
The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony

embv's review

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De Olifantenfluisteraar, geschreven door de Zuid-Afrikaanse natuurbeschermer Lawrence Anthony, is een boek wat je bij zal blijven. Lawrence Anthony vertelt in dit boek zijn verhaal toen hij een kudde onhandelbareolifanten accepteerde in zijn Thula Thula-wildreservaat in Zuid-Afrika. Tegen alle adviezen in nam hij de kudde aan omdat het de laatste kans was van de Olifanten, omdat ze zouden worden gedood als hij ze niet zou nemen. De olifanten waren getraumatiseerd (door het afschieten van soortgenoten door de vorige eigenaars), gevaarlijk en erg boos. Zodra ze in Thula Thula aankwamen, begonnen ze hun ontsnapping te plannen en maakten het leven voor Lawrence moeilijker en haast onmogelijk voor hem om een band met de olifanten te creëren en hen te redden van executie.

Lawrence Anthony was dat echter niet van plan, en maakte tegen ieders advies in zijn eigen plan om deze getraumatiseerde olifanten rustig te krijgen en er een band mee opbouwen…. De start van een zeer boeiend verhaal! De liefde van de auteur voor deze dieren voelbaar doorheen het gehele boek.

In het boek leer je veel van deze indrukwekkende dieren, omdat allemaal te benoemen is niet te doen, daarvoor moet u toch echt het boek zelf lezen. Maar een tipje van sluier :

Het verhaal van de rouw van de olifanten na het overlijden van Lawrence Anthony, laat ons zien dat dieren ook gevoelens hebben die vaak even diep zijn als die van mensen, en hun tevens hun gehechtheid aan zowel andere dieren als hun menselijke vrienden. En hoe ze om het verlies van hun geliefden rouwen. Daar wordt je stil van en het maakt dat je met heel andere ogen naar deze dieren kijkt.

Dit boek is vol vreugde maar ook verdriet. Het zal niet alleen dierenliefhebbers aanspreken, maar ook anderen die gewoon graag lezen.

hickeypicks's review

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Incredible from beginning to end! I love elephants.

alisonforde13's review

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Amazing as an audiobook.

chburton's review

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I absolutely LOVED this!

patricetea's review

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A fabulous story telling of a reserve and the lives of elephants in South Africa. The Author has a great love for nature and he takes you right into the wild with him. The elephants are well simply amazing. Read this book!

atriviale's review

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3.5 stars

- The young readers version was only slightly adapted
- I would have enjoyed more information on elephant biology, the status of elephant populations in Africa, and conservation in Africa

kiwiflora's review

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I have never really been big on reading animal related books. I remember reading 'My Family and Other Animals' by Gerald Durell many years ago (when I was 12) because we had to do a book review of an 'adult' book. I was mildly amused by it, but never really felt 'engaged' with it. I have always had a cat or two or three in my life, plus we had a dog at one stage, but it has really only been since we have fostering motherless kittens over the past couple of years that I understand the 'art' of communicating with animals. It took a while but it has surprised me how little kittens of 6-8 weeks old have such very individual personalities and how, as a family, we have become 'cat whisperers'. For each pair of kittens the 'socialisation' challenge is get them to purr! Once they purr when we touch them then we know we are on the right track to having potentially gorgeous pets.

Anyway I digress, but all this has made me much more interested in animal type books. So when Sarah at book club raved about a book that her niece had given her about a man who had saved a herd of elephants I was, surprisingly, interested. Having been exposed to elephants in India also piqued my interest.

Elephants are truly incredible animals. I won't say anymore about the wonder of elephants because you need to discover it for yourself by reading this book so you too can be amazed. Lawrence Anthony has spent his whole life in South Africa and its surrounding countries, living mostly in the rural hinterland where he has built up a close and empathetic relationship with the land, the animals and the native Africans. He owns and runs the Thula Thula wildlife reserve in South Africa and finds himself landed with the monumental task of taking on a herd of wild elephants that are under threat of being shot. The enormity of this task is seen in the first 76 pages of the book which focus on getting the elephants safely corralled on the reserve behind 8000 volt fences. From then on Anthony's relationship with the elephants slowly develops and the reader learns a lot about the majesty of these animals. As well as life on a wildlife reserve - the other animals, gaining the trust and confidence of the native Africans, the development of the reserve as a tourist destination. It is all a most enticing mix. And I now want to visit a wildlife reserve in Africa!

As an aside the author was involved in rescuing the animals in the Baghdad Zoo after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. And that is another book in itself. He was gone from Thula Thula for six months, and not once during that time did the elephants come to the Lodge where Anthony and his wife lived. But on the day he returned to the reserve the elephants were waiting at the main entrance gates for him. How did they know? That is the magic...

danita's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging emotional hopeful informative inspiring medium-paced


jheher's review

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Auburn book club July 2018 selection.

Wow! I loved listening to this audiobook - it's one where I think you might get more from the audio than reading it. Anthony's conservation message it there but it's not preachy. Instead you get to feel like you're right next to him getting to know and love the herd of elephants who were on the verge of being destroyed when he stepped up.

It's inspiring to see how his efforts bore fruit and how Zululand is a better place because of his efforts with these rogue pachyderms.

schlegsofminne's review

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emotional informative inspiring reflective slow-paced


We humans believe we have things figured out, and yet there are lessons to be learned from all facets of “wild kingdom.” Reading this, one cannot help but consider what they are missing and how much can be gained by spending time in and around nature, and simply observing, listening, and embracing al it has to teach us.