
Love in Rewind by Tali Alexander

divinefolly's review

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If I could have skipped the first third of this book I would have adored this book with my whole heart. I could have done without Emily being a naive, insecure douche nugget. One thing I hate seeing in books (or any form of media) is slut shaming - whether it be yourself or others. I don't like having that message out there that you are "slut" or "whore" because you performed sexual acts and enjoyed it. I am just incredibly happy that the character shows growth.

I loved loved loved the idea that Emily and her bestie have a secret code where they talk to each other in 80s song lyrics! I even understood most of the references. Thanks parents!

I also really praise Tali for writing a lead male character that seems to be in tune with his emotional side and isn't completely f***ed in the head, although he is kind of crude.

A good first novel. Can't wait to see what else she writes :)

jade's review

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Need you Tonight - INXS, followed by Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen and finishing with Don't You Want Me - The Human League

Love in Rewind focuses on the story of a girl, Emily, straight out of high school, trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up. While she figures it out, she begins working with her sister's event company as a waitress when who should she bump into but hot, successful billionaire Louis who she can't seem to get out of her head. Her friend Sara and her use 80s song titles as a a secret code, Emily has a lovely family and somehow this story, while being clichéd, doesn't come across that way.

I really enjoyed the extra touches and I liked that the book started when Emily and Louis had already been married 10 years or so and they have started to go through a rough patch, so Emily goes through her memories of how they met.

From being so into each other to the present day situation, I was hooked and had to keep reading to see what went wrong.

My only complaint and why I gave only four stars is how silly Emily reacts towards a situation at the end. Come on girl, you are smarter than that!

Lots of room for the next book to explore a new relationship - I'm hoping between Will and Sara and I'm intrigued to know how events from the first will be tied up in the second.

Definitely recommend as a light, sexy, fun read.

gerireads's review

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I love the marriage in peril trope, and this book was based on that premise. I thought this book would give me all the feels.

I was wrong.

I could not stand the cheesiness and the flowery prose and dialogue. It was too much. The way the author used songs and incorporated them into the dialogue was just...errggh, cheesy and odd. Like no one does that ever. I don't care if you're sooooooo in love. No one quotes lyrics of their favorite songs to each other in their everyday conversation. Just no.

The conflict was also disappointing. It was all a BIG MISUNDERSTANDING, folks! And it wasn't even well executed. It was just predictable and cheesy.

Don't even get me started on the dialogue. Aside from the cheesy songs, the characters talk like robots forced to recite horrible poetry to each other especially during sex. It wasn't sexy. It was cringey.

"My tongue needs to taste your pussy, which I'm sure is dripping wet for me. If you leave me right now I'll need to go home, take my pants off, and suck them dry, until I get every ounce of wetness you left behind."

"We were inseparable, insatiable and omnivorous, sharing ourselves with no one but each other."

I really don't need the hero or heroine reciting or making declarations during sexy times. I don't need a play by play. Really don't. I feel like the only words that should come out of their mouths would be, "Harder!" "Faster!" Or "I'm coming!" And nothing else!

The only reason I didn't DNF was i wanted to know what the conflict was about. In hindsight, I wish I just DNF this in the first place.

ARC provided by Netgalley

jlinhart's review

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4 1/2 stars

Love in Rewind: The Complete Series is 3 full length books: Love in Rewind, Lies in Rewind and Lost in Rewind

Love in Rewind is Emily's Story. Emily and her best friend Sara have been friends since they were little and they communicate all the major events in their lives using 80's song titles and lyrics. Emily is the more prudish of the two, Sara the more outgoing and flirty yet they get along with each other and have each others backs.

Emily is an 18 year high school student who comes across an older man, Louis, as she is helping waitress an event her sister's company is catering. Emily immediately falls for this guy whom she later finds out is the "King of NY". He actually owns the company that hires Emily's sister's catering company. He too is completely taken with this girl who worked his event and he is doing whatever he can to get close to her.

I think out of all 3 books this one was my favorite. There was real raw, intense passion between the two of them. Louis was my favorite type of book boyfriend...dirty talking, completely intense, yet utterly devoted to Emily. Maybe my only part I didn't like was there was quite a bit of miscommunication and that is not really my favorite way to invoke angst, but it was a great book nonetheless

Lies in Rewind is Sara's book. Holy heck you get to learn a lot about Sara that you never knew from Love and as the title says it is Lies in Rewind so guess what it's about. Sara's book it a bit of an emotional roller coaster with lot's of sexual frustration and it will break your heart a bit as well. I kind of feel like there isn't much I can say without giving a lot a way.

Lost in Rewind is Jeff's story and to be honest I wasn't a fan of Jeff and I was like really how am I going to like the book of Jeff. Well that is where a really good author and story teller can really get you. They can make you pretty much hate a character in one book and have you rooting for them in another. That's exactly what Tali Alexander did here. This was much more a story of fate and pre-destiny. It was really really very interesting and oddly completely different from the other two. You will really get to see who Jeff really is and what his life and his motive really were.

In both books 2 and 3 I did a good deal of crying. Not gonna lie, I hate crying. I kind of avoid books that will make me cry. But that doesn't mean these weren't great books, just be prepared if you have a soft heart to have a kleenex or two handy.

My only negative in all books was there is a lot and I mean a lot of internal dialog. I am a bit more of a fan of external dialog, but again that is just a personal preference on my part. These are very well written books and the story lines are different from your usual so I think a lot of people will enjoy reading this box set.

Even though each book is about a different character they must be read in order to make any sense.