k_mthg's review against another edition

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hopeful informative lighthearted medium-paced


Conversation felt a bit forced at times 

chonkooch's review against another edition

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kaitlin_rockett's review against another edition

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challenging informative inspiring reflective


croxanas's review against another edition

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DNF 30%. The voice over artist for the “youth” is coming crossing like every arrogant, argumentative young man I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting, and I’m finding myself wanting to punch the character in the mouth. Life is too short to listen to a young man tell someone with more expertise and life experience all the ways in which they are wrong. Would have been better for me to read this rather than listen to it. I doubt I’ll come back to it in written form.

The content is meh at best and problematic at worst - a recipe to gaslight yourself if you’re ND in any way.

notablebird's review against another edition

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Oddly, the imprinted hard-cover binding of this book - which was lovely - was the draw to it. I did not know it was about Adlerian psychology until I started it. As such, as an expository it is more organized that your typical self-help tome.

As the authors note, Adler’s constructions are more philosophy than psychology. While I knew a little of Adler before, I could not have said how he was different from Jung or Freud, just that he was a contemporary of them. His construct is appealing and simple, as noted. Like the Youth, I’m not sure it covers all situations, but it’s a good place to start or be reminded of as a basis.

The dialogue format is a little forced, but in these times that need willingness to dialogue, it is perhaps a helpful example.

kelsey_kels's review against another edition

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Very slow and repetitive. I’ve read more interesting books that discuss the topics in this one. 

triwijayanti41's review against another edition

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Berani bahagia menggunakan format yang sama dengan 'berani tidak disukai'. Percakapan pemuda yang frustasi dalam pekerjaannya sebagai pendidik dengan filsuf yang berpedoman dengan psikologi Adler.
Sebagai pendidik, untuk mencapai bahagia kita perlu kembali ke tujuan pendidikan yang menurut Adler adalah kemandirian. Kemandirian yang diraih dengan menempatkan peran pendidik dan siswa sebagai rekan setara.
Siswa tidak diberikan pujian, teguran, maupun hukuman, tapi rasa hormat sebagai manusia. Percaya pada kemanusiaan untuk menjadi pribadinya sendiri. Sehingga dapat lepas dari sikap mementingkan dirinya sendiri.
Pada akhirnya untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan, perlu keberanian untuk mencintai, beralih dari kepentingan 'aku' menjadi kepentingan 'kita'. Agar setiap perpisahan bisa jadi perpisahan terbaik.
Perspektif yang ditawarkan buku ini sangat menarik, tapi sebagai pendidik sulit rasanya untuk lepas dari memberikan pujian dan teguran.

coralmoffatt's review against another edition

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The format of the book is a discussion between two people in a weird style. I could not absorb any of the content and despised the format. 

ccxo's review against another edition

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There are a lot of philosophy ideas within this novel as it was discussed throughout. However I just didn’t like the writing setting in how it was set out even though there was a lot of useful bits of information on life.

Review: https://clife.blog/2024/03/06/book-review-the-courage-to-be-happy-by-ichiro-kishimi-fumitake-koga/

iseenologic's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective fast-paced
