
Death is Not Enough by Karen Rose

thebookdisciple's review against another edition

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Death is Not Enough continues the stories of Rose's Baltimore characters but you don't have to have read the previous books. You can read these as stand alones!

You aren't wondering who the bad guy is or what his plan is. The suspense comes from the 'how' aspect and its GOOD. Thorne was nearly framed for a murder as a teenager. He was found not guilty, but the real killer was never caught. Now, many years later he is being framed again. He is a successful defense lawyer, so there is no shortage of possible suspects and there is a connection to the original murder as well. No one weaves an intricate plot like Rose. She really is masterful at romantic suspense. Because the story is told in 3rd person, the reader gets to see multiple views-the good guys and the bad guys! I love this style-its so engaging!

Interlaced with the murder mystery is a friends to lovers romance between Thorne and Gwyn. Gwyn is one of Thorne's partners in a nightclub and she also works as a paralegal in his firm. They have been friends for almost a decade, and Thorne has had feeling for her for most of that time! Gwyn barely survived a serial killer and is only now starting to get back to her life. She starts dating and Thorne realizes that he has to tell her how he feels. So, amidst the murder plots, scheming mob guys, and serious peril, Thorne and Gwyn realize they don't want to face their lives alone any more. Its impossible NOT to like them-both are good, kind people who care deeply for those around them. Its easy to want them to get their HEA (and not get murdered or framed for murder)!

Death is Not Enough will keep you on your toes throughout and its a wild ride! If you enjoy romantic suspense that keeps you guessing, this is a great pick! There is enough romance to remind you its a romance novel, but it blends so seamlessly with the plot and danger!


  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: friends to lovers

  • Triggers: 
    SpoilerObviously, murder, but many of the characters dealt with abuse-physical and sexual-in their past. It is not explicitly detailed but might be a trigger for some readers

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone within an interconnected series

  • Cliffhanger: 

  • HEA: 

The Tracers series by Laura Griffin, Killer Instincts series by Cynthia Eden, Cold Justice series by Toni Anderson...then you will probably like Death is Not Enough!


Death is Not Enough

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thatbooknerd__'s review

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This is the first book by this author I have read. After finishing Death Is Not Enough and leaving it a few hours I'm still unsure of my feelings.
The book didn't jump out of me at all. I had no connection to any of the characters. This had a lot to do with their being so many characters and not enough desciption on them. Even after finishing the book I'm still unsure of the characters and their relationships to each other.
The story is very slow going and only really got good in the last 20-30%. The book seems to drag on and it was mostly a information dump that didn't develop the story anymore.
Everyone that had information, no matter how small seemed to get killed as soon as Thorne and his gang needed to speak to them.
The story was written in 3rd person and had mulitpule POV's which didn't help me get into the story at all.
I didn't feel the connection and chemistry between Thorne and Gwyn, they didn't seem to click. They both were very much still stuck in the past and couldn't get over it. Both kept scrects from each other and family members, but they were secrets that could of helped their investigation which just made it pointless to me.
The book felt dragged out to me.
There was something about the book that kept me reading until the end, there was a few times I felt like giving up but I had to know what would happen because I wasn't sure that there would be a good ending. I would be interested in reading the authors other books!

celebrin's review

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I enjoyed this book--as I enjoy all of Karen Rose's books. That being said, her cast of characters is getting huge. Maybe a list of who these people are and their relationships in the front or back of the book in in order. Also the books where these cast-members found their soulmates as I think I might have missed one or two.
Seriously, no one does romantic suspense quite like Karen Rose, I just got confused a bit.

totallytales's review

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Rose once again pulled me in and got me hooked, expertly providing a cast of characters you are rooting for. This book 6 in the Baltimore series but each book focuses on a different character so you don't need to read them from the beginning. If you are returning for the latest installment you will be in for a treat getting to see what the other characters are up to now. As well as reading chapters through the eyes of Thorne and his friends as all they try to prove his innocence you also get to read through the eyes of the gang lord trying to destroy him. This is pure sensational escapism.

Thanks to Netgalley and Headline in exchange for an open and honest review.

beccajbooks's review

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I pre ordered this book months, and months, and months ago. Then two weeks before the paperback publication it pops up on NetGalley. I request and cross my fingers, toes, eyes, anything that will cross. I get friend on standby for when it doesn't get approved. Then the approval email comes through, and I squeal with delight to my office - who have no idea what I'm talking about and dismiss my drama by getting back to work without a word.

So I got it. And I was so super excited to start it, I downloaded it at my desk and started reading on my lunch break. I love Karen Rose and all her books. There isn't one that I haven't liked. I have said before, that the thing I like most about her books is the character development. I love how we get to know a group of characters and then we see them again and again in each instalment. It is like revisiting old friends, and who doesn't like that?

The story : Thomas Thorne is a Lawyer who defends the young troubled defendants that remind him much of himself when he was younger. He fights injustice and does a damn good job of it too. He owns a bar with his two best friends Lucy and Gwyn, Gwyn who he loves desperately...... and secretly. A girl ends up dead in Thorne's bed, and ultimately he is accused of her murder - well yeh there's a dead woman in his bed?! Can he fight to clear his name, and can he also tell the one woman he truly loves, how he feels?

This had all the usual Karen Rose hallmarks - love and friendship, romance and passion, gruesome murder and frustrating injustice. The writing was excellent, it all flowed well and time flew as I was reading. It was that same old problem of rushing through because it is so good, but not wanting it to end - and it is a BIG book.

I was on the edge of my seat waiting for Thorne (*swoon*) and Gwyn to actually get it together and kiss, and every time they looked like they were going to and didn't, I just had to read on to make sure they did in fact get together. After all they have been through, I am glad they found some happiness together. And gave a little cheer when it finally happened.

Tevilla is a baddie. Plain and simple. We know early on that he is the guy causing Thorne all this trouble. He is such a psycho. He enjoys the kill, the pain and the blood. He relishes in controlling his people and getting them to do all sorts of things for him. We have seen him before, in earlier stories, and when he turned up here I was a little glad that we could finally put him down, like the dog he is. (No offence doggies!)

I do have the tiniest quibble with this one, Lucy goes on a lot about breastfeeding - pumping, exploding - it was quite often, in the first 20-25% of the book. But this is minor. Didn't take away from the enjoyment of the book, just something I noticed as unnecessary for the story. Once would have been enough to remind us that Lucy and JD had a baby! It kind of fades away after the first quarter of the book though, so all good!

If you enjoy romantic suspense then this is for you. All Rose's books are fantastic, this was no exception. Go out and buy it when it comes out next week. I can't wait for mine to arrive in the post so I can add it to my Karen Rose shelf, ready for re-reading when the time comes! - - - - this is not coming out until 18/10/2018? I had 02/10/2018 in my diary as that is what Amazon told me! Noooooo!!

shoshanaf's review

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Karen Rose has created another tension-laden mystery filled with love, friendship, family, betrayal, and loyalty. The long-awaited romance between Thorne and Gwyn is intricately woven throughout the story, adding depth to the devastating nature and impact of the traumas. The horrific crimes, both past and present, throughout the story include torture, child abuse, sexual violence and rape. Rose proves that revenge may be a dish best served cold but can only be savored if the target is first isolated. However, as the epitome of loyalty, Thornes’ support system of friends turned family stay by his side through murder charge after murder charge. Serious fans will enjoy the large cast of characters re-appearing from earlier novels. Readers who enjoy Sandra Brown and Julie Garwood will love the sixth installment in the Baltimore saga.

santhiyar's review

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dyslexicreader's review

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As part of the Blog tour for Death is Not Enough I was sent a copy of the book to review. I have read all of Karen Rose previous books and I was looking forward to reading Thorne and Gwyn story.

Four years after a serial killer tried to kill her Gywn is finally putting her life back together. When she finds her good friend and defence lawyer Thomas Thorne unconscious in his bed next to a dead women.  Someone wants revenge on Thorne, he doesn't want him dead he just wants his world destroyed. Gywn and their friends know that Thorne would never kill anyone, so they band together to prove his innocent and to stop anyone else from dying. As they look at the evidence it all points to a murder in Thorne past.

As Gywn and Thorne work together they also must decide if they should just stay friends or become more than just friends.

I would love for these books too be made in to film or T.V show, the action, romance, mystery just jumps off the pages and becomes very visual to me.

Thorne has been a character I have been interested in since You Belong to Me, I am not always a fan of defence lawyer, he is the exception to the rule. If I am every in trouble I would want him as my Lawyer.

This case was interesting as it was more about pulling Thorne world apart, and they way it was done was very clever. I loved how all of Thorne friends stuck with him, even when Tavilla thought they would have left him. He really underestimated the power of friendship that turn to family.

One of the things I like about Karen Rose books is that we get to see how everyone is getting on after their own story. In this book we got to see the friendship between Clay and Frederick grow after the truth came out about Taylor  in Monster in the Closet.

Karen Rose book to me are always great for Romance and crime mystery but always a great reminder that family isn't just who your blood.

I have yet to read a book by Karen Rose I did not like, and I doubt I every will.

I give this book 5 out of 5.

Thanks to Headline for sending my the book for an honest and fair review.

silveredanjel's review

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6 stars

Karen Rose is the best crime writer ever. Her books are multi-layered, intelligent and scary. And long enough to last a weekend. Well nearly!!