
Until Trevor by Aurora Rose Reynolds

naughtynicky's review

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From the time we were young, my father and grandfather told me and my brothers that we were cursed. They said that we would only find one love. When we met the woman who was ours, it would be like an explosion. Nothing else would matter but her. We all thought it was bullshit. Now I wasn’t so sure.

This book follows Trevor & Liv.

I love this fast paced insta-love series. There are some editing issues, but they are not enough of a reason to not love these books.

The Until series follows the Mason brothers and their BOOM.

The Mayson brothers are all strong, attractive and protective of the women they fall for, however they are not always willing to give into their emotions and desires.

All the Mason brothers are introduced in the first book as well as some of their love interests so even though each book is a standalone that follows a different couple and has a happy ending, there is enough of a connection in each book that means you need to read the books in order.

This is my 4th re-read of this series.

Book 1 - Until November
Book 2 - Until Trevor
Book 3 - Until Lilly
Book 4 - Until Nico

sowaneed's review

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It was good... decent story... I guess I was just annoyed at the characters. .. it was too much of the same story... bossy guy and weak ass girl... blah blah blah

gasphushfastblush's review

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read time: 1h 30m

caledonia's review

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Much, uh, more spicy than book one and I loved it.

gypsyreads's review

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Seriously love this series

lucy_rain_and_cupcakes's review

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Major Déjà Vu! Too similar to Roxie and Eddies' story to my liking.

francesca_rock's review

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Just as I predicted. The writing got a bit better with this one. Still some struggles with the dialogue - but better than the first for sure. Hopefully that improvement continues in the next book (exponentially until it's all old hat for Aurora Rose Reynolds).

The story was also pretty good. Liz is introduced in book one - so you totally knew that this was coming. I prefer to meet characters in their own story - but this is a standard thing that is done in romance series. That being said - I really liked Liz and Trevor. They were sweet together and in the end I was certainly rooting for them.

This was pretty much your standard romance novel - had to have a little bit of excitement - but that was it. That probably makes it sound bad - haha. It was well paced ... but not as exciting as a mystery novel. Still good though.

I can hardly wait to read the next one and see the improvements AND the story.

Check out more of my reviews at

nrgitha's review

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“This is going to happen.”

“What?” I ask, my eyebrows drawn together in confusion. His finger comes up and skims down the center of my face, forehead to chin.

“You and I, we’re going to happen.”

I think i need my own Mayson brother, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

quinn_0611's review

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Continuing with my obsessions with Aurora Rose Reynolds' books, I picked up Until Trevor, the second book in Reynold's Until series. After getting hints at the romance in this book from book one, Until November, I was pretty excited to read this one. Unfortunately, I had some real issues with this one, and it's one of my least favorites of all Reynolds' books.

Until Trevor is about Trevor Mayson and Liz Hayes. Liz and Trevor had been flitting about each other for a bit before this book actually started. When they finally got together, there is a misunderstanding (a rather stupid one) and Trevor freaks out and stops hanging out with Liz. Liz is understandable upset because they had developed a friendship and that's gone too. And then her brother gets into some trouble and Liz needs money. In desperation, she starts working at a strip club. When Trevor discovers this he freaks and then they, of course, get together.

Honestly, my main struggle with this book was Trevor himself. Going into a Aurora Rose Reynolds book, I was expecting Trevor to be alpha, and super possessive and over-protective of Liz, which was certainly the case. But he came off as a jerk so often that I had a hard time rooting for him. Sometimes he was okay, but I just never loved him.

Liz was an okay heroine. I thought I would identify with her more than I did, because in book one, Until November, she came off as shy. But she didn't seem to be the same person as in book one. She took Trevor back more quickly than I would have too. Liz just doesn't stand out as a memorable heroine.

The romance was just so-so. I clearly didn't love the heroine and hero, so that didn't help me love the couple together. I also had some major issues with how Trevor told Liz that she was too wonderful a woman to not have children.
Spoiler That she needed to give her love to her own children. As the reader, we realize that Liz does want children but she has concerns. But Trevor doesn't realize this, and this assumption that she should have children was annoying and aggravating.

Still, even with my complaints, I had a hard time putting this book down. It was addicting. I did a ton of eye-rolling, but it was a quick, easy read, which is what I needed at the time. If you like books with over the top alpha heroes, and heroines who love them, you might enjoy Until Trevor. But this series is definitely not for every one.This review was originally posted on Quinn's Book Nook

paddlefoot55's review

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We first met Trevor Mayson and Liz Hayes in Until November (Ash and November's story)

Trevor and Liz have been circling around each other for months. After a night of "nearly sex" and a misunderstanding that gets blown right out of proportion, Trevor is keeping his distance.

Liz has had enough. No more waiting for Trevor to come to the party, she is moving on ~ at least she is trying to.

Trevor can't move on, she is his "boom", his one.

Trevor isd all sexy hot alpha and caveman all rolled into one. Reading as he goes all caveman on any man who dares to go near his Liz is at times exhilariting and at times frustrating and annoying. While it is at times hot, sometimes he just came off as a bit cheesy.

Where Trevor is all caveman and out there, Liz is shy, quiet and k,eeps her feelings locked up tight. She has troubles of her own which she won't let anyone help her with. In this regard she is such a strong woman, but it makes her make some questionable decisions.

Of course there is the requisite troubles with the exes, out to make trouble for the new couple. Gotta have one of them. These of course lead to some awkward situations, one in particular that is quite sad, but a bit funny (well it was to me, but I am a bit warped and others might not find it amusing!)

While I loved Until Trevor, I found that Trevor and Liz's story fell a bit flat compared to Until November. Not sure what it was but it just lacked that little something that Until November had for me.

Of course, we get more of Ash and November, and their calendar of kids (you'll get it when you read) and of course the rest of the Mayson boys.

Cash is more involved in Until Trevor, setting things up for his story, Until Lilly (which I am really looking forward to, there seems to be a fair bit going on there that I NEED to know).

If you want to get lost in a world of sexy hot alpha male-ness, then Ms Reynolds 'Until' series is a great place to do it.