
From Ashes by Molly McAdams

s3c0ndbreakfast's review

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This book. I wanted to like it. All the insta-love, 3+ guys and all for the same girl

Molly has a gift for writing some real douches. Tyler the "best friend" was a real piece of work. I wanted to punch his dumb face for being a controlling, lying, jerk face.

Altogether, it was't the worst thing I have read.

larissa85's review

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Ok. So im finally able to sit down and get this review out.
First Impression
Tyler- Asshole
Gabe- *Sigh* Swoon worthy
Cassidy- Confused

I kinda think I loved to hate this book. It definitely was the topic of many discussions online and it wasn’t written terribly or anything I just felt myself wanting to do bodily harm to almost all the characters except my FB(fiction boo) Gabe. I had a shoulder for him to cry on.
Cassidy and Tyler

She had a hard life. Ok I get it but really, how could you not know how your “best friend”( and I use that term loosly) felt about you. But hey I guess what’s a lil morning wood between friends right? *Cue Jeopardy buzzer* Wrong! Tyler in the beginning of the book was a COMPLETE ASSHOLE. What friend lies, bribes you into a relationship with the ultimatum of being with him or going back home where your parents beat your ass everyday if you say no, brings home a girl and introduces you as his sister, tells you he should have took sex since she didn’t give it willingly and then kick you out the house when its sleeting. *Sigh* The list of fucked up things Ty does towards her is relentless and kinda unforgiveable.

Tyler and Gage
So family is supposed to be close right? Wrong in this case. From the beginning Tyler knew how Gage and Cass felt about each other and he continued to not give a damn about what either of them wanted. He constantly lied to each of them and someone should have beat his ass.

Granted if Cass and Gage would have actually talked about what was going on things would have been a whole lot better for the both of them, but that woulda been somewhere along the lines of right so of course that didn’t happen.

Cassidy & Gage
The attraction was instant. They both wanted each other and it took them entirely too long to actually get there. Once they finally got there….. *Sigh* Have I mentioned that this book frustrated me to no end…
Anyway … To sum it up. They finally got together…scandalous whore (CARA) revels Gage’s sex schedule… Cass throws a tantrum about something that happened when they weren’t together….Fight breaks out… Gage accidentally bows Cass in the eye… She runs home with Tyler to check on her house that burned down…. Then runs into a cop turned detective who she secretly lusted over since he showed up at her house one time when her parent’s beat her ass. Did I miss anything?

Cass and Connor?(BLAH….)
Connor was pointless. Connor did not need to be in the story… but since he was… Anyway, OK you both had a hard past, you feel like you’re connected but Cass is also “Supposedly in love” with Gabe. You don’t fall for someone else so quickly if you have strong feelings for someone else. Cass showing up at his house too… it was too much. I get you wanted to say goodbye but somewhere more neutral should have been picked. Then he pins her to a wall and kisses her.(Whatever). Then later on he bring his happy ass to Texas after she won’t answer his calls. Didn’t she tell him she would contact him if she changed her mind before she left.

Final Impressions
Gage deserved better
Connor was unnecessary
Cassidy needed to grow up
Tyler finally decided to play the friend role ( about damn time)

*Sigh* yet again, I’m thoroughly exhausted after writing this review. The book was still good. Just frustrating. Especially reading this not too long after I finished Bound Together.
I still think I liked Taking Chances better. Well Taking Chances before one of my favorite fictional boo’s died that is.

tstreet's review

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I loved this book! It was super emotional and I definitely teared up a couple times. Cassie was so strong and I felt so bad for how she grew up. I hated her mom and step dad for everything they did to her. I felt bad for her when she found out both had died in a fire but I'm glad her mother finally apologized. I didn't really like Ty from the beginning six especially hated him when he tried to pressure her into a relationship. I loved Gage and how he was willing to do literally anything for her. I love that she finally gets the happiness she deserves and ends up with a beautiful family. This book was so amazing! 10 stars!

kailynrisher's review

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This book was very good. There wasn't as much Drama as Taking Chances, which is another excellent book by Molly McAdams. This book had a lot of steamy romance scenes. The only reason I rated the book 4 stars is because I didn't like some of the parts in the book. Other than that I say this book is a good read and will keep you wanting to read more and more.

sophias_bookplanet's review

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After falling in love with a lot of Molly McAdams' books, this couldn't gain my attention till about halfway in. For example, I loved Cassidy's journey to finding the strength and bravery to emancipate herself from her childhood friend forcing himself onto her, but missed depth when it came to their parting. The first part of the book was foremostly driven by drama induced by the lack of communication which I simply couldn't stand. Later, I fell for the two povs and their relation but still felt overwhelmed by some thrown in storylines the author did not go through with. Overall, I found a lot of elements too romantic to be taken for real but enjoyed this trip into this a little too dramatic and eventually too happy story. It lives on extremes and thus sometimes lacks nuanced developments.

maddycat8's review

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***May contain some slight spoilers***

Rating: 3.5 stars

I just finished reading From Ashes and I will say that I did enjoy the book. The plot of this story wasn't something that I typically read (about family abuse) but that wasn't the main topic of the story, interestingly enough. We start out with Cassidy moving to Texas with her best friend Tyler from California to get away from her abusive mother and step father. From the beginning, and really only in the beginning for the most part, you can tell that Cassidy was abused. Immediately we meet Gage, Tyler's cousin, and whom they will be living with. Looking through Cassidy's and Gage's eyes we see that both of them have an immediate pull towards one another and they aren't sure why. Gage knows that he loves this girl already, apparently and wants to spend the rest of his life with her. When they first move in together Cassidy and Gage try their best to ignore their feelings, and with the help of Tyler nothing happens between the two for quite a while. So Cassidy, after some events, decides to give it a go with Tyler, so they start to date for a few months and thing seem to be going well, until Tyler pushes her right back into Gage's arms. Cassidy and Gage end up living together and eventually confess their undying love for one another and make woopie! Sounds like the end of the book right? Nope. There is more. At first I was all for the longer plot, I am always eager to see what happens after the happily ever after, but I felt like some of these extra subplots were just thrown in there. I understand
Spoiler that there was a fire back home that killed her mother and step father, what I didn't understand was this Connor guy, like I love Gage, but this guy gives me butterflies? Something doesn't seem necessarily right there...IMO but maybe that's just me
We eventually move past this saddening event and head towards another happily ever after? Nope! Another series of mini subplots, that were nice, but I don't think really added that much to the story. MAJOR SPOILER -->
Spoiler Someone please explain to me why she had to get stung by a scorpion, like really, maybe so there was an excuse for her to get pregnant? I'm not really sure, but I found that part completely unnecessary for the progress of this story...she could have gotten pregnant later on in life, I think that would have been acceptable, don't get me wrong, people are getting pregnant younger these days, in no way am I saying you can't if you aren't ready, but I felt that everything just happened way to fast for the both of them.
Overall, I did really enjoy the book, it should have been shorter yes, or somethings moved around, but the characters were good and I enjoyed most of them and thought they added different perspectives and depth in the story. I will be reading more from this author to see what she has in store.

P.S. I would definitely approve of getting proposed in the way that Cassidy did ;)

fictionalkate's review against another edition

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This isn’t a bad book. You might think that it’s strange that I say that when I’ve given it such a low rating but I don’t think it’s a bad story. In fact there are many friends of mine who I imagine would really enjoy From Ashes. The thing is this book manages to contain every single one of my pet peeves; instant love, miscommunication, misinformation, a heroine whom every man falls in love with instantly and a happily ever after that didn’t quite make sense to me.

Cassidy Jameson was the apple of her father’s eye and his princess up until her sixth birthday when he passed away suddenly. Since then Cassi live a nightmare every day with her drunken mother and abusive step father. Her neighbour and best friend, Tyler, did all he could to help her survive. And somehow between the two of them, Cassi managed to make it to her teenage years. And then on the day Tyler left for college he packed her up and dragged her along just to get her out of the disaster that was her life.

It’s there that Cassi meets Gage. Gorgeous, smart, cowboy that from the moment she first lays eyes on him she knows that he’s something else. Gage feels the sparks instantly and wants to know the beautiful mysterious girl more intimately. Only problem is that Tyler has been in love with Cassi for over a decade and he’s not going to let anyone interlope on his turf- not even the cousin that he feels is more like a brother from another mother. Uh oh…

I have a few issues with stories where most of the drama arises from lack of communication. I understand that it’s somewhat realistic because people are notoriously bad at getting their feelings across especially when true emotions are involved BUT this story just kept going around and around in circles. Cassi and Gage would have a moment then Tyler would come in and ruin things. So then there’s some standoffishness between our leading couple only to have more beautiful and tender scenes between them only to be ripped apart again. Tyler convinces Gage that he and Cassi are together – as in more than just friends. He even goes as far as to describe their bedroom antics in a less than classy way. And just in case that doesn’t change Gage’s intentions towards Cassi – Ty also makes sure to tell Cassi that Gage finds her attention revolting. He’s such a stand up guy that Ty (and that’s not even counting some of his other classy moments). It just frustrated me.

There’s also the matter of how attractive and just plain amazing the male characters found Cassi. I swear – no less than 4 guys thought Cassi walked on water and they needed her in their lives. To make matters worse, I couldn’t quite work out why they found her so fascinating and incredible. I admired her for her ability to survive her childhood (although considering how brutal they said it was I’m a little incredulous to believe that she could have survived and no one but Tyler noticed the decade long abuse). But I found Cassi to be a little flat. She had no motivation to do anything and despite her spunky attitude towards the blonde in chapter one, she’s a little boring. Gage had some anger management issues and I can’t believe Tyler would be able to act the way he did for so long towards two people that he claimed to love.

I could go on and on about this book but I won’t.

It’s great to see a novel where everything is nicely tied up in one instalment - no unnecessary sequels and there’s a piece of happiness for all the characters I grew attached to whilst reading From Ashes. Despite my issues with the story and characters, at its heart this is a love story about someone having to overcome a great darkness. I think this book would appeal to fans of other new adult novels such as Beautiful Disaster.

ameschreiber's review against another edition

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This review will be posted after it is edited through TRRC.

raeanna11's review against another edition

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cancourtneyread's review against another edition

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Damn I loved this book. So freaking much it hurts.