
Call on Me by Roni Loren

theladyinreds's review

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Pike finally meets his match! This is definitely one of my favorite Loving on the Edge books. Pike and Oakley were great together with their hot sex, crappy childhoods, and enormous hearts.

shell74's review against another edition

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Actual Rating: 4.5 Stars

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**Review To Come**

jaypeg's review against another edition

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I was so desperate for Pike's story that I broke sequence. I just couldn't wait! I was not disappointed. I really liked that this book had a different view of the whole D/s thing. After Foster and Cela's story, I welcomed something a little less extreme. Saying that if the BDSM theme is your thing, then this story is pretty light and fluffy. They don't even go to The Ranch!

But what was nice was that they switched a bit which was a bit refreshing. I liked that Oakley was strong and talented. She didn't cower and stutter over Pike like Cela did. I liked that she held out and stuck to her guns. I also enjoyed the fact that they were both musical. I thought this generated a realistic bond.

The storyline was pretty angsty, par for the course in this series, but it didn't drag me down. This story plods along in comparison to some of the thriller/action based storylines found in other books in this series. I felt it gave the story a slowness; a less frantic vibe than the others which I actually liked.

Well lets face it; i just love dirty talking and Pike was full of it. The whole phone sex operator story was just my kind of thing so it's 5 stars all the way for me.

My only criticism is that it was a little HEA at then end. It gets a bit old fashioned and syrupy for me. I was sad Pike had to compromise his job and I felt Reagan's spectrum issues were a bit gauzy and non specific. I felt more could have been made of this as it felt a bot half hearted.

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"This is a no-risk proposition. We don't even have to talk about it face to face. Work is work. Fine. This--this is just a no-pressure, late-night anonymous phone call. Give yourself a little break, mama. Indulge a little."

Oakley, former girl band star and mother of a special needs daughter, and Pike, badass drummer for Darkfall and all-around sex god with a phobia of kids, seem like an unlikely pair, but each are just what the other needs. When the two have to work together on a charity project, she's sure that it's a disaster in the making. Pike, though, is all in, because he knows what he wants, and what he wants is Oakley.

Pike was exciting on the phone, sexy and daring. But she could handle him in that venue. There was space, safety. But in person, the man was a full-frontal assault on her senses...The man could knock her on her ass with a few well-chosen words.

I have absolutely fallen in love with Roni Loren and her Loving On the Edge series. I can't believe that it took me as long as it did to find them, but, now, I wouldn't miss a book for anything. I knew a little bit about these characters, having met them in previous books in the series (Oakley in Yours All Along, Hunter's and Devon's book, and Pike in Not Until You). Then I read an excerpt of Call On Me, and I couldn't wait to see what was in store for them. Once the two begin to let each other in, it's no holds barred hotness. This is some sexy stuff, the kind that makes you blush, break out the fan, and check to make sure that no one is reading over your shoulder. When these two get together, forget the sparks, we're talking major fireworks here. (On a side note, not many guys could make calling their lady 'mama' sound sexy, but, oh, my goodness, major hotness. Like, swoon city.) And the story is just what I love, an against-the-odds pairing that turns out to be a perfect match after all. Once I started reading, I could not put this book down.

"I know I can't be the kind of guy you're looking for. But I can give you this. I want to give you this."
"What's in it for you?"
"You are."

I obviously loved this read, and could not recommend it any more highly, and if you haven't read the rest of Roni's Loving On the Edge series, there's no time like the present. 5+ 'hot as heck, are my cheeks red, oh, my gosh, I need a Pike!' stars for this one. Grab it, read it, love it. ♥︎

jaimearkin's review against another edition

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Of all the books in this series, this might actually be my favorite so far.

Oakley Easton has had to struggle and make concessions to give her daughter the life she needs. That includes her secretive second job… a job that doesn’t quite fit with her daytime persona of single mom and school secretary, but she’s determined to do whatever she needs to do in order to make a life for her and Reagan.

Pike Ryland has lived just the kind of life you might think the drummer of a touring rock group might lead. But he’s finding that he’s getting tired of the carefree life of random hookups, unending tours and no one to go home to but his dog. He’s just not sure how to make a change, especially with some new interest in their band for a big tour. Jumping in to help with a school charity project isn’t something he would have picked to do himself, but when his friend asked him to do it, he couldn’t say no.

I always find myself relating on some levels with stories of single motherhood. I’ve been living that life, I know the struggle. So I have higher expectations with how it’s portrayed and the way an author writes it. Loren does an amazing job here, especially because she’s also got the added layer of a including a child with special needs. How much it can take out of you not only emotionally, but physically. This person has to be the number one priority in your life and everything, even a relationship with a sexy drummer, has to take the backseat. I love how everyone always says you have to take time for yourself but that’s easier said than done and that’s the situation that Oakley finds herself in. She’s intrigued by Pike and definitely finds him sexy and of course there’s that attraction they have between them… but what happens if she gives in?

Pike doesn’t do relationships, and he certainly doesn’t do relationships with women who have kids. Despite the attraction he has no idea how to have a relationship and Oakley is not a one night and forget her kind of woman. Especially since they need to be able to work together. But there is no denying the chemistry between them and then… then he finds out what she does as a part-time job and everything spins on its axis.

If you’re a fan of dirty talkers… then you most definitely are going to want to bump this one up your to read list, because these two are really, really good at it. I expect no less what with Oakley’s job, and Pike’s reputation. But what starts as just fulfilling some needs and scratching that itch, turns into something much more when it transitions from connecting via phone to connecting in the flesh.

While this series started out much more rooted in the BDSM world, I like the transition I’ve seen in some of these later books. The Ranch is still some part of the story and the BDSM lifestyle is still a presence, but it’s not as big a part of it. Pike and Oakley both have their kinks for sure, and they explore them, but they do it in their world, not The Ranch world. Plus it totally works, because Pike isn’t sure where he fits in exactly in that community, so it was nice to see them explore exactly how they fit together and what works for them.

I really love it when an author does something you don’t expect, and Loren definitely did that here. I wasn’t expecting Pike to be all-in. She kind of turns the tables here, and it fits for the story, because of Oakley’s history and her need to make her daughter her number one priority why she wouldn’t want to just jump into this life… especially because of what’s on the horizon for him.

I know I mentioned the dirty talking up there, but holy hot sexy stuff here. I have to admit that Roni Loren is one of my favorite Erotica writers at this point because she knows what’s hot, and she writes it so well!

I’m not going to give anything away, but someone enters the picture who could potentially ruin a lot of what both Pike and Oakley have worked for in their lives, and while I was waiting for this to happen, I was a little surprised at how it happened. Definitely a twist I wasn’t expecting.

There was only a few things that didn’t work for me…. The repeated use of the word “mama” as a nickname… It totally made me cringe, so I pretended it didn’t work. Also, this mystery person who shows up, it kind of felt like it resolved itself a bit too easy. I think I was expecting a bit more on that front than what happens.

Overall, a wonderful addition to the Loving on The Edge series, and like I said, probably my favorite so far! If you’re looking for a well written, sexy as hell series to dive into, I can’t recommend this one any more.

Thank you to Berkley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest thoughts!