
Invisible by Marni Bates

sunny_r's review

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flowersofquiethappiness's review

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I read Ms. Bates YA debut Awkward last year and absolutely loved it! So I was quite excited when I learned she was planning to make it into a series. I was waiting for the right moment to read this one and oh my goodness, I was not disappointed at all! The hilarity of the first book was continued here and I giggled my way through the story in a matter of hours. In fact, I stayed up way too late to finish it it all in one go. I know it's a great story when I can't put it down. :)

Poor Jane. You know that phrase "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it"? She learns exactly how true that is! Feeling left behind, she decides to make some changes. And boy does that one little decision get the ball rolling downhill and at top speed! Jane is sarcastic, hilarious, friendly, and just a really nice person. She's a great girl, only she doesn't realize it. Her shyness and desire to stay in the background hinders other people from seeing her real self. But she slowly finds her way into accepting herself and her friends for who they are. Her slow emerging into someone that she's not afraid to let others see was well crafted. She doesn't make one decision and suddenly become a whole new person. She's always been that person, she just never knew it.

The guy who pushes her out of her shadows and keeps her on her toes, the girl she thought hated her who ends up helping her out, her best friends who seemingly forget she exists, they each have their spot in Jane's life and they're all great secondary characters. But really, this is Jane's story alone. She has to learn to call the shots in her own life, and to accept the consequences of her own actions, whether bad or good. While there is a little romance here, mostly it's a story of friendship and finding oneself.

Overall, this is a cute and funny story. There were a few moments near the end where I felt things were wrapped up a little too quickly and easily. Especially considering all of Jane's analyzing and worry over some situations. But those were small irritations and mostly I was smiling ridiculously while reading it. A light, quick read that promises lots of laughter and fun! Good for entertainment with not much depth and perfect for the beach. :)

ameserole's review

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Okay knocked out book 2 and now I might even dive into the last two books just to see who else will find their high school love.

Invisible is the sequel to Awkward. I did like getting to see everyone from the previous book and the little repetition of some scenes from different POV's. Sometimes that works and other times it just annoys and frustrates me. It worked with this book because the characters themselves were different and did different things when it came to those scenes. So, yeah, I liked getting to see more background to what they did after certain situations.

In this book, we get to know Jane a bit better. She is known as the 'Grammar Girl' in her school newspaper club. Honestly, I love the nickname because I wouldn't use it cruelly like some people. No, I would probably worship Jane every day because people need grammar help. Even me.

Just like the previous book, this one has hints of romance and drama. It was all wrapped up pretty neatly into a bow which I liked. Even the little epilogue that gave you insight into the next book in the series. I didn't listen to that part because I just knew that I was going to hear the same thing once I dove into the actual book. So yeah, I'll wait till book 3 to get all of that.

In the end, it was a cute book and pretty easy to fly through.

ncolflesh's review

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This book was so beautiful, and I felt like I related to what the main character was going through...sorta. Of course, my best friend Mackenzie isn't a YouTube sensation, but you'll get there girly! ;)

Anyway, this book really melted my heart. The story really made me feel something. The ending; yeah it was stellar.

Jane + [insert name of perfect non-Romeo here] = PERFECTION.

irrelahvant's review

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This book is amazing.
It actually makes me want the same thing to happen to me like how it does to Jane.
The way the book is written is really like in a mind of a teenager.
Also, I couldn't help but laughed a little too loudly at some parts.


aprilk's review

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Marni Bates once again had me up flipping pages late into the night with her new laugh out loud worthy novel, Invisible.....

Invisible tells the story of Jane Smith. Jane has never wanted to be anything other than invisible at her school. Jane's best friend Mackenzie recently became an overnight internet sensation and their other best friend Corey started dating a rock star. Leaving Jane feeling left behind. Invisible was okay with her best friends by her side but now Jane feels left out and no longer as connected with her best friends as she once was. Now she's thinking it might be better to get some attention after all and to stop being so invisible. Which results in Jane being assigned a front-page article for her high school's paper, The Smithsonian. For that, Jane must write a groundbreaking story on which she is accompanied by Scott, the cute newspaper photographer that she just so happens to resent.

I really liked Awkward, the first book in this series, and liked being able to get to continue the story here with Invisible while getting to know Jane better. I really liked Jane in this story. Even though she starts off a little reserved, her inner voice can actually be quite spunky and funny at times. Scott on the other hand is cute and infuriating but totally loveable. He really helps bring Jane out of her shell and they have great romantic chemistry. I was really surprised by Chelsea's role in the book and can't wait to read more about her in the upcoming book "Notable".

Invisible is fresh, young, and hilarious. It will have you wrapped up until you can't help but to know what happens next.

* I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a honest review *

purplelorikeet's review

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I read the first book in this series a while back and it was good for some light reading. This one isn't quite so light and funny but it still is an easy read.

This book focuses on Jane Smith, who feels she is invisible to almost everyone, even her close friends. She's been stuck in a routine of doing what everyone else wants and never standing up for herself. She's always been in the shadow of older sister Elle and goes out of her way to try for things that have no connection with the sister. Which is how she ended up in a journalism class working on the newspaper. She's been there for three years and all she gets to do is copy edit the work of everyone else and now has been nicknamed Grammar Girl. Meanwhile Scott Fraser transfers into the high school and Jane was going to try to befriend him until he overhears Scott tell the paper's editor that Jane doesn't have what it takes to be a journalist. Jane is crushed to hear his pronouncement and he immediately becomes an enemy of sorts. After Jane asks to do something more substantial than copy editing, she's given the opportunity for a front page story and is thrown together with photographer Scott.

This book is far more angst-filled than its predecessor. Jane seems a bit spineless at times and that's kind of the point. She does start to grow a spine but it doesn't happen in the most ideal way. Her methods won't be practical in the long run. Scott's character is fairly one-dimensional. Even at the end we don't know much about him aside from his love for photography. Of course it turns out he's a better person than Jane thought at first. The friends who were mostly likable in the first book don't please so much here. Jane was left out so many times due to their thoughtlessness. And it wasn't just in some areas. It was like Jane was all but forgotten by most of her friends, but most especially her best friend.

I enjoyed reading this story but the turmoil experienced by Jane was frustrating especially when it seemed she was being closed out at times, even if it wasn't purposely. Overall a good read which I'd give 3.5 stars to if I could.

krivera1738's review

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Invisible was the perfect mixture of drama, romance, and humor. I bought this book on a Wednesday and finished it that night - I simply could not put it down. It was so addictive, with Jane as the perfect heroine, making the reader feel every single emotion she was feeling, and let me say, it was a total roller coaster - but in a good way. Add to that a smokin' hot, arrogant photographer, and you've got a teenage romance success! I definitely recommend this book, it kept me laughing the entire time, and I will admit that towards the end I got a bit teary eyed. Not something you would regret reading!

solelylu's review

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not as funny as the first. but still funny enough- totes liked it. read in one sitting.

As seen on blog.

Invisible, the companion sequel to Awkward tells us the story of Mackenzie's best-friend Jane. We were introduced to her back in Awkward. She works for the school paper and is feeling neglected by her friends and wants to feel like she is wanted. Soo, things get outta hand when one of her stories that she wrote for herself as she wants to be a journalist or columnist gets into the wrong hands and it gets published. It puts her relationship with Corey and Mack in jeopardy but she fixes it. She pours her insecurity or feelings of being left out when making amends and I really liked her during that whole scene. Jane has a potential suitor in the face of Scott who is a photographer for the paper and is put in charge of her when Jane gets the Cover Page feat. Scott makes Jane his portfolio subject and follows her around. There is that whole fake relationship thingy as well which was cute.
I really enjoyed this installment and well, i am glad I had the next book to read right after. Jane was bad-ass. I liked Isobel and Scott and Jane were freaking cute. I felt the depth of what Jane was feeling. I know that feeling of being left out. I loved all that subtext business. And oh yeah, remember Alex, well, he made an appearance in this book as well. And Chelsea. It was nice to see that side of her. Oh, I would have liked to see the photos Scott took but i know that would have been a clique but..



leapinglizard's review

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This review first appeared on my blog, Read Books and Live Green

To start off this review, I just wanted to say that Marni Bates is hilarious! Her books can always put a smile on my face and I appreciate that!!! To get down to this book, I LOVED Invisible. The characters are funny, the situations are so far out of the realm of possibility, that it makes everything even more funny!

It's not easy being best friends with a celebrity. . .

I'm invisible at my high school and I'm fine with it. It's kind of inevitable with a name like Jane Smith. But when the school newspaper staff insisted that I write a cover story, I decided to find out just how much scandal one geeky girl could uncover.

Except I never expected to find myself starting a fist-fight, auditioning for the school's Romeo &Juliet musical, running away with a Romeo of my own, befriending the most popular girl in school, or trying to avoid one very cute photographer, who makes it impossible to to be invisible. . .

(Summary via Amazon)

1.) I loved Jane. She was quirky and fun! I loved getting to follow her story!!!
2.) Scott, the love interest, was so cute with JANE! I loved that he was a photographer!
3.) The book store and Mrs. Blake were sooooo funny! Mrs. Blake, was such a great character and I LOVED hearing about all of her adventures! ;)
4.) I loved seeing a different side to the "Notables". They were always portrayed as pure evil and getting to see them in a different light was a really nice touch! (I can't wait for the next book!!!!!)
5.) Jane was a flawed character and I really liked seeing all messed up situations she got herself into!
6.) I loved the concept for this story! It is so funny and so far out of the realm of possibility that it made it that much more of an enjoyable read!
7.) The ending was so cute and I just loved it!
8.) I LOVE Marni's style of writing! It's real and fits really well with her characters.
1.) I think that the summary on Goodreads gives to much away! So I'm going to suggest avoiding reading that one! The one from Amazon (Above this) is a better summary!
2.) I was not a big fan of Kenzie. I get that she had a lot on her plate, but she really was not a good friend to Jane and the fact that she didn't realize that was annoying.
This book has made me an even bigger fan of Marni Bates! I loved this story. Although there is no way that you can say that this is a real representation of high school, it still contained some valuable life lessons. So this was a pretty short review, but that was mostly because there were so many things about this book that I adored and I didn't want there to be any spoilers!!
WOULD I RECOMMEND THIS BOOK: To lovers of humor! =]