
Gunn's Golden Rules: Life's Little Lessons for Making It Work by Tim Gunn

faithdarlingbooks's review against another edition

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I could hear Tim Gunn's voice.
Funny anecdotes
I love the chapter titles.


Though his voice was there, they obviously made a point of not using so many of his big words. I always like that about Tim so it was annoying

Some anecdotes seemed pointless, like he had a Project Runway story quota to hit.

Holy ramble, Batman!

sarahbotreads's review against another edition

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I love Tim Gunn - I just want to hug him and have him tell me what to wear. I liked his first book (which was more fully focused on fashion/style) so much, so I was really excited for this one, which is meant to be a more general etiquette book. There were lots of parts I loved about it, mostly Tim's anecdotes about his life and the other fashion-industry personalities he's met and worked with, and certainly a lot of his etiquette tips made sense (be nice, take the high road, know when it's appropriate to share information and when to keep it to yourself), but there were definitely a lot of his points that I disagreed with (giving a homemade gift means you're cheap, printing out every e-mail before you send it is fine because the trees are already dead, etc). I think I would have really loved this if it had been more of a memoir, and less of a here's-what-you-should-do.

wellactjoally's review against another edition

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Entertaining. Narrative style, seems like a nice man.

an_enthusiastic_reader's review against another edition

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Paean to good manners and repressed desires. Promotes affability and restraint at all costs (unless a juicy tidbit furthers a point). A three-hour read that will remind you to stay in control of your faculties.

grldchz's review against another edition

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A mostly genial man telling me that life owes you nothing and kindness matters, yet I enjoyed hearing him out.

lisaebetz's review against another edition

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Since I'm not familiar (or particularly interested) in the fashion industry, and have never watched Project Runway, the details of this book were lost on me, but I heartily agree with the basic premise: Hard work and good manners are the best way to live your life. People who forget that are neither pleasant to work with, nor worthy of our respect.

nicole_p's review against another edition

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I was interested to read this, not because I've ever seen Project Runway, but because I saw a few snippets in here about his view on manners (they are necessary and I agree) and thought I would enjoy getting to know a bit about him and what he had to say. I enjoy books on style and cultivating a quality character, and there was a bit of this in here. But there was a lot of gossip too about the bad/spoiled behavior of celebrities that Mr. Gunn has worked with and I was surprised that someone who appears to be setting a high standard for himself would then publically malign others. Because of this, I only read about half the book. The scenarios he mentioned may be true, but if I had wanted to read about that, I would have picked of a gossip magazine, which was not my intention when I picked up this book.

xamonster's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. Tim Gunn is pretty much fantastic, and I love the little anecdotes he has for every little thing. The book almost reads like a conversation or memoir.

meganmassey's review against another edition

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I love Tim Gunn, but he proves himself to be a bit of an old fogey with this book. "Uncle Nag" is right! I mean, a woman over thirty shouldn't have hair well past her shoulders? O rly, Tim? I did enjoy the insight into his life and his family and the gossip bits were great. Buuuut if you were truly taking the high road wouldn't you not gossip? Like, at all?

bibliocatts's review against another edition

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I love Tim Gunn!