
Le Baiser de l'Ange Tome 3 by Elizabeth Chandler

kknudsen3's review against another edition

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The story line over three books honestly could be 1 book.

oceanweeks's review against another edition

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So, I read all three of these books super fast and forgot to track my progress on GR, which is super weird for me but yeah.

jugiacobelli's review against another edition

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Ok, this one is the best of the 3, buuuuut... I can't give it more than 3 stars because there's no character development. I finished the books without a clue of what Ivy's, or Will's, or Philip's personalities are like. And I miss that, because I tend to get attatched to characters. In this series, I just couldn't get attatched to anyone. Plain characters, poor development.

The only "good" thing is the roller coaster of emotions, and because of that, Soulmates is better than the first 2 books.

Still... it's a poor series. It's those kind of books that I ask myself: How the hell did this become a bestseller? O_O

But, who am I to judge? LOL

Anyways, just read this series because I had to. I hope book 4 is the last one, because I really don't wanna read more >

yanina_daniele's review against another edition

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Re lectura de este libro para el reto Saga del foro The guardians, vamos que me faltan 3 más para antes de fin de año jajaja

Continuamos con la historia de Ivy, al fin ha recordado lo que ocurrió en el "accidente" donde Tristan perdió la vida y al fin ha recuperado su fe en los ángeles pero... el peligro está aún más cerca y víctimas inocentes mueren en el camino.

Lo malo de la re lectura es que ya sabes que va a pasar y sientes la impotencia de no poder intervenir y cambiar las cosas ...
SpoilerElla la gatita... LPM que final más horrible, se sabía que iba a terminar mal, pero porqué corno Ivy no la llevo a casa de Beth o de los padres de Tristan donde estuviera a salvo =(

Un personaje que se me hizo insufrible fue Suzanne, mina panqueque, cegada por el novio, histérica y egocéntrica me sacó de quicio.
SpoilerPeor me cayó que se reconciliara con Ivy, para mi no se merecía el perdón.

Un final que deja las puertas abiertas para que algo más suceda aunque pareciera que todo ha terminado... pero... son 6 libros, faltan 3 más jijijiji

delvie's review against another edition

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The ending was very sweet and satisfying. I binged this whole trilogy in about a week in middle school, and while I doubt I'd like it now, I can appreciate it for what it was to me back then.

nyx1801's review against another edition

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I'm Almost to the end of the book and it is dragging out slower than I would prefer. And... Demons??? Where did they come from???

dany_cp03's review against another edition

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I'm so happy Goodreads exists. Without it I wouldn't be able to find so many good books!!! So thank you :):):):)

Kissed by an angel was a really good book. I enjoyed it very much, so.. If you're looking for a book with romance, mystery and guardian angels, this is it :).

The story was really interesting and different, the romance was the right amount of heartbreaking and lovely, although I thought we could've read a little more of Tristan and Ivy as a couple. The mystery was really good, I had so many theories of what was going on, but then something happened and I had to change my theory (again). So that was fun. There were so many possibilities and the author played them well.

The characters were amazing, everyone played their part pretty well so that added a lot to the mystery. There was a good development of the characters. Tristan (I just loved him and felt so bad for him) was the sweetest, you could see how desperately in love he was with Ivy, and I liked her (sometimes, not always), you could feel her sadness and I think that was what made her take some crapy decisions (at least that's what I'm telling myself haha). Oh and I adooooored Phillip.

And I can finally say I'm ok with 'the other guy' :) and that is BIG, since I don't usually (and when I say usually I mean NEVER) like the other guy haha.

debrasbookcafe's review against another edition

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For a more detailed review, please check out my review below:

Debra's Book Cafe

Debs :-)