be surprised. I'd even forgotten it was about vampires.

Unfortunatly, I'm not as blown away by this story as I was the first time I read it.
It's ok, but not more than that, unfortunatly. That said, Armstrong clearly knows her characters and manage to introduce them clearly in just a 40-page short, which is impressive.

New rating: 3/5 stars
This review is written on my phone, so please look away from any stupid writing errors!

So while Arnstrongs "darkest power" series wasn't really for me when I read it, I'm interested in the Edison Group. I want to know more about their other experiments, and about how they operate.
Therefor this novella was a welcome story for me!
This is set pre—story (before the series) and is about a girl from one of said experiments. But in this one they messed with vampire genes.
Its just a really short story with a new character, giving a litte tease of Armstrongs vampires. While I normally don't care mych for vampires, I find these interesting, and wish Armstrong would write a full book from one of theirs POV — maybe Zoe from WotO?

But yes, a well written short story, hinting at the rest of the series. Interesting characters and developments

Original rating: 5/5 stars

leahcoynee's review

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Too Bad it was so short, but loved it anyway!

lpcoolgirl's review

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Great short story, loved reading about Kat as a vampire, and yeah, just really enjoyed it!

*First read January 1st 2011*
Awesome short story! Lvoed reading it!