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tam_bam26's review against another edition
I bought this not knowing it was a novella or part of a series-oops-but I really enjoyed it. Nate is physically scarred and Megan is emotionally scarred. The two meet because of a douche from Megan's past and are instantly attracted to each other. I liked that despite this being a novella the romance didn't feel rushed. Obviously, I would have loved if this was a full length novel which means I'll be reading [b:Extreme Exposure|159767|Extreme Exposure (I-Team, #1)|Pamela Clare|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1290456764s/159767.jpg|154204] as soon as I can get my hands on it :)
lazydream's review against another edition
Yeah well.. am one those.. I feel that I should apologies to some one as lot of people loved This book and gave 4 or 5 starts. This started off good and I thought I might like it. But it's as boring as a watching a white wall.
Story had good potential and romance had potential too but she had to go and make 90℅ of the book into romance. Just could not bear it. I was skipping most of the "romantic" writing to get to finish it. I just could not like it. it's barely fine.
Story had good potential and romance had potential too but she had to go and make 90℅ of the book into romance. Just could not bear it. I was skipping most of the "romantic" writing to get to finish it. I just could not like it. it's barely fine.
anabelsbrother's review against another edition
First read: Oct 2015
TW: Mentions of past sexual assault
Reread: Nov 2017
Nate West still has my heart <3
Reread: January 2021
Why am I single-
TW: Mentions of past sexual assault
Reread: Nov 2017
Nate West still has my heart <3
Reread: January 2021
Why am I single-
mountainblue's review against another edition
This is the first book I’ve tried in this series and i especially liked the beauty and the beast theme here. The hero, Nathaniel, was an amazing and to die for damaged ex-marine. He was so protective, tender and sweet with Megan and her daughter and he was the ultimate knight in shining armour. I truly admired his sense of honour and integrity and strength which only made him that much sexier instead of appearing distant and cold. I like a story where you can experience events from both POV and this story delivered on that point.
I've really enjoyed reading this tender sensual romance and will be sure to check out the other books in this series, especially that of Meg's brother.
I've really enjoyed reading this tender sensual romance and will be sure to check out the other books in this series, especially that of Meg's brother.
setaian's review against another edition
Nate and Megan are both scarred in very different ways. Nate a retired Marine has a body that is disfigured from severe burns he sustained while deployed in Afghanistan. He avoids people and the horror he sees in their eyes when they look at his scars.
Megan's scars come from a life of abuse. A former heroin addict, she has spent time in prison and been the victim of sexual assault. But she has managed to get her life in order, she has a job and a home, community and family.
When Megan's past catches up to her, Nate steps in and saves her. In each other they find something neither thought they could ever have.
Skin Deep is a short and satisfying read. It has characters you like from the first page and a story that sucks you in. I really liked this a lot and I'll definitely be reading more by Pamela Clare.
Megan's scars come from a life of abuse. A former heroin addict, she has spent time in prison and been the victim of sexual assault. But she has managed to get her life in order, she has a job and a home, community and family.
When Megan's past catches up to her, Nate steps in and saves her. In each other they find something neither thought they could ever have.
Skin Deep is a short and satisfying read. It has characters you like from the first page and a story that sucks you in. I really liked this a lot and I'll definitely be reading more by Pamela Clare.
amyiw's review against another edition
This was a really nice contemporary romance until the end and the TSTL moment. So we are all thinking, oh yea we know what is going to happen now. It is obvious. It is a set up. And it is so TSTL that she should be dead. One star for the "I have to put excitement at the end so will make the heroine an idiot". Up to that point it was really sweet with them healing each others hurts and insecurities. The little gunho added scene at the end was a little much with the gun loving good ole boys just happening on a hold up at the liquor store. I'm not into the gun worship so could have done without. Don't know if I'll go on with the series.
She runs away from Nate and the ranch when she knows her ex is still out there and desperate. So she conveniently "forgets" her phone in her rush and what does she do? She drives to her empty house without alerting her brother or stopping by her brother's house.kimberlycarrington's review against another edition
La historia de Megan nos llegó al alma cuando la conocimos en el libro de su hermano Marc (Espósame, el tercero de la serie) y si hay un personaje que se merecía un final feliz es el suyo.
Pamela Clare le ha dado una historia muy bonita que perfectamente podría haber sido un libro (y es una pena que no lo sea, es una novella y por eso no hay páginas suficientes para desarrollar la historia todo lo que a mí me hubiera gustado). Dos personas traumatizadas y con un pasado que afecta a su presente y a su futuro que se encuentran y se sanan mutuamente. Sí, topicazo al canto. Y qué? Cuando están bien hechos, que me echen los topicazos que sea!
Y qué maromos que se inventa Pamela Clare, de ésos sí que me podéis echar encima todos! (Eso sí, todos son americanazos a más no poder, de los que mean barras y estrellas). Nate es otro uniformado traumado de boa sana que le da a Megan mucha alegría y a nuestros bajos también. Mención especial para el epílogo, orgía de maromos uniformados que hacen gritar God Bless America Y Enfilad Esos Uniformes Hacia Mi Cama Rait Nau!
(Y que sepáis que sigo adorando a Marc Hunter)
Pamela Clare le ha dado una historia muy bonita que perfectamente podría haber sido un libro (y es una pena que no lo sea, es una novella y por eso no hay páginas suficientes para desarrollar la historia todo lo que a mí me hubiera gustado). Dos personas traumatizadas y con un pasado que afecta a su presente y a su futuro que se encuentran y se sanan mutuamente. Sí, topicazo al canto. Y qué? Cuando están bien hechos, que me echen los topicazos que sea!
Y qué maromos que se inventa Pamela Clare, de ésos sí que me podéis echar encima todos! (Eso sí, todos son americanazos a más no poder, de los que mean barras y estrellas). Nate es otro uniformado traumado de boa sana que le da a Megan mucha alegría y a nuestros bajos también. Mención especial para el epílogo, orgía de maromos uniformados que hacen gritar God Bless America Y Enfilad Esos Uniformes Hacia Mi Cama Rait Nau!
(Y que sepáis que sigo adorando a Marc Hunter)
xakyr's review against another edition
This was a short story about Marc Hunter's sister from [b:Unlawful Contact|2771105|Unlawful Contact (I-Team, #3)|Pamela Clare|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1399647062s/2771105.jpg|2796834] finding her happily ever after. It tied up some of her loose ends from that book, and was a very sweet and touching story. Her hero was very non-traditional, but also extremely loving. He was the perfect man for Megan! The author also included a second short story at the end of this one that was simply hilarious! What I enjoyed most was the fact that the author made concessions to her readers and provided Megan's backstory for those of us with hazy memories. That, coupled with the author's wonderful skill, has earned her a place on my keeper shelf!
aaldya's review against another edition
Seri novel ini terdebest sih sepanjang yang gue tau. gue ngabisin sebulanan buat ngabisin seri ini. dan itu experience yang ga terlupakan, rasanya sampe gue merasa harus re-read biar bisa ngerasain excited nya sepanjang hari baca novel ini.
Dibandingkan 6 novel sebelumnya yang gue beli fisiknya dan memakai terjemahan bahasa indonesia, novel berbentuk ebook dan memakai bahasa inggris. halamannya kurang dari 200, yang bahkan ga ada setengahnya dari 6 novel fisik yang gue punya,
Karena halaman yang berkurang banyak juga itu yang menurut gue jadi banyak yang ceritanya terlalu di percepat, terutama romance antara Megan sama Nate. Dari awal mereka ketemu, terus yang hapilly ever after mereka nikah. Tapi emang jujur aja, interaksi antara Emily sama Jack tuh wholesome banget.
setelah baca sampe abis, gue tetep ngerasa jatuh cinta sama gimana si penulis bangun cerita entah dari romance Megan Nate ataupun misteri misteri perjalanannya. Rekomendasi banget.
Dibandingkan 6 novel sebelumnya yang gue beli fisiknya dan memakai terjemahan bahasa indonesia, novel berbentuk ebook dan memakai bahasa inggris. halamannya kurang dari 200, yang bahkan ga ada setengahnya dari 6 novel fisik yang gue punya,
Karena halaman yang berkurang banyak juga itu yang menurut gue jadi banyak yang ceritanya terlalu di percepat, terutama romance antara Megan sama Nate. Dari awal mereka ketemu, terus yang hapilly ever after mereka nikah. Tapi emang jujur aja, interaksi antara Emily sama Jack tuh wholesome banget.
setelah baca sampe abis, gue tetep ngerasa jatuh cinta sama gimana si penulis bangun cerita entah dari romance Megan Nate ataupun misteri misteri perjalanannya. Rekomendasi banget.