
Ever the Brave by Erin Summerill

evilqueenbooks's review against another edition

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Enjoyable plot. Great characters. Interesting romance. Overall, a great conclusion to this duology. Can't wait to see what the author does next!

jenniclaar's review against another edition

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cathy_acasefullofbooks's review against another edition

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Definitely better than book one, Ever the Hunted! I can tell that Erin Summerill's writing has really improved!

This book picks up pretty close to where the last one left off, and this time around we get chapters from Britta's, Cohen's, and Aodren's POVs, which was kind of fun.

There was a lot of action and information packed into this book, and it really kept you interested. At one point I could tell that I didn't have very many pages left, and I started to worry that not everything would get resolved. But not to worry! Summerill magically tied everything up with a nice little bow. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Oh, yeah, this was a fantastic sequel! I enjoyed having POV's from the guys as well as Britta! Added more to this world, and I can't wait for Once a King, can't wait to see how that's going to go!

coffeebooksorme's review against another edition

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I am...disappointed with this book. Considering this was the finale of the duology, I felt like it was very lackluster in its execution. I can't recall if the 1st book had multiple POVs or not (it's been a year) but this one did and I was a tad bit irked by this. In addition to Britta's POV, we have Cohen (love interest #1) and Aorden (King of Malam and love interest #2), and to me, it felt as if the two guys had more page time than Britta did despite it being her book. I'm assuming Erin did this because there's a possibility of more books for other characters but IDK and frankly, I honestly don't care. I don't think this book necessarily needed extra POVs.

Most of Aorden's POV consisted of him lamenting how horrible a leader he was in the previous book, mooning over Britta (because we totally needed a love triangle shoe-horned into the book), and bragging about how much of an expert swordsman he is. Seriously, ever time he got into a sword fight he had an inner thought about how much better he was than his opponent.

Cohen's POV pretty much compared Britta to every female he met. I swear, if I had a dollar for every time he compared Lirra and Britta, I'd have enough money to buy an extra copy of this book to burn and still have some left over to buy a cup of coffee. It was extremely annoying and just...unnecessary.

This new love triangle was also unnecessary and downright annoying, to be honest. There was absolutely NO REASON to have it in there other than to kick up relationship drama between Britta/Cohen and to really give a reason for Aorden to have his own POV. THAT'S IT! There was no reasoning behind having this love triangle. It was pointless, stupid, and quite frankly just made me roll my eyes because it kinda made me feel as if Erin was trying to show that every dude that came into contact with Britta just had to love her. SIGH.

Considering the book was the finale, the good bits didn't really start until after 200 pages in. The first half of the book was practically filler and super boring. We get to meet Britta's mother who is Phelia (the big bad Spiriter from book 1) but there really wasn't any action between her and Britta. We get a bit of backstory but barely anything more than what we had already heard about Britta's mother. There's a fight scene at the end but it wasn't as big of a finale as I expected for a last book. Like, when I read the epic finale of a duology/series I expect a huge, epic, in your face OHMYGOD DID THAT JUST HAPPEN finale. Not so much here. What was there was good but I honestly expected more.

The book was alright but like I said, I'm very disappointed with how it was executed, the needless bits thrown in, and the lackluster ending. It could've definitely been better.

taylorepperson's review against another edition

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I really love this story. I stated it a while ago and then put it down, but I’m so glad I picked it up again! This is a fast read but I loved every second

rachelhelmer's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this one! I really loved the characters in this one unlike in the first book. The characters were what made it for me as they were so much more dynamic than they were in the first book. Unfortunately, I did not love the storyline in this one. There were just so many instances where the events seemed unrealistic and not done to the best of the author's ability. Overall, the characters still made up for the storyline and I stick by my 4/5 rating. I would definitely recommend giving this book a try if you haven't already!

cindeereads's review against another edition

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I loved this sequel it wrapped up many things so well I highly enjoyed this book. I still loved the characters especially Britta even with her issues and her fear of being abandoned should anyone know the truth of certain things. I loved the romance even with the conflict and uncertainty that it faces I loved how everything ended even with all of the pain and strife. I highly enjoyed the plot it picks off from it left off Britta is now connected to the King after she saved him there is conflict about that. The story moves o Cohen and his search to him coming back there being an attack and the story becoming a fight for survival and to save the kingdom I really loved the ending. So overall I loved this book will be reading that next book soon.

gingergirl014's review against another edition

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I’d give this a solid 4.5/5. Honestly I loved it. Sometimes the sequel falls short after the first novel but that is not the case here. Everything progress nicely with the perfect amount of unexpected twists and turns.
I wasn’t sure how I felt with the ending to the first book where Britta was now attached to Aodren instead of Cohen. However, I really enjoyed the way they explored their relationship and the connection between them. Aodren went from being a royal figure to a character with depth and I loved him.
Cohen I found slightly annoying in the last book and slightly annoying in this. He’s working on his overprotective, jealous nature and I appreciate that.
Reading the summary of the third book, it sounds like it’s more about Aodren and Lirra than Britta and Cohen. I’m excited to see where it goes.
The reveal of her mother being the villain could have been a very played out trope, but I like what the author did with that relationship. Britta stayed true to herself. She didn’t let her mother get to her. I also liked how, deep down, her mother just wanted to be on the same side as Britta and teach her. Although, her motives were obviously nefarious, her love for her daughter was always there.

ichigoluvah's review against another edition

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Meh. It certainly wasn't bad, but it wasn't very original either.

There's a sort of love triangle. The villains are the same as the last book and fall much to easily. Britta, who is set up to be a very independent woman in the first book, sits around doing nothing for the first half of the book while the men in her life keep her safe.

I was happy to see it conclude as a duology though. I was partial about the first book, and felt similarly about this one.

With that in mind, I would recommend this book to those that loved the first, but skip it if you weren't completely sold on the story and/ or characters.