
Smart, Sexy and Secretive by Tammy Falkner

alleskelle's review against another edition

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3.5 STARS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

somanybooksineedmoretime's review against another edition

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Method: ebook

Rating: 5/5 stars

H rating: 4/5 - Logan

h rating: 4/5 - Em

Drama: 3/5

Thoughts: Read this forever ago, really loved this!!

andiabcs's review against another edition

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Okay, this book was so not needed. The first 70 pages was just recap of book one. It could have all been in one book. I recommend not bothering with this one. Just get book one and read the 2 chapter of this book that are included in one and be done. This was a quick read but too much drama for 200 pages.

denizyildiz's review against another edition

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2.5 Stars

So while the series started with unique characters and a sweet's sequel and the second part of Emily's and Logan's story took a speed train to cliche-ville.
Don't get me wrong this is still well written, I still like the brothers, nope thats wrong, I adore them. BUT even that could not stop the ensuing eye rolling as the plot went from cute and different to I-know-each-freakn-turn... and to be fair, I felt quite alright about the predictable and all that for about 80% - then the "big" twist/tragedy ensued and well frankly it was a huge disappointment- suddenly all is well? WTH? How?
Again don't get me wrong, I loved the end. But I just did expect more than the fluff I got in this book. I expected the great character builiding that Falkner gave us in Tall, Tatted and Tempting. But sadly that didn't happen. I got instead very corny and uber-cliche rich people thrown into the fold. I mean the father and the ex- were really really over the top cliche. And I seriously found it grating - then the sudden change of heart of BOTH of them. Why would the ex suddenly fess-up? It made no sense to me.
Saying alll this though- I am so going to read the other books, cause I still love the Reed Brothers and Falkner can write. I also gotta admit that I had huge - massive expectations and it might be a tad hard to meet them - hence I rounded the rating up....
wish me luck for the next book :D

laprofedelengua's review against another edition

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Muy buena la secuela. Con un conflicto simple. Básicamente es la canción Rude de Magic! hecha música. Me encantó la parte en que Emily le canta a su papá y por fin empieza a verla y a aceptarla realmente. Nos deja el cliffhanger sobre Pete y su situación judicial pero la historia de Emily y Logan tiene final feliz...

zehelleroth's review against another edition

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Me encantan estos libros


Una de las cosas que más me gustan acerca de este libro es la relación que Emily y Logan tiene, sí, sé que ya dije esto en el reviw del primer libro, pero es que creo que es importante.

La aceptación y el respeto que ambos se tienen es algo que debería estar presente en cada relación.

Pero sobre todo, me encanta la forma en la que la autora maneja la sordera de Logan, no es un impedimento, es solo un rasgo más que lo hace increíble. En lo personal, sé lo que es el no escuchar, y honestamente, me encanta que los Reed no sientan que es menos o que deben de tratarlo de manera especial o diferente, de hecho, el único que hace esto es Trip, siendo un gran idiota, fuera de él no hay personaje dentro de la novela que lo trate como si se tratase de alguna otra especie de ser humano.

Creo que es muy importante que la aceptación y la equidad sean valores que sean promovidos, porque al final del día, es lo que es esta obra, un punto de vista diferente, hay quienes dirán que le estoy dando demasiado crédito a esta novela romántica pero en lo personal me parece una muy buena forma de crear empatía e interés, para que alguien lo le y se siembre la semilla de la curiosidad, porque cuando conoces algo dejas de verlo como diferente y comienzas entender, o al menos es como yo lo veo.

Amo a Emily y Loga pero y estoy lista para leer acerca de Reagan y Pete *w*

kaaatieee's review against another edition

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I was a little disappointed. It seemed too short and I really didn't like that one performance turned her dad's whole opinion of her around. He'd been awful to her for over a decade and she sings a sad song and boom they make full amends? The car crash was way too sudden and unnecessary but I still love Logan and Emily. One of my favorites parts was the fact that Emily became more fluent in ASL. I still don't think it's realistic that she could speak that well in such a short amount of time but the representation was still nice.

brewtifulfiction's review against another edition

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After enjoying the first book in this series I was expecting good things from this book but I was left a little disappointed. I love Logan and Emily's relationshipe but I felt it the story was too short and rushed in places. The way Emily's dad had a change of heart 'just like that' didn't come across as believable and I would have liked to have known more about Pete's situation, it just seemed to get forgotten in a sense. A quick, easy read, just lacked that extra something.

reremac's review against another edition

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Not much plot.

saralepsch's review against another edition

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I was right, this should be part two of book one.