l1brarygirl's review against another edition

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1. Sleepstalk by [a:Courtney Summers|1487748|Courtney Summers|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1519531831p2/1487748.jpg] - ★★☆☆☆

2. Nature by [a:Aprilynne Pike|2096360|Aprilynne Pike|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1246443462p2/2096360.jpg] - ★★★★☆

3. The Dark Side of the Moon by [a:Dia Reeves|2885316|Dia Reeves|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1241028065p2/2885316.jpg] - ★★☆☆☆

4. Ghost Town by [a:Malinda Lo|2884780|Malinda Lo|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1241172048p2/2884780.jpg] - ★★★★★
oh, this one got me! You think you've figured it out, and then, nope. You didn't! Spooky..

5. Eyes in the Dark by [a:Rachel Hawkins|2261547|Rachel Hawkins|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1442494376p2/2261547.jpg] - ★★★☆☆
creepy - wish it had a better ending

6. Stillwater by [a:Valerie Kemp|6470642|Valerie Kemp|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1345097023p2/6470642.jpg] - ★★★★★

7. I Gave You My Love by the Light of the Moon by [a:Sarah Rees Brennan|836009|Sarah Rees Brennan|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1254149255p2/836009.jpg] - ★★★★★
Berthe looked at the tiny treat in the cup and thought about all the little sweetnesses love slipped into your daily life, almost unnoticed except that when they were added up, they meant you could bear anything.

8. Night Swimming by [a:Beth Revis|4018722|Beth Revis|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1284958744p2/4018722.jpg] - ★★★★☆
From the author:
But the reason why I love my story in this antho extra much is because the narrator in the story is gender ambiguous. In my mind, it could be narrated by either Bartie (the man who started the rebellion in A MILLION SUNS) or by Victria (the woman who was in the Hospital with Harley). I leave it up to the reader to decide who's narrating the story. It's about betrayal and longing, whether you should stand up and fight or bow down and survive. It's about love, too, and what happens when the person you love doesn't love you back.

9. The Sunflower Murders by Kate Espey - ★★☆☆☆
This entry was written by a high schooler; she is the one unpublished author in this collection.

10. Almost Normal by [a:Carrie Ryan|1443712|Carrie Ryan|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1432248916p2/1443712.jpg] - ★★★☆☆

11. There's Nowhere Else by [a:Jon Skovron|2828923|Jon Skovron|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1339610057p2/2828923.jpg] - ★★★★☆

12. Naughty or Nice by [a:Myra McEntire|3228055|Myra McEntire|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1290394962p2/3228055.jpg] - ★★☆☆☆

13. Shadowed by [a:Christine Johnson|157042|Christine Johnson|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/f_50x66-6a03a5c12233c941481992b82eea8d23.png] - ★★★★☆

14. Now Bid Time Return by [a:Saundra Mitchell|1415543|Saundra Mitchell|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1478376283p2/1415543.jpg] - ★★☆☆☆

15. The Moth and the Spider by [a:Sarah Ockler|2188726|Sarah Ockler|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1311454451p2/2188726.jpg] - ★☆☆☆☆

16. Where the Light Is by [a:Jackson Pearce|2761947|Jackson Pearce|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1336840299p2/2761947.jpg] - ★★★☆☆

17. This Was Ophelia by [a:Tessa Gratton|3111338|Tessa Gratton|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1328563756p2/3111338.jpg] - ★★★★★

brandinh's review against another edition

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As with any anthology these stories were a mixed bag. There were several really standout stories in this collection and only one I didn’t enjoy much at all.

Sleepstalk by Courtney Summers 3.75 stars

Nature by Aprilynne Pike 4 stars

The Dark Side of the Moon by Dia Reeves 2 stars

Ghost Town by Malinda Lo 5 Stars

Eyes in the Dark by Rachel Hawkins 4.5 stars

Stillwater by Valerie Kemp 4 stars

I Gave You My Love by the Light of the Moon by Sarah Rees Brennan 3.5 stars

Night Swimming by Beth Revis 4 stars

The Sunflower Murders by Kate Espey 4 stars

Almost Normal by Carrie Ryan 4 stars

There’s Nowhere Else by Jon Skovron 3.75 stars

Naughty or Nice by Myra McEntire 3.75

Shadowed by Christine Johnson 5 stars

Now Bid Time Return by Saundra Mitchell 3.5 stars

The Moth and the Spider by Sarah Ockler 3.75 stars

Where the Light Is by Jackson Pearce 4 stars

This Was Ophelia by Tessa Gratton 5 stars

aphrodisms's review against another edition

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Okay, I have to admit that I only read and rated the Across the Universe story, Night Swimming. And it’s not the most amazing thing ever, and probably doesn’t make sense as a short story.

But in the same way that the AtU novels themselves hide clues of all the mysteries of the ship and planet, this short story, combined with some details given in As They Slip Away, provides enough clues for a sapphic (unrequited) love story to be revealed.

I only wish that Victria’s characterisation in A Million Suns was more consistent with how she is portrayed in these stories, because it would have added a lot more interest and depth beyond her committed-to-Orion storyline.

Basically more canon sapphics pls

jljaina's review against another edition

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Not a bad little collection of stories. Some stories are disturbing, others creepy. We had modern tales, medieval fantasy, urban fantasy, dystopian, science fiction and more in this book! If it has to do with darkness or nighttime it could be in hear. Many of the stories leave you with a feeling of wondering what happened as you use your imagination to fill in the blanks.

So here are my thoughts (briefly) for each story.

Sleepstalk by Courtney Summers
The main character stalks her ex-boyfriend who she finds sleepwalking. something happened betwwen them that is stimulating their behaviors, but what? The girl terrifies me slightly with her though process a bit. 3.5/5 stars

Nature by Aprilynne Pike
Dystopina cast system for what you will be for one's adult life. Due to her physical measurements, a girl is put into the ‘wrong’ caste. This story left me wanting more! i loved it but so much of the girls life, the world around her, is left unanswered. If the author ever writes more of this world, I will jump on the chance to read it! 5/5 stars

Dark side of the Moon by Dia Reeves
Was I suppose to be high reading this? Does it take place in another ‘world’ setting? Strange town, everyone wears black, monsters exists, unusual is common place and boy gets on Night trolley whch all the town people fear, for once you get on, you don’t come home. This book reminded my of those psychedelic movies. Interesting concept on one level but needed a lot of polishing. 2.5/5 stars

Ghost Town by Malinda Lo
Story works backwards and filled with ghost pranks, but is any of it real? This was done in an interesting style and has me curious for the authors work. 4/5 stars

Eyes in the Dark by Rachel Hawkins
Okay so the first thing that REALLY jumped out at me was that cost of the food. Peaches were on 25 cents! And this is relatively current times as the have cell phones and texting. So my first though is "Where is this store, I want to go shop there." Anyways for the story itself... The girl goes with ‘bad boy’ for a ride and goes to a forbidden bridge Where they see red eyes belonging to...something...
Not a bad story idea. Just creepy enough without actually being scary. 4/5 stars

Stillwater by Valerie Kemp
A teen boy questions the town he lives in. Why does he keep finding notes to himself or from a brother he doesn't always remember. Also a family fued to add some spark! I have lots of questions on this one. Some practical plot holes but otherwise an interesting premise. 3.5/5 stars

I gave you my love by the light of the moon by Sarah Rees Brennan
A girl is transformed into a werewolf and is 'rescued' by a vampire who helps her cope with her new identity. Fluff piece with potential romance. I felt this was a part of a full novel, broken and turned into a short story. 3/5 stars

Night Swimming by Beth Revis
Science fiction. Based on the summary of Across the Universe, I think this is ashort story in that 'world.' A group of teens are on meds to 'keep sane,’ but what is really going on? What I couldn't figure out is if the main character was male or female! It about drove me nuts. Behavior had me thinking it is a gut but thoughts had me thinking a girl. We get no name, nothing! Still the storyline has a curiosity to it that I enjoyed. 3.5/5 stars

Almost normal by Carrie Ryan
Zombie carnival! Need I say more. It reminded me of the movie 'Frozen.' Both are stuck in a bad place, at a very bad time! A short fun read.

There’s nowhere else by Jon Skovron
Teen boy lives with his mother and her abusive boyfriend but finds himself dreaming of being another person. Literally! But when one person observes his 'ability' what will happen? I felt bad for this kid in a way but his choices (big and small) have me shaking my head. He does not seem to have a lot of common sense. 3/5 star

Naughty or Nice by Myra McEntire
Private school vacation is about as far as I could stomach on this one. The book just set me on edge with the how the story is laid out. Settings and conversations seem jumpy and out of place. Too Boring so I didn’t finish. 1/5 stars

Shadowed by Christine Johnson
Interesting shadow curse has been placed on the Duke’s daughter. She cannot see light (daylight, candle light, etc) for fear of what her shadow will do. Medieval setting with knights! 4.5/5

Now bid time return by Saundra Mitchell
We get a story by the editor!
A young teen girl goes to take pictures of the northern lights but something is in the pictures and someone seems to be entering her cottage she is staying at. Bit of romance. Sweet! 4/5

The moth and the spider by Sarah Ockler
This all takes perspective from a suicidal girl who is very distant from life, family, etc. She wants to ‘do it right’ with suicide note. Very distorted story. Didn't make a lot of sense. was her mind just that broken or did I just not get it. 2/5 stars

Where the Light is by Jackson Pierce
A high school graduate finds himself working with the other townsmen deep in the mine. His father was a hero so he has a lot to live up to. A strange noise leads him to a girl who lives in the mines. Interesting idea. I could not quite tell if this was a dystopian world or just a community that really stuck together. 4/5 stars

This was Ophelia by Tessa Gratton
I have NO CLUE what was happening here. Not sure if I was just tired of the story that confusing. Did not finish.

mandajax1's review against another edition

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This is actually more like a 3.5/5. Not a bad collection of stories. Like any anthology, some were better than others. However, none really disappointed me. I got this book for Courtney Summers and her story coming first really set the bar for the others.

jens_bookshelves's review against another edition

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A very good set of stories, some incredibly creepy, others moving. There were only a couple of stories I didn't like, but most, particularly those by Courtney Summers, Beth Revis, Aprilynne Pike were very good.

cheermio's review against another edition

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technically I didn't read all of the short stories in here because I am lazy at the moment about learning new authors. here are the ones I read.

the dark side of the moon by dia reeves. it was okay. it made me want to read her other 2 again more. I've only read them once and it might be time.

eyes in the dark by Rachel Hawkins. creepy. but not too obvious. I really thought the evil was going to be some thing else (looking at you, human boy).

I gave you my love by the light of the moon by Sarah Rees Brennan. I worried about the relationship here. it was a experience love in the moment not everlasting love. the weight of that hanging over them made me sad and it wasn't really addressed.

night swimming by Beth Revis. heh. I have trouble caring about her characters.

almost normal by Carrie Ryan. I missed reading this one! so annoyed! now will have to get the book again and update this.

where the light is by Jackson Pearce. creepy and pretty. unexpected miners and mountain faeries. sorry of a weirdly uncertain fleshed out rear of the world though. like what YEAR is it even?

This Was Ophelia by Tessa Gratton. I am really starting to love her. I wish my library would get the rest of her Asgard series. soon I will cave and buy them. this was a gender queering of Hamlet.

figkeele's review against another edition

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Only read Dia Reeves' short story, because I NEED her to write another Portero novel.

aprilbooksandwine's review against another edition

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I kind of love reviewing short story anthologies because to me, they are easy to review. I just pop up the name of each story, summarize it and give a little paragraph of my opinion for each story. That’s not terribly hard and the review basically writes itself. I pulled Defy The Dark edited by Saundra Mitchell off my pile because it was the last ARC I had that was a short story anthology. Friends, this anthology took me a really long time to read. First off, there are a TON of stories in it. Second off, the stories are kind of uneven, as with all anthologies. Some stories are fantastic, some are kind of really BLAH. The premise of this anthology is basically kisses in the dark and it goes from there.
Read the rest of my review here
Note: Review and post will go live April 14, 2014

foreveryoungadult's review against another edition

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Graded By: Brian
Cover Story: Who Turned Out the Lights?
The Best: "Stillwater" by Valerie Kemp, "Almost Normal" by Carrie Ryan, "There's Nowhere Else" by Jon Skovron
The Worst: "I Gave You My Love By the Light of the Moon" by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Weird: "The Dark Side of the Moon" by Dia Reeves, "Where the Light Is" by Jackson Pearce
Bonus Factors: LGBT, Science Fiction
Anti-Bonus Factors: Twilight Knockoff
Break Glass in Case Of: Brain Overload, You Need a Non-Scary Scare

Read the full book report here.