
Rock Legend by Tara Leigh

morganfaye's review against another edition

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I don’t want to get too much into how wonderful I thought this book was, but oh damn, it was gooood. I really really enjoyed the first book in the series, Rock King, and I was excited to check out the rest of the band and get to know them. Rock Legend follows drummer Landon Cox, a man who had a rough upbringing. The child of addicts and a product of the foster system, his troubled past makes him into the man he is today. He pushes people away from having deep, meaningful relationship.

I was not much of a fan of Piper in the first book, but we didn’t really get to know her that well. She really grew on me in this book and proved me wrong. She was strong, determined to make it in a tough industry and I really loved her. She and Landon had been together in college and she thought he was the one. He had to choose between her and the band, and six years later Nothing But Trouble is one of the biggest bands out there. Now they’re brought back together because Piper works for their manager.

This book was beautifully written. Rock King was my first Tara Leigh book and I’m addicted. When I was reading this book, I honestly couldn’t put it down and finished it in one day. Landon stole my heart, I have a thing for bad boys in book apparently, and loved watching him and Piper as they get to know each other as adults instead of the kids they were six years ago. I highly recommend this series, especially if you love second chance and slow burn romances, beautiful writing, awesome bands, and lots and lots of angst and sexy times. I think I liked this one even more than the previous book, which is saying something because I loved Shane and Delaney’s story!

taylorfennerwrites's review against another edition

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RtC July 23!

fsmeurinne's review against another edition

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Piper and Landon had me wrapped around their story so hard, I couldn’t stand from my comfy chair until I finish it. The passion, their chemistry blows me away. Piper tries to avoid the boy who broke her heart. Landon is in chaos and he needs help. When they collide it sets sparks and fire everywhere. The story line is superb and the rock star romance I wanted to read delivered with a bang.

paddlefoot55's review against another edition

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ARC received for an honest review

Tara Leigh, you had me at rock star!

I am as big rock star book groupie, and couldn't get enough of Rock King, so diving in to Rock Legend was not rocket science.

In fact, I think I liked Rock Legend more than Rock King.

Landon and Piper's story is full of their history, their heartache, their regrets. All whilst trying to maybe/maybe not get back together.

Ugh, Landon is such a manwhorish douche at times, but you can feel his love for Piper fall off the page. I still wanted to slap him with my Kindle a lot of the time, however I couldn't help but adore him and all his issues.

Piper - girl, you rocked this thing. Don't you let him right back in there. Make him fight for you!

This book had two of my favourite things - rock stars and a second chance romance. Once I picked it up I couldn't stop reading it. I adored seeing more of Shane and Delaney and where they are at now.

Now I am impatiently waiting to see which Nothing But Trouble guy gets their story next.

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starkling's review against another edition

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Messy. Too much drama that even reaches the last stretch of the book. Author relied on it to keep tension up, but for me it just came across as annoying by the end. Tension can be done without using so many of these stereotypical plot points.

Speaking of stereotypical, what happens with Piper's ex-boyfriend was eye-rolling and questionable to say the least.
SpoilerI wish more authors knew it's okay to be bi. I had my hopes that the ex would stay bi and showed some representation. But nah, he's a closeted gay man who used Piper for a beard. Don't get me started on how Piper thought he would make a great "gay best friend" now...I can't.

I did really like the first 30% of the book. Also liked the inclusion of Landon's addictive personality and how that ends up getting him in trouble with alcohol and drugs more often than not. That part was handled well. It was more than enough drama for our couple to tackle and could have edited out 50% of the rest.

If you want to know the many messy things:
Spoiler *mild ow drama (x2) (yes it happens TWICE, two different situations), *om drama (that dabbles in gay-ex boyfriend drama), *pregnancy drama (that dabbles in "who's the baby daddy drama"), *lots of various miscommunication drama.

reading_with_2_book_lovers's review against another edition

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I loved this second book in this rock star series by ms leigh.
this story gave me all the feels and I devoured it.

heloncha14's review against another edition

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Landon and Piper... le sigh

These two had me hooked and trapped the entire story. So many past demons between the both of them. How does one ever expect to move forward with so much holding them back.

I loved this book! So, so much. The road that Tara Leigh took us on was heartbreakingly beautiful. You see the after effects of abandonment, neglect, drug abuse, alcohol abuse... you witness regret, disappointment, happiness, love...
If I could jump into the book, I would just grab Landon and hug him so hard, slap him in the face and tell him to straighten the hell up. I did love his sexy confidence. **yum**
And, Piper. The girl that only knew how to “be perfect” no matter how much she was breaking within.
Her story broke me so much more. We, as woman, are always trying to achieve perfection. Why? We allow ourselves to think that perfection is always the goal when it’s really unachievable and we should just love ourselves the way we already are.

I absolutely adored the message the author tried to portray through Piper to us.
What an amazing, steamy, sexy, inspirational, tear-jerking story Tara Leigh gave us, and I can’t wait to dive into her next books.

kellyg_5013's review against another edition

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My first Tara Leigh book was fan-freaking-tastic! 😍. Landon and Piper would not have been any more wonderful. Just the right amount of messed up. I'm always a sucker for a 2nd chance romance. I also love Rock star romances. So this book was totally up my alley!
I love when people admit that they've made a mistake and go above and beyond to make it right! Landon's addictions made this took a lot more difficult for him, but I had faith that he would get it together! In reading the epilogue I found part of it slightly disturbing and I was quite happy it showed up there and not as a full blown chapter of their story... Then I just might have had to be very angry at Ms Leigh!
I'm quite excited to read more from Tara Leigh. This series is very entertaining! 💜

jesbruno's review against another edition

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If you read Rock King, then you knew you were in for a really good book with Rock Legend. But I didn’t expect that Tara writing would bring tears to my eyes. Landon and Piper were together only for a couple of month’s six years ago before Landon just disappeared on Piper. Piper has spent the last few years trying to avoid Landon as much as possible. The hard part of that is she works for Nothing but Trouble manager and Landon is the drummer for Nothing but Trouble. So what will happen when Piper is told to babysit Landon?

Rock Legend is the perfect example of why I love second chance romances, the angst, the amazing sexy moments and all the emotions. This book will break your heart; glue it back together and just when you think it is together - BOOM! - It’s broken again in the most painful way. At this point, you throw the book at the wall because you think there is no way an HEA is coming. But don’t worried there is an HEA just might be a bump along the way.

Tara, you made me fall in love with Rock King, broke my heart with Rock Legend. I am afraid to see what you do to me with Rock Rebel.

si0bhan's review against another edition

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Tara Leigh won me over from the moment I entered Deal Breaker. The story grabbed me tight and I was desperate for more of the author’s work. When the Nothing but Trouble series was brought to my attention, I was instantly excited. Mixing an author I’ve come to love and one of my favourite things – rock star romances – together was a recipe to have my mind blown. What I did not expect was for my mind to be blown to quite the degree it was.

With Rock King, I found myself truly addicted. It was an even stronger book than Deal Breaker, coming extremely close to being a five-star rating. By the time I was done I had one thing on my mind – grabbing book two. I had intended to dive into book two the moment it appeared on my Kindle, unfortunately moving house meant I was unable to read it for quite some time. It was a painful wait, I would have happily not moved house so that I could dive into this, but it was certainly worth it. More than worth it, in fact.

I’ll be completely honest with you, I came even closer to handing Rock Legend a five-star rating than I did Rock King. What happened is what I commonly refer to as The Lies of Locke Lamora Effect. For those who have not read my other reviews where I have mentioned the aforementioned effect, I shall explain it to you. Scott Lynch’s The Lies of Locke Lamora is one of my all-time favourite fantasy reads. I recommend it to every fantasy lover, and those who are not fantasy lovers, because I love it so much. However, it is extremely rare for me to hand out five-star ratings. The fact I have read over two-thousand books and have handed out less than one-hundred five-star ratings demonstrates how rarely these ratings are handed out. Even some of my favourite books have not been given a five-star rating due to something small. My prime example is The Lies of Locke Lamora. It was little things that stopped that elusive five-star rating from being handed, and so The Lies of Locke Lamora Effect was born. It has happened quite a few times, in many genres – The Lies of Locke Lamora, Dark Matter, Rock King, to name a few, and now Rock Legend. If I were anyone else, if I were willing to hand over five-star ratings like the rest of the population, this one would had easily received the five-star rating. Unfortunately, I’m a truly horrible person and held off on handing the five-star rating – even when my finger was hovering over the five-star rating.

However, the fact both of the books in the Nothing but Trouble series have come so close to a five-star rating has left me with the belief one of the future books will manage to do so. There is no doubt in my mind, after just two books, that the Nothing but Trouble series is going to be one of my all-time favourite series. I cannot recommend them enough, and I do not doubt the books will continue to grow ever stronger.

So, what was it I enjoyed so much about this one?

Throughout Rock King, I was intrigued by the side characters. It was never enough to distract from the story, but when I found out we were to receive their book next, I knew I was going to be blown away. They were such great characters, and I could not wait to dig deeper into their world. Know you do not need to have read Rock King to enjoy Rock Legend, but I would recommend giving it a read – it’s a fabulous book, and it does help with some of the references given in this one.

Now, as excited as I was for the characters, I did not expect to fall as in love with them as I did. I did not expect to connect with them on such a deep level. You see, this is a story that touches me on a personal level. So many books out there deal with perfect and how you do not need to be perfect to find the one. Few have hit so close to home, though. Often, I will finish these books and think ‘nice message, shame it will never happen to me’. However, Rock Legend made me believe it is possible. It is one of the few books out there that touched upon something I experience daily and actually made me think there could be more for me out there. I’m not saying this is a book that preaches, far from it, I’m merely saying this book hits all the right buttons. The message it is sending is certainly received, and I couldn’t help but connect deeply with our characters.

Of course, there is more to the story than that. In fact, this book is an onion book. By this point, I’m sure we’re all aware of the onion analogy from Shrek. It applied to the first book, but this book takes it to a whole new level. Each time we think we have uncovered everything, another layer is revealed. We keep digging ever deeper, and the number of topics that are dealt with throughout this book is amazing. Each one is dealt with wonderfully, with care and feeling. I could sit and list all the elements I enjoyed, but to do so would be to start giving spoilers. Just know, there are so many wonderful elements dealt with throughout this book, and I loved them all.

I could fan girl forever about this one – it could easily become one of those reviews where I write a couple of thousand words and still say nothing due to all the gushing I am doing. Just know, this book hit hard, and I loved it so much.

I’m sure by this point you’re asking what that little thing was that prevented the five-star rating. After all, I am gushing all over the place. For me, the little thing that stopped me from giving a five-star rating was the fact I wanted more from the past between the characters. We get told about it, but I would have liked to experience more than just the little glimpses we were given. I’m very much someone who likes to experience the then and the now with second chance romances, and I would have just liked that little bit more so that I could have appreciated the then and now of the relationship more deeply. Like I said, it’s not a big thing, but I tend to find reasons not to give five-star ratings rather than reasons to give them. This is a reflection of me being a bad person rather than this being a bad book, because I honestly believe this is my favourite book of the year so far. The fact it was nearly my first five-star rating in over a year shows that.

Before I gush any more, I think it is time for me to bring this review to an end. To sum up my thousand-plus-words ramble, this book was truly amazing. Fabulous, wonderful, and all the other synonyms you can think of to say it blew my mind. Rock King hit me hard, Rock Legend hit me harder, and I’m almost scared to see how hard the next book in the Nothing but Trouble series hits me. I’m ready, though. I’m more than ready for book three, and I’m holding out hope of it being the book to break my over a year long dry spell of five-star ratings.

If you’ve yet to dive into the Nothing but Trouble series, you need to go and fix that problem right now.