
Marry Me at Christmas by Susan Mallery

kbranfield's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

Marry Me at Christmas by Susan Mallery is a delightfully upbeat and charming holiday romance between a small town business owner and a popular movie star. It is also the nineteenth installment in the wildly popular Fool's Gold series but it can be read as a standalone (but I HIGHLY recommend all of the books in this fabulous series).

Bridal shop owner Madeline Krug has made no secret she is harboring a huge crush on Jonny Blaze, a popular action movie actor. When Mayor Marsha asks her to help him plan his sister's wedding, like everyone else in Fool's Gold, she finds it impossible to say no. At first star struck and nervous around Jonny, Madeline is surprised by how well the two work together. As she slowly gets to know and fully appreciate the man behind the famous face, her crush fades away only to be replaced by genuine feelings. Their friendship slowly gives way to romance, but Madeline cannot help but wonder how long their relationship will last once Jonny returns to the glitz and glamour of his acting career.

Madeline struggled to find her way but she loves her career as a bridal shop owner. She has an uncanny knack for picking the perfect dress for brides to be and she is eager to take a more active role in the business. Although she does not know anything about planning a wedding, Madeline is quite enthusiastic about helping Jonny plan his sister Ginger's wedding. She and Jonny have a comfortable working relationship but it is not until he steps in to help her out with her snarky ex that their relationship takes a much more personal turn.

Jonny is surprisingly down to earth and he moved to Fool's Gold to escape the limelight and paparazzi. Hoping to live an ordinary, simple life, he is continually taken off guard when the townspeople treat him the same as anyone else. Jonny has a bit of a tragic past and he finds it difficult to talk about his feelings so he demonstrates his love with extravagant but well-meaning gestures that are sometimes a little over the top. Luckily, Madeline gently reins him in and provides Ginger with the small, intimate ceremony she and her fiancé desire.

The relationship between Jonny and Madeline is low-key and builds slowly over the course of the novel. Jonny is drawn to Madeline and although he tries to keep his distance from her, he cannot seem to make himself stay away from her. Madeline never balks at spending time with him, but she cannot help but wonder how long his attraction to her will last since, in her mind, she is just an ordinary person. Their romance is very sweet with very little conflict but when trouble does arise between them, it is resolved quickly and without drama.

With an endearing cast of quirky characters, a sigh worthy hero and a lovable heroine, Susan Mallery's Marry Me at Christmas is another enchanting addition to the Fool's Gold series. This absolutely heartfelt and entertaining love story will leave readers with a smile on their face as they revisit old friends and meet new ones during this latest stop in Fool's Gold.

xxsaka's review against another edition

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Ach I don't know... irgendwie war es nicht das, was ich mir erhofft habe.
Ja, es war Weihnachtskitsch in einer süßen Kleinstadt, so wie erwartet und das war auch echt nett.

Nur das ganze unnötige Hin und Her zwischen Jonny und Madeline hat sich so künstlich aufgebauscht angefühlt. Im Endeffekt ist gar nicht wirklich was passiert, sie haben sich sofort voneinander angezogen gefühlt, sind zusammengekommen und sich am Ende verlobt. Bis auf ihre ständigen - und auf Dauer echt nervigen - Selbstzweifel ist die Geschichte einfach so vor sich hingeplätschert.
Wirklich, zwischendurch hab ich nur noch die Augen verdreht. Wie oft sagt Jonny ihr, dass er sie will und dann stößt er sie wieder weg, weil er ja angeblich so verletzt ist und nie wieder lieben kann? Mann, entscheid dich mal und sende nicht dauernd so widersprüchliche Signale. Ich wäre an Madelines Stelle auch verwirrt. Trotzdem hat sie mich wahnsinnig gemacht mit ihrem ständigen "Er kann ja nicht wirklich an mir interessiert sein / Ich bin nur ein Kleinstadtmädchen / niemals würde er wirklich mit mir zusammen sein wollen" - selbst dann noch, als sie schon längt zusammen waren. Why?! Und dann dieser künstliche Konflikt kurz vor Ende, als sie nochmal für gefühlt eine halbe Seite getrennt sind, weil beide ja so große Angst haben...

Was mich außerdem genervt hat, waren die tausend Nebenfiguren. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass das Band 19 einer Reihe war und man die meisten anderen Figuren schon aus den vorherigen Büchern kennt, aber ich kannte sie nicht. Und wenn dann so viel mit den Namen der ganzen Freundinnen und Bekannten von Madeline um sich geschmissen wird, hab ich irgendwann aufgehört zu versuchen, mir zu merken, wer wer ist und was die so machen.

Naja, insgesamt einfach nicht ganz das, was ich mir erwartet hab, aber ganz nett.

alinaborger's review

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Sweet Fools Gold story...all warm with no real worries, just the falling in love story. :)

hannahbananagram's review against another edition

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Overall yeah I enjoyed reading it. It was cool to see how the book was similar to and also different from the Hallmark movie but at the end of the day it’s a romance book. Romance isn’t my favorite genre for books and I def prefer watching romance or rom-com movies than reading one

blaetterwerk's review against another edition

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emotional lighthearted


sandylovesbooks's review against another edition

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I absolutely love this story. I love Madeline and Jonny. He is a big action movie star and she is a girl from Fools Gold and, she feels, not worthy of being in a relationship with Jonny. Such a sweet Christmas romance book. I loved it, I know I said it already.

Some notes while reading the book:
pg 25 - Madeline didn't want to get paid for helping plan Jonny's sisters wedding. "That was just icky." Really, icky?

pg 43 - ok I know this is Fools Gold and all the women are pregnant, just gave birth, or wanting to be a mom but now Isabel is having triplets? Seriously? I think the author may need to back off a bit, Fools Gold will have a population explosion. I love these book so much that I can get over that.

pg 47 - Yay! He thinks she looks like a naughty librarian and he was always a sucker for librarians.

pg 90 - "A kiss on the cheek? Like she was 10? What about a little lip action? Some tongue? She wanted tongue." Love this.

pg 288 - Jonny adopted Raven, an 8-year old lab. "I'm your forever family" My heart is melting.

kjbrown92's review against another edition

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Another great Fool's Gold story!

meezcarrie's review against another edition

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This is, I'm pretty sure, my favorite Fool's Gold book yet! The humor was subtle but hilarious and the sweet romance was every girl's dream come true. I really loved Jonny - how down-to-earth he was, his integrity, his sense of humor, his big heart. And of course Eddie & Gladys stole the show again. One of these days, I just know I'm going to catch Mayor Marsha with her halo peeking out and prove she's an angel or something... her info is nothing short of providential :)

(I checked this book out from my local library & as always this is only an honest review.)

**Note to my Christian fiction followers: This is a general market novel and contains mild scenes of a sexual nature and occasional swearing.**

smmoe1997's review against another edition

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I got this book as a part of the review crew, so I broke my usual rule of not reading Christmas stories before Thanksgiving. All in all this was a very good and enjoyable Christmas romance. I'm not quite sure I find the movie star/small town girl totally believable but I certainly still enjoyed it.

marlo_c's review against another edition

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Typical chick lit romance. Predictable. Happy endings and all that. The characters weren't all that believable, but it was an easy holiday read.