
Imperial Stout by Layla Reyne

ktomp17's review against another edition

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I absolutely loved this book! This is a spin off of another series, and I haven’t read that one before starting here. It wasn’t necessary really to understand the story, but boy do I want to read it now. The characters all around were amazing, and I’d love to see how they got to this place here.

This book focused on Cam the kidnap and rescue FBI Agent and Nic the prosecutor as they navigated a huge heist gone bad. The story was really interesting and intriguing, and I loved every minute of it. There is an unresolved story arc that appears will carry to book 2, and I really want to know what happens next. Loved this and I love the cover.

I am voluntarily reviewing an ARC provided by LesCourt Author Services

clak5686's review against another edition

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We met Dominic Price who is an Assistant ADA for Northern California and Cameron Byrne who is an FBI ASAC in the Agents Irish and Whiskey series. Nic and Cam have been circling each other for awhile. In this book that finally moves forward. We also get the backstory for each man. Both with heartbreaking histories. Cam agrees to go undercover when one of Nic's confidential informants is kidnapped. The assignment brings back some really horrible memories for him. But, Nic tells him he will help him stay grounded. I enjoyed the story which was very intricate and the relationship development.

isalaur's review against another edition

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Loved this spin off series opener!

Was a big fan of the Irish and Whiskey books and finally got around to starting this follow up series. And what a lifesaver it was after starting and abandoning three other books which just didn’t make me care enough about the MCs or the story by 25% in. (Thanks my cut many books, so little time to waste!) This book grabbed me pretty much from the first page.

Reyne’s writing is superb. Her character builds are slow to develop building suspense, curiosity and buy in. The dual mysteries, one of which will clearly be a multi book story arc, are interesting and well crafted. I guessed the big bad guy pretty quickly into the main suspense story but the build to the reveal was well done and thus enjoyable.

The romance between Cam and Nic is also a slow build with each having their reasons for holding back. The anticipation blends nicely with the rest of what is happening in the storyline. The culmination/takedown for the main suspense storyline is invigorating and emotional. One particular line related to the MCs hit me right in the gut.

The book is a winner and I’m diving right into book two.

cadiva's review against another edition

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I might even love these more than Irish and Whiskey ;)

Well that was just as good, if not even better, as an opener for this follow up to the Irish and Whiskey series.

Assistant Attorney Dominic and Aiden's number two - Jamie's best friend Cam - are even more alpha male than their fellow law enforcement colleagues and there's a slow burn with intense chemistry going on here.

Another really good plot, involving historical artefacts and a seriously twisted double crossing FBI plot sits alongside threats to Nic's life from his estranged father's actions.

As with the first series, the book's story wraps in this one, with the main narrative arc continuing through the series.

I'm loving it!

llamareads's review against another edition

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This is the first book in a spin-off series of Ms. Reyne’s Agents Irish & Whiskey. As such, I would not recommended reading this without reading the other series – it builds on the relationships and characters that were already introduced in the first series.

The beginnings of their relationship, and their underlying attraction, were already established in the Irish & Whiskey series, so we’re able to jump straight into angsty lust. And action! There’s no slow build to the plot, rather we’re thrown into the midst of the action.

“I wasn’t always Special Agent Cameron Byrne.”
“I didn’t expect you launched from your mother’s womb as such.”

Nic had been a Navy SEAL sniper before an injury sidelined him to JAG duty. Now he’s a US Attorney, and working closely with the newly transferred FBI agent Cam, a former kidnap and rescue expert who’s resettled in San Francisco (and dealing with just how dang expensive that city is!). A case gone sideways ends up with Cam having to relive his past by going undercover to solve the crime and protect a witness. Cam’s not the only one in danger, though – Nic’s estranged father has made some bad business deals and now goons are coming after him, too. With their current problems and their respective pasts crowding in on them, is there any room for something between them?

“Is this going to push you over the line? Break one rule, break them all?”[…]
“I broke the rules the minute I laid eyes on you, Dominic Price.”

I loved Cam from the previous series, and he lived up to my expectations in this one. Both main characters from the previous books had money, so it was nice to see the perspective of someone who’s got a decent job but still struggling to live in the SF Bay Area. Nic, I think, came off a lot more aloof in the other books, but seeing things from his perspective really made me warm up to him. While I think the chemistry between the two of them is excellent, it did feel like the book was more focused on the action and setting up the rest of the series than their romance, though what is there is pretty darn steamy. Like the previous series, there’s lots of sub-plots and secrets that are hinted at but not revealed in this book.

Overall, I thought this was an excellent start to the spin-off series, and I’m very much looking forward to the next one!

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

revg's review against another edition

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Ooo! Yet another hot couple from Layla Reyne!

amyaislin's review against another edition

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Yeah, so I loved this to pieces. Read it in one sitting on the flight home from vacation and I was so engrossed in the story that I didn't even notice we had turbulence until the captain told us lol.

I really enjoyed the Agents Irish & Whiskey series, but this was a step above in my opinion. You may have to suspend disbelief in some parts. I remember thinking, in a few parts, "Would this really happen?" But I don't even care because Cam and Nic are the glue that holds this story together. I loved them individually, but together they were utterly adorable and I can't wait for the next one in this series. Add in the supporting cast of familiar faces from the AIW series, and I just loved this so much. I want to re-read it all over again even though I just finished it. It was that good.

I love how Layla is able to weave in hints of backstory without giving us everything, keeping some information for the next books. She's sprinkled in just enough into this book to keep the reader interested and asking questions, but with enough detail that you sort of get the picture.

5-star read and highly recommended! I'm so glad I picked this up off the Book Swap table at the 2018 RT Booklovers Convention last week :)

mashara's review against another edition

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Fast passed and super hot

This book is an excellent addition to the Irish and Whiskey series. Absolutely enjoyable, even the horrible legal puns.
I got the next one straight away.

trinielf's review against another edition

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Ok this was a good start to Cam and Nic's series. I was pretty excited to read their book after reading and really enjoying the AIW series.

There's a lot going on in this one and i'll admit at times i was a bit lost/confused. I liked Cam and Nic together and whoo boy my fave part was definitely when Nic saw Cam in his undercover transformation (the thirst was real) BUT I felt that I wanted more of a build up for Nic and Cam??? I don't know I just felt like it was really sidelined to the action, which yes it's romantic suspense but I'm greedy ok? I just wanted more tension i think between the two! I felt like it was there in small doses but i didnt get that juicy tension that i wanted. which is obviously a me problem lol

Cam and Nic both have secrets in their past. Which was pretty intriguing, especially since we definitely didn't learn all of Nic's secrets. WHO TF IS GS???!! But those secrets are what will obviously have me hooked to read book 2 so I will be continuing with the series.

And i am braced for Cam looking into all this stuff with Nic's dad to come back and bite them in the ass (flashes back to things in the AIW series, side eyes author do not hurt my boys!! lol)

So i'll be here waiting for the next installment.
