
Broken Darkness: So vollkommen by M. O'Keefe

literaturesque's review against another edition

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2.5-3 stars.

rhythmofbooks's review against another edition

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Review ist beim ersten Band zu sehen!

eddiemunsonssecretbookshelf's review against another edition

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Meine Meinung

Ihr merkt wahrscheinlich, die Inhaltswiedergabe war mehr als schwierig. Aber das Buch beginnt auf den ersten sechzig Seiten schon mit einem Pageturner, sodass ich so gut wie nichts vorwegnehmen kann. Also bleibt nur dieses mystische Gefasel da oben. Aber nun zum Buch. Zum Glück habe ich meinen Zettel, denn sonst wüsste ich so gut wie gar nichts mehr. Es ging sehr spannend los. Direkt am Anfang kam eine Sache, die ich am Ende erwartet habe, sodass ich dann verunsichert war, ob der Rest unnötiges Drama werden würde. Gab es kaum. Ab und an dachte ich mir “Kommt mal zu Potte jetzt”, aber insgesamt gab es wenig unnötiges Drama. Dafür eine Menge unnötiger Sexszenen, die irgendwelche Probleme lösen sollten oder nur für Verdrängung gesorgt haben. In Band 1 haben sie tatsächlich (man mag es vielleicht nicht glauben) zu einer Entwicklung geführt. Hier war ich allerdings oftmals genervt. “Schon wieder?”

Diesmal haben wir sehr viel mehr über Dylan erfahren, weil seine Kapitel in der Ich-Perspektive geschrieben wurden, während Annies in der dritten Person kamen. Umgekehrt zu Band 1 also. Das hat mir sehr gut gefallen, denn im ersten Band hat man so wenig über ihn erfahren, dass er mir sogar zu geheimnisvoll war, zu uninteressant. Hier habe ich ihn nun lieben gelernt. Man hat mehr über ihn erfahren und über seine weiche Seite.

Dann habe ich das Buch, nach ungefähr 180 Seiten, vier Wochen pausiert. Es hat nicht gepasst. Aber als ich es dann wieder zur Hand genommen habe, dann lief es, sodass ich es dann sehr schnell beenden konnte. Und das heißt dann wohl doch was. Als launenhafter Leser hat es aber nicht viel zu bedeuten, wenn ich ein Buch mal zwei Wochen nicht zur Hand nehme. Lieber lese ich ein Buch später und bewerte es dann vernünftig, als dass ich mich durchquäle, weil ich eigentlich keine Lust drauf habe und dann nur zwei Sterne gebe. Das verdient ein Buch nicht.

Ebenso wurden schon viele Andeutungen für Band 3 und 4 gemacht, ich möchte definitiv noch weiterlesen und bin total gespannt, was die zwei anderen Pairings mit sich bringen. In diesem Buch gab es allerdings so wenig Handlung. Würde man mich jetzt fragen, was eigentlich passiert ist, ich wüsste nur zwei oder drei kleine Sachen. Es war nicht langweilig, aber wirklich Handlung gab es halt auch nicht. Ich finde das ziemlich faszinierend, wie man knapp 400 Seiten mit äußerst wenig Handlung füllen kann, ohne dass mir langweilig geworden ist. Das Ende war dann sehr schön. Annie und Dylan haben ein tolles Ende bekommen, sodass ich zufrieden bin.

Kurze Übersicht

+ spannende Handlung

+ Entwicklung beider Charaktere

– es gab kaum Handlung

– unnötige Sexszenen

– vier Wochen pausiert


Auch wenn meine Übersicht negativ aussieht, ich hatte Spaß beim Lesen. Ich wurde gut unterhalten und habe gerne weitergelesen (nachdem ich meine Pause eingelegt habe). Ich gebe 4/5 Sterne, denn das Buch hat schließlich seinen Zweck erfüllt.

beckymmoe's review against another edition

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So, so good--such a satisfying conclusion to Annie and Dylan's story (but not the series! Max and Joan's story is to come--and dare we hope for Blake's--and Tiffany's?--story after that??)

This book is definitely not a standalone. You have to read [b:Everything I Left Unsaid|25387181|Everything I Left Unsaid (Everything I Left Unsaid, #1)|Molly O'Keefe||45137856] first; there's too much to catch up on otherwise. Book 2 drops you right in the middle of the action where book 1 left off, and you really need to know what's going on and who all those people are from the get-go.

But hey--if you haven't read book one yet, now you can do so without suffering the agony of having to wait for book two to be released when you're done! Bonus! ;)

Ms. O'Keefe flipped her POV choices for this one--Dylan's telling the story in the first person, and Annie's parts are in third. Since we're learning more about Dylan this time around, this style works. We find out more about his unhappy past and his truly messed-up family dynamic, and are better able to understand his trust issues and why he has such difficulty with the "L" word. His estranged father and brother play bigger roles, and family--all kinds of family--is again an important element of the story.

At the same time, we see his relationship with Annie deepen as she becomes even stronger and more brave than she was in book two.

I cannot stress enough how much I love Annie and Dylan.

Plus, let's not forget there's plenty of really crazy hot sex here ;)

Even though this is another example of a darker work than Ms. O'Keefe's usual fare, her sense of humor makes itself known throughout, making this a whole lot of (somewhat stressful! But in the best ways) fun to read.

I cannot wait to revisit Annie and Dylan's world as the series continues!

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

jordanbates91's review against another edition

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****4 of 5 Stars****

The Best Parts:

What I loved about this book the most was that when it started it didn't do a summary of what had happened, or even fast forward. Basically where the first book left off was where this one picked up. It allowed for a break, but not too much that you would forget what you were reading about. I have to say though, the way this book is written felt a little off from the first. I don't know if that was because the element of surprise was taken away since everyone knows who each other are now, or what.

The romance though was top notch. The sex was great because it gave and took without mercy, but then it made you question things, not even about the characters, but about the sex in general and just how important it was to them. Also the actual relationships between the characters, romantic or not, were phenomenal to read. You really connected with all of them.

The Worst Parts:

The only thing that truly bothered me while reading this book was the crypticness of everyone. There were so many secrets, especially with people who didn't like secrets. It felt like everyone was lying to each other, so when they hurt one another it just felt like they already had it coming.

Final Thoughts:

I love love loved this book, as well as the first. Granted these are my first O'Keefe novels I can't wait to read more! These books are able to give you a full cycle of romance with the closure that you need as well <3

bandherbooks's review against another edition

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Since I read both book 1 and 2 back to back, I wish they would have been one story. Everything I Left Unsaid was super compelling, I enjoyed the tension of Annie and Dylan's phone relationship, and gah that cliffhanger. This book felt more repetitive, with lots of little breaks between Dylan and Annie as they try to navigate being in an actual relationship and a lot of stuff with the motorcycle club that I didn't really care about.

I'm really intrigued to read more about Annie's neighbor in her book. Cannot wait.

shell74's review against another edition

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Actual Rating: 4.5 Stars

‘I had no grace. And very little generosity. But what I had, I tried to give to her in that kiss. I was not the right man for her, but I wanted to be. And I was humbled by her choice.’

The drama was out of control, as was the heat between Annie and Dylan, in this explosive conclusion to their part of the Everything I Left Unsaid series.

After the mother of a cliffhanger ending book one had, I could not wait to read The Truth About Him and see how it all turned out. And I was not disappointed. To me, this installment was where everything got all too ‘real’ for Dylan and Annie. Not that things were not real between them in the first book. They were kind of lost in lust and good intentions at that point. But here they had to face the challenges of healing from their traumatic pasts and figure out if they could make something long term work together.

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linathebookaddict's review against another edition

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ARC kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

rachelreadsravenously's review against another edition

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4.5 Bedrock stars

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This book was even better than the first! The Truth About Him picks up exactly where the first book left off. Annie and Dylan continue their relationship, and while Annie has opened herself up to Dylan, Dylan begins to build walls to keep Annie out. Dylan's past has become his present, and all of the issues he has with his dad and his brother become reasons for him to leave Annie alone.

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What I hoped would happen in this book did, we got more character development for both of the main characters! I loved learning more about Dylan and Annie's pasts because it led them to where they were in the present. The two also fought both of their survival and fleeing instincts and stuck together when everything in them was saying "run!".

I like how this book and these characters weren't about over the top drama. Yes they were in dramatic situations but I don't feel like anyone exacerbated them. With the exception of the beginning with a bang, the circumstances surrounded the characters and affected them, but didn't completely slam them. That make sense?

Anyways I read both of these books in one day and really enjoyed both of them. So get your one click ready to buy these two books!

ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for review

amb3reads's review against another edition

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3.5 out of 5 Stars

The Truth About Him is book 2 in the Everything I Left Unsaid Series. I enjoyed The Truth About Him and can't wait to continue with the series. The Truth about Him is the finally book about Dylan and Annie. I loved Dylan and Annie.