
The Magicians #1 by Lev Grossman, Lilah Sturges

narflet's review

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Solid start, good ending, looking forward to this one.

chelsoaks's review against another edition

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I think I liked this book, but I also kind of hated it too. I’m going to mull it over a while and decide how I feel

scamp1234's review against another edition

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It has its flaws such as rapidly moving through time distanced myself from th characters growth. And the vulgarity...

gwenix's review against another edition

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It was an easy read with interesting views on magic practitioners. But I had a hard time with the fact that every woman was introduced with a description of her date-ability. Also, the main character is pretty much a useless entitled waste of space that made me not relate to him. Lastly, the book is clearly Narnia fanfic. I am not reading further in the series.

jkwomack's review against another edition

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Life is too short to read crappy books.

At the same time, I don't like not finishing what I start.

I mean, this is a best seller right? Yeah. It's got magic and I like magic, right? Yeah. It can't be that bad, right? No, utterly and completely wrong.

I've been trying to read this book since September. In contrast, I read the entire, unabridged version of The Stand in a little over a day (and while unabashedly skipping out on college classes, back in the 90s, because I simply could NOT put it down). So, I'm a fast reader - except when a book feels like a chore and that's all this damn thing has ever felt like.

You know that feeling, back in school, where your teacher or professor assigns a book to you which is critically acclaimed but somehow manages to suck all the joy out of your life, until you ponder using it as kindling when you've finished it? (I'm looking at you, Hemingway.)

Anyway, this book reads like an outline of what could be a really interesting world, if it were to be fleshed out to any real depth and if it wasn't filled with some of the most unlikable characters I've ever had the displeasure of meeting outside of the true crime section of a bookstore.

Seventy percent into the book and we've had five or six, too many at any rate, years of angst-filled, unlikable, but inexplicably special snowflake of a college age twat doing this and doing that, all of which reek of douche-baggery, and all in all nothing particularly interesting or compelling has happened.

There was, at one point, much earlier, an attack and I thought, "neat something is going to happen, we're on the arc!" Then I was summarily dumped off the arc in favor of some more of the author's self-pleasuring exposition.

Where the hell is the story arc? Every interesting thing which happens, things which lead you to believe this could eventually be a satisfying story, is misused, botched and bungled to the point of madness.

Is it possible to get literary blue balls? If so, I have them and we're breaking up, Grossman!

jedbird's review against another edition

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I've read this book a bunch of times and it's a favorite of mine. The whole series is. I actually tried to watch the show and didn't even make it through the first episode so it's odd to me how many people like the show better. Whatever. Be happy, enjoy!

I know people think Quentin is terrible, and I'm not saying he isn't. But other than being a magician, he's not atypical of men his age. He makes mistakes, he's hurtful, he's sorry, and he has moments where you can see what his fully-adult form will be, and it's good. I always read the book thinking that he's kind of a tool/definitely a tool, but it's not like I have to date him, and there's MAGIC. His dickishness and mistakes move the plot along.

I love Eliot and Janet, as awful as they can be (I am probably some combination of Eliot and Janet).

If you love the show, try the books.

coreycamps's review against another edition

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Well... I didn't love it. I didn't hate it. It felt like there were so many inconsistencies in what this book wanted to be. Once things came together, it was a bit clearer... it just took a long time to get there. I still don't know if I'm going to finish the trilogy. Main character is self-obsessed and unlikeable until the last.

ladydamonayde's review against another edition

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Very interesting book. Sort of a hipster crossover of Harry Potter and Narnia, but with a "new adult" cast. The only complaint: the plot doesn't move quickly. He spends far more time examining the characters and their situation than moving the story along. That said, it is a really good book with very real characters and I'll definitely finish the series.

phantominblue's review against another edition

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I read this book after a recommendation, and it was recommended as being 'a bit like Harry Potter, but grown up'. Well, this is true, but it's also a lot more than that. But I see why people keep describing it that way. If you say anything else, it really would give too much away. And I'd hate to give too much away. Suffice to say, this is one of the best books I've read in ages (and probably the best book I've read in years that wasn't written by Neil Gaiman).

triceliatops's review against another edition

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Plutôt mitigée au final. Il y a des choses que j'ai adoré et d'autres pas du tout ! Assez inégal mais je reste curieuse de découvrir la suite !