
Totengabe by Chelsea Cain

librarylove4eva's review against another edition

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**Spoiler Alert** I wish there were half and quarter stars! This is a solid 3.75. I really liked it, but. Susan was WAY more whiny than usual. Unpleasantly so. Archie feels even more ineffectual than usual. Gretchen is kind of disgusting and she escapes. Just shoot her already, Detective Sheridan! By the way, I would never live in Portland - too many serial killers!!!

On the other hand, the plot lines concerning the other killer are knuckle- bitingly interesting and the inevitable collapse of the Leo/Susan thing was done well. Not really a 4, but closer to a 4 than a 3.

ramseyhootman's review against another edition

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Another fantastic installment in the Archie/Gretchen series. Devoured it all too quickly during many middle-of-the-night feedings with my newborn. Deliciously weird, hilarious, creepy, and, let's face it, kinda kinky. And I'm cool with that.

Realized part of why I love Cain's writing so much is that she accomplishes almost everything via descriptions of physical objects. It's odd, but it works. She uses people's attire, their attention to physical surroundings, and their personal belongings to accomplish a ton of character building. She never needs to tell you what people are feeling, because you understand it from observation alone. Really unique and skillful. Love it.


chelz286's review against another edition

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Gretchen Lowell once again out does her self from the other books in this series! I can't wait until the next one comes out to see where things go from where they have left off at the end of this one.

anthroxagorus's review against another edition

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I think there's a good reason why the first three books are considered best sellers, while the rest were just okay. Because they didn't sell what we were after - Gretchen/Archie goodness. My heart lifted in that brief moment she was trying to play detective with him in Let Me Go and with all the... intimate scenes and just any time she tries to help him OH MY HEART. Otherwise, shit, yeah, I like the characters, and I'd still read more with them... but I just want Gretchen???

I just love that they were exploring themselves in their relationship. Archie and his wife weren't a good fit, Gretchen was experimenting with her own feelings, her sexuality, maybe testing the idea of BEING in a relationship. Maybe she tortured Archie because it was too much? Maybe she needed him to see her worst side? God, it hurts my heart because they really seemed to have something genuine.

However! I think the ending is fitting and ends as it "should." Which is massively boring in fiction! I've been thriving on Archie's pain! I want him to be in pain! Angst! LUST!! But throughout the series, he just got... better. (Yawn)

But how is the story even over?!?!

I want Gretchen becoming a detective with Archie, I want their relationship to continue, as problematic and unrealistic that plot would have been. But it's fiction. And it could have happened. And I want it so badly. (Probs something similar to Hannibal and Will's relationship in Bryan Fuller's show)

Instead Archie got with Susan. (Eye-roll) I'm not even sure how we are to believe that he's truly over Gretchen at the end. What has actually changed? He remembered she was a psycho? That's not really news. Was it because the secret finally came out to the team about the affair? However, it's probably over for Gretchen, who saw how desperately in like Archie was for Susan.

Boil down the book and it's about a really shitty break-up... with murder in the mix

Below, I started writing fanfiction of sorts so lol I've been up for 16 hours enjoy vvvv

"Never would have worked out, darling," she would think. She'd kill, of course she would, measuring how to sign her work so not to signal Archie Sheridan - Detective Archie Sheridan - to draw him to her and disrupt his life again. She's afraid he may not come at all, so she avoids hearts, she side-steps her old patterns. She blends into the crowd.

octavia_cade's review against another edition

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The last in the series, perhaps - the story doesn't seem to be over, but it's been a number of years now and no sign of continuance, so I think stick a fork in it, it's done. And honestly, it should be, as it simply can't get over the fundamental problem at the centre of the text. Cain is certainly proficient at tension, and this was an entertaining enough read, but despite Archie's brief surfacing into the heady realms of common sense in book #5, he's as irritating as ever in this one. When everyone around you, even the bad guys, are saying of Gretchen Lowell "put a bullet in her head," it's deeply, deeply irritating to find him prevaricating, still.

Honestly, the high point of this book is when Susan rips Archie a new one for his flip-flopping, and his inability to be honest with the rest of the investigative team, and how deeply his compromised integrity has cost them. About goddamned time, I thought, and was sincerely hoping that now the scales have fallen from her eyes Susan would distance herself from this disaster of a protagonist. Alas, it seems that she's as stupid as he is. Why either she or Gretchen are so obsessed with Archie I don't know. Honestly, this series should have ended with his death. I've no sympathy for him.

linwendlandt11's review against another edition

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4.5 stars!

I can't believe this is the last book in the series! I am not ready for this to end. Although, I actually found out recently that she is apparently writing a 7th book for the series, Faint of Heart, but no word yet on when the book will be published. I hope soon though! I need moreeee. I kept wanting to put off this book to make it last while also wanting to just devour it, especially after the cliffhanger plotlines from Kill You Twice.

Gretchen is back and playing more games than ever. She still watches over Archie from afar (and nearer than you think) and every scene with her in it is gold! She screws with Archie in more ways than one and even though Archie still hates her, he knows their relationship is still too twisted and intertwined to ever be truly free of her. The final third of the book is action-packed and had me biting my nails. I will say there are some slightly unbelievable things Gretchen does that are clearly there for plot reasons Spoiler I mean, all of a sudden she's a tech expert who can hack into everyone's computers and knows all that stuff? It would be more believable if it had been shown in the previous books. But that's just a small critique! Overall though, Gretchen remains a compelling and fascinating character! 

Archie and Susan's relationship continues to grow and expand in this book and we finally see things come to a head between them! I love how Susan continues to weasel her way into Archie's life and is so persistent. 

Overall, I absolutely love this series and I am so excited I bought the whole series in print as I will definitively be re-reading it sometime in the future! Cain writes great psychological gory thrillers and I will just have to wait patiently until the next installment.

jenndmitis's review against another edition

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Love these books. The whole series has been exciting and gruesome all at once. This one was no exception. I can't wait to see where things start off in the next book.

quinnster's review against another edition

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I love how freaking bad ass Susan has become. How grown up and amazingly tough she is now without losing her humor or vulnerability. And Archie, well's simply amazing that he has survived as long as he has. It is unbelievable that his body can take so much trauma and still be here. Of course, it is the true earmark of fiction. It's crazy and heart-pounding. It doesn't matter how vicious or evil she gets, I always find myself rooting for Gretchen. Thinking it about it this time I realized that's probably why I love Alice on Luther so much. She is how I picture Gretchen even though they're not described physically similar at all!

We've delved deeper into the world that has already been laid out before us before, but not really examined this way. Most of our time is spent on the island where Jack, Leo's father and the father of one of the Beauty Killer's victims lives and conducts the business that Leo is trying to bring down. A glamorous party brings all the player to the island and Archie finds himself in quite over his head.

Gretchen is still out there, in the shadows, but she won't stay hidden for much longer.

petra_reads's review against another edition

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Absolutely brilliant! Going to miss these characters. Hope there'll be another one at some stage in the future?!

emmasbookishself's review against another edition

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My expectations for this book were not met. Between the description and the reviews, this should have been a book I loved. I think the author was more focused on the explicit content than the actual story-line. The explicit content was an important part of the story-line, however I wish the rest of the book had that same attention. I don’t think I’d read another of Cain’s books, unfortunately.