
One Broke Girl by Rhonda Helms

kimching232's review

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I received a copy of this book from Xpresso Book Tours for the review opportunity in exchange for an honest review. This, in no way, will affect my review of the book.

Reading the synopsis of One Broke Girl, I did not expect much from it, but I figured that I will at least enjoy the story, so I requested it. I did not expect how much I would love it and would learn from it! I am definitely happy that I gave this book a chance despite others' bad reviews on Goodreads.

One Broke Girl is about Anna, whose mom left their family and emptied the bank account. As a result, Anna and her dad has to move back Ohio, their hometown. Anna figured that she could get a good job and go back to New York as fast as possible, but she ends up working as a lunch lady instead. With a depressed dad who wouldn't find a job, everything seems to go wrong in Anna's life. But she reconnects with her childhood friend Natalie, who then introduced her to Bianca, and then she meets the charming kindergarten teacher, Gavin.

This book started out really great and continued to be great! Anna felt down at the start, but with Natalie and Bianca to cheer her up, she quickly got back on her own two feet. I loved Natalie and Bianca, who were the epitome of a true good friend. They never left Anna when she needed them the most, and even when she didn't need them, they were there. I loved Bianca's quirk and honesty, as it was refreshing to see that kind of personality. I loved how Anna changed from someone who looked down upon the janitors and lunch ladies, to working three jobs herself. I loved how Gavin was understanding, and I loved how their relationship progressed.

One Broke Girl was a short read, but it was a beautiful short read. Reading this book was humbling because I learned things about life as Anna learned them. Sure, we're not super ric h or anything, but I am able to live comfortably and have occasional shopping sprees like Anna used to. Anna's experience taught me so much, and her resilience in this journey taught me never to give up. I love how she learned, and I fully recommend everyone to read this one!

I was actually gonna give this one 4.5 stars, but I didn't like some parts near the end, so I'm giving it 4 stars!

bethestage's review

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It's a nice quick read but I struggled with liking the main character so that was a bummer. It was a good premise, but sort of fizzled in the delivery. It read a little bit like fanfic. Not bad, just nothing spectacular. I think this author has potential though, I'd give her another try.

reading_addict_lemon's review against another edition

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I received this book for a honest review! Thanks! :)

I know that the idea of this book is not original, but I wanted something easy to read, a cute story with nice characters, a not so twisted and rollercoaster plot - so I started this.

It was a nice, easy and short read, and kind of a mouth of fresh air. I think that is because of the writing style, you go so fast in the story and you feel the emotions, and you can easily sympathize with the characters. And even if this is a short book it wasn't rushed, or this is my opinion.

For what this book is - a romance, an easy read and with a little bit of moral, because Anna discovers that is not so easy to make money and survive, and leave by yourself, it was good. If you want something fast, short, sweet, then you can read this. If you want something more deep or powerful, then I advise you to try something else.

As I was saying I enjoyed the story and I liked the characters too, Anna and Gavin are nice, not amazing, but good, and they make a nice couple. This books is nice, but just nice, not amazing, special, deep or whatever, is just a summer read, an easy book, something that you can read fast, enjoy and all that.

So, if you want a book like this then grab it.

bethestage's review against another edition

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It's a nice quick read but I struggled with liking the main character so that was a bummer. It was a good premise, but sort of fizzled in the delivery. It read a little bit like fanfic. Not bad, just nothing spectacular. I think this author has potential though, I'd give her another try.

authorheatherw's review against another edition

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This was a short read with an interesting premise. I loved the idea of the main character going from riches to rags and discovering her self along the way. Although there were some cute moments, I think the length of the story didn’t allow me to form enough of a connection to the main characters.

Anna had a lot of growth during the novel. I liked how she changed for the better. It would’ve been interesting to read more about what she was like before her mom left. I think it could’ve helped to better understand what she was going through. If the book started at an earlier point, it would have made me understand her relationship with Steven and why she was torn up about potentially ending things with him.

Gavin was a cutie and I definitely loved him as a potential love interest (he’s a kindergarten teacher, such a swoony job). My favorite parts of the book were Anna’s run ins with Gavin and how much he flustered her. Anna’s budding friendships with Bianca and Natalie was also a strong plot point.

Overall, I liked One Broke Girl, but would’ve preferred more conflict and development. I think this book is the start of the series, so hopefully future books will let readers get to know the characters better.

Rating: 3/5 Stars

I received a complimentary copy of One Broke Girl for review.