
Luuk is laaiend by Robert Starling

cbs5678's review against another edition

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Loved the illustrations and the coping techniques to deal with anger.

couchnest's review against another edition

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mitchelfacereads's review against another edition

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A young dragon struggles to control his temper, but soon learns different coping mechanisms to calm down. I like that this demonstrated how others use difference techniques and that bad tempers affect others.

wordnerd153's review against another edition

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Great resource for talking with kids about healthy ways to deal with anger.

odettebrethouwer's review

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Ik vind het dus heel tof als prentenboeken menselijke eigenschappen en emoties op een logische manier aan dieren kunnen koppelen. Woede en een vuurspuwend draakje zijn een geweldige match. Een heel goed, leerzaam boek dat ook nog eens leuk is. Love it!

couchnest's review against another edition

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polarka's review against another edition

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Dráčik Rúfus nevie zvládať svoj hnev. Do takej miery, že ničí veci v svojom okolí (je to predsa drak) a kamaráti sa s ním nechcú hrať. Naučí sa rôzne techniky ukľudnenia. Takže teraz, keď sa hnevá, nevybuchne a dokáže hnev zvládnuť.
Výborná kniha o záchvatoch hnevu pre mrňatá. Odporúčam pre všetky decká od 2 do 6 rokov.
Jediná chyba je dosť nepodarený preklad. Od názvu, ktorý vo mne evokuje potláčanie hnevu, čo sa v knihe vôbec nehovorí, po neschopnosť preložiť anglické frázy ako "time for tea" a "pudding". Je to síce nepríjemné, ale na kvalite knihy to príliš neuberá. Preto dávam plný počet hviezdičiek.

on_the_fritz's review against another edition

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Fergal has a fiery temper that unleashes itself in a rather physical manner. He's soon left with some less-than-happy friends after his anger quite literally burns them (or rather their personal possessions). But his family teaches him some helpful cooping mechanisms for dealing with his emotions when they run too hot. This is a great book for your little ones who are prone to temper tantrums and destructive behavior.