superpunster's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional informative inspiring fast-paced


lexcellent's review against another edition

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dark emotional informative inspiring reflective sad medium-paced


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vickiemstone's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional funny informative lighthearted reflective sad medium-paced


Highly enjoyable read exploring Russian history through food from the last Tsar to Putin with the cosmonauts, Chernobyl, the Tartars, and everything else in between. 

The most moving (and sad) part of the book for me was listening to the women’s experiences of famine in 1921 and during the Siege of Leningrad. Oof. 

The author’s use of interview transcripts, personal antidotes, and recipes, alongside narratives for historical context made it feel like you were traveling and meeting these chefs along with him. There is something about a shared meal or recipe that helps one to embrace commonalities, sow empathy, and celebrate cultural differences.

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goreb's review against another edition

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funny informative reflective medium-paced


esther_m_alder's review against another edition

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Прочитала цю книжку через книжковий клуб палає. Для мене книжка не дуже однозначна, тому і відмітки ставити не буду. Автор ставить поряд історії Голодомору в Україні та історії голоду у ленінградки, в якої батько знищував фінів. Для мене це не рівнозначні історії, а автор кладе їх у тарілки поруч. Блювотні хароші лосіяни, що все усвідомлюють в Афганістані. Тільки так до кінця не зрозуміло що саме вони усвідомлюють. Відчувається вшита у польську свідомість повага до шляхетності, коли автор пише про романових

temporal_unpleasantness's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


So thankful I read this book, and that written accounts were captured from participants before the war in Ukraine or their passings. Great care was taken writing this, and I was moved to tears multiple times.

manoushp109's review against another edition

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very interesting highly enjoyed just probably won’t remember it often

eelsmac's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark emotional informative reflective relaxing medium-paced


fedorasommora's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


alekei's review against another edition

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informative tense medium-paced
