
Being Brooke by Emma Hart

anasatticbookblog's review

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Being Brooke by Emma Hart

Romantic Comedy Standalone (another standalone is coming)
5+++++ Stars *Top Favorite*

OMG, how have I never read Emma Hart before? If Being Brooke is any indication of what all of her other books are like, I can kick myself for not reading her sooner. It's no secret that I love romantic comedies more than any other romance genre, but what is super important to me is loving the heroine in a book. I FUCKING LOVE BROOKE! She is a total hot mess. She is also my soulmate even though she is way younger than me. She kind of is me, but younger, funnier, prettier and a bit more of a mess than me. But you know what I mean, right? Thank God I have my husband for so long, because he loves 'rescuing' me, and I love letting him. :)

Let me start by saying that each chapter begins with a funny life tip. I love these!
LIFE TIP #5: A good haircut can change your life. So can online porn and masturbation.
LIFE TIP #18: Be honest. Always. Sometimes the reactions are surprising. Unless you killed your sister’s cat. Don’t be honest about that.

Now let me tell you, Brooke is not the person to be taking life tips from!
“My quirks? Like my inability to cook or unpack my things or work a vacuum without electrocuting myself?” I’m not saying I’ve done that, but I don’t think my left pointer finger has ever recovered from a certain incident a whole four days ago.
“Like the fact I’m always late, sometimes miss the back of my hair when I use my flat iron, or occasionally mix up my almost identical black flats?”

Brooke, Carly and Cain are best friends. Have been since they are kids. Except there is one problem. Brooke has been hopelessly in love with Cain for years. Everyone knows it but him. Even his plastic Barbie girlfriend knew enough to get mad whenever he would hang out with his best friend. But Brooke needs rescuing pretty often, especially now that she has moved into her own place for the first time. She seriously needs Cain on speed dial. From scary noises to putting together furniture, Cain jumps right in and helps. He's sexy and capable, and he loves Brooke just the way she is, hot mess and all. In fact, that friendship love he feels seems to be evolving.
Two hundred books on my Kindle and of the ones I’ve read, none of them show you what to do when you wake up with your best friend’s hard cock pressing against your back. It’s bigger than I thought it’d be.

Brooke knew she was a screw-up, and the last thing she ever wanted to do was mess up her friendship with Cain. But when his girlfriend is out of the way, she is free to let things get a little more...heated.
And I feel… warmer… than I should. Down there. In my vagina. I clench my thighs together as an ache throbs through my clit. Oh my god, my genitals are slutty.

But I should tell you now (I didn't realize till after it ended) that there is no sex in this book even though it was sexy.  And though I don't think the story needed it at all, it would have been fun to read an awkward sex scene with them, because they are so awkward already.
“So you’re just gonna keep having awkward little moments until what, you either kill your friendship or fuck it out?”

I loved all of the characters in Being Brooke, but Brooke's grandfather was probably my favorite, after Brooke that is. Here is why I love Brooke (this is me):
Freaking hell. How long have I been sitting on the damn floor? Too long is clearly the answer here. I don’t want a dead leg. Why does it hurt? It shouldn’t hurt. Oh my gosh. I need a new leg. Quick, someone dial nine-one-one. It’s never going to— Oh. It’s gone.


  • •I read the whole book with a stupid smile on my face. I actually had to force myself to put it down so it would last longer.

  • •Brooke makes me not feel like such a loser! lol

  • •I loved all the characters.

  • •I laughed out loud a LOT.

  • •I highlighted a ridiculous amount of quotes I am dying to share because they are so funny.

  • •Snarky banter (my favorite!)

  • •Her grandfather. OMG, he needs his own book!

  • •How Cain knew her with all of her flaws, even bought her tampons, and they are comfortable (but awkward) together already.

The Only Thing that Would Make It Better:

  • •Though I don't feel like Being Brooke needed sex to make it better, I still would have loved to read about an awkward sex scene.

The Down & Dirty:

Being Brooke was one of my favorite books of the year, and is also going on an all-time favorite list. It was fun, quirky, silly and sexy. It's a happy, easy book, and Brooke's hot mess of a personality made me realize I am not as bad as I thought! There was so much awkward in the story, but it is the sweet and sexy romantic awkward, like when you bump noses as you kiss. I had so much fun reading Being Brooke, and was so happy reading it that my husband and son must have asked me 50 times why I was smiling like an idiot so much. For that alone, I can't help but give it my highest rating. I am so, so happy to read that Carly is getting her own book next!

Rating: 5+++ stars (there was sexy talk and some other things, but no actual sex scenes, so no flames)

Purchase Being Brooke by Emma Hart

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Pre-order Catching Carly (3/7/17)




catiinha's review

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Actual Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars

*ARC provided by InkSlingerPR in exchange for an honest review*

When I read the blurb for this book I got really excited because it looked so funny that I had to read it. Guess what? It was everything I was expecting and I freaking loved this book. Also, this has the best friends turned lovers trope and we all know I’m a sucker for that trope

jessicarenz's review

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Honestly I wasn’t a fan. It was supposed to be a quick read but it felt more like a chore. I didn’t want to leave a book half read so I felt I must push on. The main character, Brooke, was “awkward” and that word was used way too much in the book to describe her which was annoying. She’s apparently “needs to lose a few pounds” when she’s only a size 8 or 10 when the average size for women in the US and UK is a 16. And she’s supposed to be clumsy and terrible at cooking, burning everything she tries to make, but suddenly has amazing baking abilities out of nowhere 2/3 way through the book. I mean a girl who can’t even boil noodles without burning them opens a successful baking business. That doesn’t make sense. I know some people are better at baking than cooking or vice versa but some skills translate to both. If you can’t boil noodles how are you going to melt chocolate over a double boiler (chocolate burns so easily). The book was all over the place but still managed to fall into those overused cliches like the “ugly” girl gets the hot guy from the pretty, model-like girl. I skimmed most of the end just to finish it so I could move onto something else. I mean if you like it, that’s great. It just wasn’t the book for me. I’d be willing to read more from the author, she’s got other books out that seem good, this one just wasn’t the best.

_camk_'s review

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Being Brooke was a book all too easy to hate because of the characters and how it is so highly rated it a little beyond me to comprehend.

None of the characters are likable but Carly really.

I'm not sure if Hart was trying to write an over the top book here because this is what it is. As a 24 year old I see a bit of myself in Brooke and her hatred of 'adulting; but this is too much. I feel as if Hart is flaunting and making positive out of being a helpless and essentially useless individual. Brooke is not likable because she doesn't try. She knows someone will bail her out - she is happy not to try and learn things and eventually become less dependent on Cain. Who needs to know how to cook and clean and do basic everyday things when Cain will help.

Brookes reaction to Cain and their relationship was in no way enjoyable to read as she needs to get her head out of her ass and stop being so dramatic about everything.

Cain, in my eyes, was not believable because he seemed a little too perfect. Great looking guy who loves the most ridiculous girl on the planet. Nah, doesn't happen and he needs to be half blamed for Brooke as he does everything for her.

Nina was written as a bystanding character who is the cliche bitch blonde and it seems has been written for an easy plot - 'be a bitch so people won't root for her and breaking them up will be easy'.

This book overall is a bit of disaster - it is repetitive in it's conversation, the characters are over the top and unlikable and the book has an easy get out card towards the end in relation to Brooke suddenly
Spoiler having a talent and actually being able to do something by herself

mehak_garg0799's review

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3.25 stars
A good, summer read!

rachelreadsdaily's review

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This book had some really funny laugh out loud moments. Overall it was a sweet story of falling in love with your best friend. Brooke was very quirky and Cain was very patient and understanding of her quirks.

lilbeeemma's review

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Girl, I totally understand.

I'm not into reading romantic comedy's, or even watching them except for on the occasion. *Ducks from judgement* I'm not sure why I wanted to read this, but I guess the mood struck for something funny. I've only read a book or two by Emma Hart, so I knew a bit about her writing style and figured I would like this one, too.

Brooke is in love. Not with the boy next door, or the hot CEO that happens to be her boss. No, she's in love with her best friend. He doesn't know, of course, why would he? If he did, it would ruin everything Brooke holds dear to her: their friendship. So she tries to keep it platonic, but as things start to heat up and hiding her love becomes more of a challenge than she'd like, she has a choice to make.

I love Brooke. She's funny, down to earth, and totally knows whats up. She watches Harry Potter, drinks wine all day, and thinks scratching her back is too much of a workout. So, really, she's me but in book form. She's just so relate able and cool, and since she's like me, it was like reading about myself. Woah. She tries so hard to remain cool and passive around Cain (her bff slash crush. Keep up!), and often fails at times. I was constantly wondering how Cain couldn't figure it out, the poor girl had it written all over her body!

“Tonight has been the craziest, most insane night of perhaps my entire life—except the one I was born. I imagine that’s insane, coming out of a vagina and all that.”

Cain doesn't realize his best friend likes him. He's too busy trying to ignore those feelings that almost, kinda swarm inside him. Besides, he's got a girlfriend already, he shouldn't be thinking about Brooke like that. But boy, does he! His girlfriend, I couldn't stand her, therefore, I don't have a name for her. Let's go with plastic Barbie. Plastic Barbie is exactly how her name sounds. She's fake, whiny, and doesn't like Cain hanging out with Brooke. (Plus, her boobs are obviously fake).

It took a while for Cain to get into gear, but when he finally did, everything went the way I expected. They had their share of problems and arguments, but found a way to get over them and their awkwardness. Man, their awkwardness was awkward.

“I'm twenty-four, it's a Friday night, and I'm waiting in for a take-out gyros and fries in my onesie. My life is just so exciting I can barely stand it. ”

By the way, the above quote doesn't match me perfectly. I'm 20, thank you.

I think this was a fun book. The plot was interesting even though the friendship to lovers thing happens so much. It can become a cliche type story, so I'm glad Emma Hart could make it different and entertaining. Her writing is great, and really kept me immersed in the story.

I don't really dislike anything about this book, and while it was fresh, I felt like it missed something. But the characters really got my love and for that reason, its has three stars.

jennywear's review

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The main character was needlessly brash and annoying and it really turned me off of the book in general.

jscarpa14's review

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I Liked This One

Okay first the negatives, it's got a few contradictions where one small detail is given in one part of the book then changed to something else later. The chick is Justin Bieber fan, insulted the 1990s (which is the decade I was a teenager and therefore I happen to like) over analyses everything and calling her a hot mess throughout the book is an understatement, huge one. Maturity wise this is not a character ready to have her first high school boyfriend, let alone an adult relationship. Her lack of being capable of doing pretty much anything other than baking kind of insulted my feminist side. Seriously the girl asked what a breaker was, was incapable of feeding herself could barely manage to walk without serious injury. There's a lot more focus on the he can't possibly like me back prerelationship than time spent on the actual relationship and interaction between the romantic leads. That said I actually liked Brooke even if I did want to swat her a few times. I shouldn't like Brooke, but I did, I kind of wanted to parent her though because she was that kind of character, the kind who is so messed up that you don't want to read about them, you want to meet them so you can fix them yourself. I enjoyed the story and the secondary characters and hope I get the chance to meet them again. Definitely recommended.

cassire's review

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Brooke is such a fun character. She isn't close to perfect, but her flaws are what I love about her. This is such a enjoyable story about her finding love and happiness. I can't wait for the next book.