
Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman

yourfriendsteph's review against another edition

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This is a good read for those who know nothing about nutrition and are looking for a little motivation. Although I did not find any information I hadn't read before, i was impressed that Skinny Bitch was full of research summaries to back up claims.

I thought Skinny Bitch did a great job of concisely cramming a lot of good information into a quick read. I'd recommend this book to anyone new to the health food game, but would advise the reader to continue with other books as well.

Oh, and just from the title one can tell the verbiage used throughout the books is a bit over the top. This was obviously a tactic to gain attention. despite the extreme expletives, this book really is informative.

meredithmegan87's review against another edition

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SO GOOD. I'm not vegan or vegetarian anymore but I bought this book so that I can re-read it to remind myself of everything they tell you. Highly, highly recommend reading this as an informative piece.

judithdcollins's review against another edition

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Full of sass and funny! Awesome read and great for healthy eating and vegans as well. A book you will want to keep for reference and start looking fabulous! Give up the booz, as it makes you FAT!

xatsil's review against another edition

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The Fahrenheit 9/11 of food. I don't trust this book's sensationalism, and therefore its research. And the language only deducts from its credibility. It sounds like nasty gossip rather than something I should follow to make important life changes.

mbrandmaier's review against another edition

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If you read this book cover to cover, you will not be able to eat for several hours because of the detailed descriptions of how horribly animals are treated that we then eat. It also made me cry a little bit and seriously consider giving up eating meat. I now want to at least buy just free-range meat, since I can't give up eating meat entirely.

triciamc1238's review against another edition

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Very interesting read- the chapters on animal slaughter were horrific. I will definitely think before I eat from now on!! The authors' tone was irreverent and I could totally picture hanging w/ these bitches.

nina_rod's review against another edition

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If I did this diet, not sure if I would be skinny, but I would be the bitchiest of bitches. No dairy, meat, coffee or alcohol. I think this book is a testament to anorexia than sensible eating. I think I'd prefer to have my cake and eat it too. Maybe the sequel will advocate bulimia. However, I was highly entertained listening to this audio book. Except for the chapter on how inhuman livestock are killed. Gross, but still like my bacon.

laceywebs's review against another edition

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Although this sounds ridiculous, I view this book as "life changing". I bought it thinking it would inspire me to eat better... what I didn't know was that it would inspire an entire lifestyle change for myself and my family.

Here are my (unorganized) thoughts after reading it:
-Sometimes, it can come off as judgmental and overbearing, but all of the sources are cited and all of the points make sense, making it more educational than negative.
-Yes, there is cursing. But it made it easier for me to relate to them. It came across more like a conversation between friends than a demeaning "cuss-out" session.
-I love that I now know what to look for on labels and which organizations certifications on the food matters and which are crap.
-Yes, there is a chapter about the cruelty involved with every slaughterhouse, but that isn't the main focus of the book. I do think that it needed to be there though and needed to be discussed, since that is a main reason why so many people do choose and love vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. It helps the authors' point and helped me to see more of it.
-A lot of people will think this diet is "unhealthy", but have you ever actually talked to a doctor about it? In one day, I found more articles from doctors online who are FOR a diet like this than against it.
-Speaking of what "I found"... This book made me want to research so many things associated with food, vegan and vegetarian diets, and many of the views discussed in the book. Very few books motivate me to start researching and learning on my own and this one most certainly did.
-As far as a "vegan agenda"... In reading the book, I found their agenda to be honesty and to be opening people's eyes about many of the misconceptions about the food they eat on a daily basis. Are they vegan? Yes. Do they promote it? Yes. But they are promoting what works for them and what they think will help the reader... and isn't that what all diet books are about?
-It isn't just about diet. It is also about motivation, self-esteem, and entire body health.

In summary, I am now beginning my "Skinny Bitch" diet. I have also recommended this book to everyone I care about. It may not be enough to motivate some people, but it sure worked for me!

caitlin2e's review against another edition

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I'm giving this 3 stars for two reasons: 1) some of the ideas addressed really got me to think about and question what it is I'm putting in my body, and 2) I hated the way in which it was written. I wouldn't take the content of the book as gospel, but it makes for a good jumping-off point if you have an interest in educating yourself about your diet and making some changes. I just really wish the authors hadn't decided to present their ideas in such an obnoxious voice.

kayceslitlife's review against another edition

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This is the book that prompted me to become a vegetarian and steer clear of meat altogether. The decision came after a chapter on slaughter houses and hearing the horrendous things these animals are put through to satisfy dietary desires.

But I will say this, this book is a vegan book in disguise. The authors even say on their website that the title was a marketing ploy because they knew some women would not buy the book if they knew it was a vegan book. Having been duped as a consumer, I don't appreciate that, but I still got the point they were making and it's led me on a healthier journey than where I was.