
Her Dark Half by Paige Tyler

fleurette's review

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I haven't read a book in this genre in a while. I even didn’t think I might want to do it again. But this one turned out to be quite good.

I'm pretty sure I've read at least one book in this series. But I don't remember much of it. I'm also pretty sure it didn't have much to do with the storyline of this book, that is, looking for John's murderers. This was not a problem at all, everything relevant was well explained. And while I think reading this series in order probably makes more sense, reading this book without knowing the previous ones won't be a big deal.

The main characters in this book are Alina, a former CIA agent, and Trevor, a coyote shifter. I like that Alina is a really strong woman. She is not waiting to be saved, instead she takes the initiative and fights herself. I also like that Trevor, even though he is a shapeshifter and a man with a very strong personality, was not overly possessive. He looks after Alina, but does not limit her. She can still be herself and he is not trying to change that. Overall, I think they make a very good couple. I liked them more than I expected.

The romance is quite simple. But I am not going to say that I had any great expectations in this regard, so I was not particularly disappointed. I believe that is the case with all the books in this series or even genre. Alina and Trevor fall in love very quickly. And just as I often have a problem with that, in this case they fit together quite well. To be quite true, I read about book couples falling in love even faster. Here it all somehow fits the story.

I used to like books like this a lot, but recently I stopped reading them. However this one was quite a nice experience. Maybe I should give them a chance again. This is certainly not a book that I will remember in a month or so, but it's simple and straightforward entertainment, and that's what I was looking for.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review

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Her Dark Half by Paige Tyler is the 7th book in the X-ops series. Not having read the previous books in the series and having zero experience with the author I did not know what to expect. You may wonder why I chose to read this book. Well, the story is a combination of two (2) of my favourite genres, paranormal and suspense, which was enough incentive for me to grab this book.

What the story is about.
Alina Bosch left the CIA after a botched mission left her entire team dead. The current head of the DCO recruited her to spy on Trevor Maxwell, her new partner.
Trevor, a coyote shifter and a covert operative for the DCO is not keen on working with Alina. He suspects the reason for her being hired and believes she could not be trusted.
However, when the mission to which they were assigned became deadly, they had no choice but to trust each other if they wanted to survive.

What I Loved.
As you can see, I began the series with the seventh book. I thought I would have trouble following the story line, however, my worries were for naught. There was sufficient information to help me understand what transpired in the previous instalments that led to the current events. I like that each book is about a different couple and after reading Her Dark Half; I became curious about the other couples mentioned. That being said, I will be reading the remaining books.

I loved the couple in this installment. Before I continue, I should warn you that this was not a slow burn romance. Their attraction to each other was instant in spite of the circumstances under which they met, which was riddled with hostility and mistrust. However, I enjoyed watching them move past these feelings and embracing the attraction that sizzled between them.

I adored Trevor. I found his sense of humour endearing and contagious. I loved his take-charge attitude and his determination. He takes crap from no one and tells it likes he sees it. Behind of all of this laid a caring heart. Alina is a snarky, blunt, kick ass and determined female. Together she and Trevor made a perfect team not only in the field but also on a personal level.

This fast-paced story held my attention from the first page. I had a hard time putting my kindle down. The suspense, action and romance was well-balanced. Well-written fight scenes, loads of action and a sizzling romance made for an exciting and thrilling read. There were a few stunning twists and turns. Tyler created a world, which for me was unique and captivating. I enjoyed every moment spent in this world and I am eager to learn more.

Overall, this was an exciting read. I was happy with how the events unfolded and how the story ended. Fans of paranormal romance and romantic suspense should definitely check this out.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review against another edition

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Her Dark Half by Paige Tyler is the 7th book in the X-ops series. Not having read the previous books in the series and having zero experience with the author I did not know what to expect. You may wonder why I chose to read this book. Well, the story is a combination of two (2) of my favourite genres, paranormal and suspense, which was enough incentive for me to grab this book.

What the story is about.
Alina Bosch left the CIA after a botched mission left her entire team dead. The current head of the DCO recruited her to spy on Trevor Maxwell, her new partner.
Trevor, a coyote shifter and a covert operative for the DCO is not keen on working with Alina. He suspects the reason for her being hired and believes she could not be trusted.
However, when the mission to which they were assigned became deadly, they had no choice but to trust each other if they wanted to survive.

What I Loved.
As you can see, I began the series with the seventh book. I thought I would have trouble following the story line, however, my worries were for naught. There was sufficient information to help me understand what transpired in the previous instalments that led to the current events. I like that each book is about a different couple and after reading Her Dark Half; I became curious about the other couples mentioned. That being said, I will be reading the remaining books.

I loved the couple in this installment. Before I continue, I should warn you that this was not a slow burn romance. Their attraction to each other was instant in spite of the circumstances under which they met, which was riddled with hostility and mistrust. However, I enjoyed watching them move past these feelings and embracing the attraction that sizzled between them.

I adored Trevor. I found his sense of humour endearing and contagious. I loved his take-charge attitude and his determination. He takes crap from no one and tells it likes he sees it. Behind of all of this laid a caring heart. Alina is a snarky, blunt, kick ass and determined female. Together she and Trevor made a perfect team not only in the field but also on a personal level.

This fast-paced story held my attention from the first page. I had a hard time putting my kindle down. The suspense, action and romance was well-balanced. Well-written fight scenes, loads of action and a sizzling romance made for an exciting and thrilling read. There were a few stunning twists and turns. Tyler created a world, which for me was unique and captivating. I enjoyed every moment spent in this world and I am eager to learn more.

Overall, this was an exciting read. I was happy with how the events unfolded and how the story ended. Fans of paranormal romance and romantic suspense should definitely check this out.

animation's review against another edition

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This book is fantastic! Not only does it answer many questions it also starts down a new road that seems just as exciting as the old one.

The action is non stop and the sexiness is red hot! Loved it!