
Doctor Who: The Silent Stars Go By by Dan Abnett

erin_reads_boooks's review against another edition

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Cute story with 11, Amy, & Rory.
Made me nostalgic :)
I could literally hear the characters talking in my head. Dialogue was on point :)

crigby's review

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If you like the Eleven/Amy/Rory combo, you will probably like this book more than I did. I like the detail of the chapter titles coming from Christmas songs and/or poems. It’s an easy read.

kirstieellen's review against another edition

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Definitely one of my favorites. Great read and completely addictive. The Ice Warriors are absolutely fantastic, it's a heart racing, action packed novel from beginning to end.

loganashleyauthor's review against another edition

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This book came to me from a very reliable source - my boyfriend. It happens to be one of his all time favorite books and I was so surprised when he bought me a copy for Christmas! He's been begging me to read it on a daily basis, so I finally cracked it open and finished it within a day and a half.

This book was a typical adventure alongside the Doctor and the Ponds. It was exactly like an episode, but allowed for so much more detail to be included.

If you've never seen Doctor Who, it's a very Sci-Fi themed show with a lot of time travel, aliens, future/past characters, interpretations of famous people from the past, and overall just wonderful goodness.

This book included so many of the amazing pieces of the Doctor Who puzzle that just makes fans of the show smile, it was absolutely worth the read.

hermione617's review

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Very lovely! It had the characters actions & sayings very much how they were on tv. "Christmas-ish" lol. Violence happened, but of course The Doctor used what he had & it was really great. The twist... I guess I should've seen it coming, but I didn't. Very interesting story... with the humor.. and RORY! love

williamc's review

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Including creatures from the show's past, several ingenious plot twists, a few enjoyable winks to time travel, and with writing that feels true to the established characters while adding its own freshness and originality, "The Silent Stars Go By" is a perfect novel for fans of Doctor Who.

lordnikon's review

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Good, if generically plotted. He utterly nails Eleven, Amy and Rory voices better than anyone else I've read.

unnursvana's review

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I just needed a short, silly story to catch up on my reading challenge and this little Doctor Who book was perfect. Very easy to read. Not to complex or hard to follow. I enjoyed visiting 11, Amy and Rory again. Never read a Doctor Who book before, but it was a pleasant experience. And maybe I will try some others in the future.

kribu's review

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Really really liked this one - without doubt the best Eleventh Doctor book I've read yet. Granted, there are several I've yet to read, but there was really very little to not like about this one for me.

I've not made a secret about not being happy with the last few years of Doctor Who on TV - I don't mind Matt Smith as Eleven, and Amy & Rory were always likeable enough, but I didn't care for the season arcs, or for the entire River plot, or, well, basically anything. I gave up mid-season six and only watched the specials / last few episodes of Eleven's run after that, and didn't feel like I'd missed much, sadly.

Reading the tie-in books starring Eleven, Amy and Rory has been a much more pleasant experience, all in all. And The Silent Stars Go By was just - well, what I'd have liked the TV show to be. It feels a lot more like Classic Who, granted - I felt it would have made a great Classic Who story, really (probably a four-parter - not enough meat on the bones of the story for more).

I liked the plot, I liked the pacing, I loved the banter and the writing (it's been a while since a Doctor Who book has actually made me grin so much), I loved that we got adversaries with some complexity to them rather than just plain old evil villains, I loved the twist... Yeah. Good stuff.

(Not five stars worth of good stuff, only because I'd have liked an even longer and more complex story. Or, alternatively, Three in charge instead of Eleven. I'm fickle like that.)

appsinator's review

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this was the third time I tried to read this book I think. I love doctor who and this was the first novel I tried to read with the characters. I enjoyed having a glipse into other adventures the doctor has had I think this author and story wasn't for me. I did enjoy the villains storyline but by the time I got to that part of the book it hadnt really grabbed me. I just pushed through because it had been sitting on my shelf for too long.