mamap's review

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I don't normally like short stories. This, however, was filled with authors and characters that I was already familiar with - probably why I liked them!

Vicki Petterssson "Experience is what happens when you don't get what you want in life."

lectorliber04's review

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Reading a group of short stories is the best way of getting a taste of which authors one might enjoy. I confirmed that Ilona Andrews, Jim Butcher and Vicki Pettersson are authors I would love to explore some more. Three stories stood out for me. A Questionable Client by Ilona Andrews portrayed the kind of heroine I like. Kate is one strong, smart and very sassy girl. Shifting Star by Vicki Pettersson gifted me with another strong heroine in Skamar and Jim Butcher's Even Hand reminded me of those old movies from the forties and fifties, mostly it reminded me of Humphrey Bogart. P. N. Elrod's Dark Lady I also liked. Paranormal is becoming one of my favourite genres.

misterjay's review

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A Questionable Client by Ilona Andrews

Interesting new take on the vampire hunter trope. Lots of fun. I hadn't heard (read) any stories featuring Kate Daniels but I'm very interested in checking a few out after hearing this one. 4/5

Even Hand by Jim Butcher

This is a look into one of my favorite baddies from the Dresden books, John Marcone. We find out just a little bit more about the Gentleman, and his particular code. And what he'll do to keep it. Fun and easy to listen to. 4/5

The Beacon by Shannon K. Butcher

Like all the best anti-heroes, Ryder Ward is both hard to like and hard to dislike. And like most anti-heroes, he often does the wrong thing for the right reasons, like failing to shoot a little girl no matter how many die as a consequence. 3/5

Even a Rabbit Will Bite by Rachel Caine

Although it took a bit longer than I felt was really necessary to get going, I liked where the story ended up. There have been a lot of stories about dragons and dragon slayers, but I've not read any like this. 4/5

Dark Lady by P.N. Elrod

It's been at least 20 years since I read a Jack Fleming novel; this story has made me want to go right back to the beginning and devour them all. This story has gangsters, money gone missing, nightclubs, and a helpful ghost. Fun. 5/5

Beknighted by Deidre Knight

I liked the idea here, about an artist who finds herself in the middle of a battle between a knight and the Devil all the while trying to use her talents to help, but the writing was a little too florid for me. 3/5

Shifting Star by Vicki Pettersson

This is one of those stories that I think I would have liked a lot more if it had been novel length, with enough time to go into who, exactly, everyone is and why their motivations are what they are. Interesting idea, but not enough for me to really get into. 2/5

Rookwood and Mrs. King by Lilith Saintcrow

The vampire detective thing has been done a bit by now, but this is a nice take on the idea all the same. Rookwood is a good character and I'd happily read more if he shows up in his own series sometime. 4/5

God's Creatures by Carrie Vaughn

I've got no idea who this Cormac guy is, but I want to start reading the books about him. I really enjoyed this wolf hunter story. 4/5

barbtrek's review

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A nice variety of stories. No duds in the group, though I liked some more than others.

trueperception's review

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A Questionable Client - 4/5. Interesting world and main character. I'll have to check out the first book.

Even Hand - 4/5

The Beacon - 3/5. She copies her husbands writing style really well, but the story was boring.

Even A Rabbit Will Bite - 3/5

Dark Lady - 4/5. Well written period piece, with nice, traditional vampire mythology, and some interesting intuited elements (healing in gas form, wood as a general weakness).

Beknighted - 2/5. Not interested.

Shifting Star - 2/5. Has potential, but it's destroyed by overarching romance plot.

Rookwood and Mrs. King - 4/5

God's Creatures - 4/5. Worth checking out the author's other works.

Merged review:

It had potential, but it had a good deal of flaws. And, I don't buy the "you monster, our women are meek and helpless!" angle.

eastofthesunwestofthemoon's review

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As is usual with story collections, there are some good and some less interesting tales in this volume.

_snowy_m's review

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5.0 of my favorite characters in the much more to learn about him

git_r_read's review

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As with almost all anthologies I read (or partially read), there are shiny awesome novellas and there are the middling good, then the *whaaaat*. Some of this might have been due to the time of night and the night of the week I was reading each one. I will hold onto this one and try again as I know the auhors are all favorites of mine, so it must have been timing that had me thinking other than most favorable thoughts.

glitterbomb47's review

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Enjoyed the stories by Andrews, both Butchers, Elrod, Caine, and Vaughn. The Pettersson one was pretty good too. The Knight story was truly awful. I don't know how that one got stuck in here. I would have given this collection four stars if that story hadn't been included.

heathersbike's review

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Liked this very much!