
Las furias by Katie Lowe

perjacxis's review against another edition

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"Even in this fragment, however, it seems that women are doomed to two fates. It is our lot to be seen as either unpredictable and irrational mortals, maligned and repressed by the actions of men, or sacred beings, goddesses of a higher realm, among the Fates and Furies."

The Furies ticks so many boxes for me (coming-of-age story, witches, female anger, ...) and was one of my most anticipated releases this year. I loved all the themes Lowe uses, the research she has done and you can feel how passionate she is about these topics. I loved looking up all the paintings that were mentioned in the novel. The only thing that made this between a 3.5 and 4 stars novel for me were the characters. I never really connected with them and they could feel a bit flat, unfortunately. But I adored so many elements of the story and will definitely read whatever Lowe writes next.

thistlel's review against another edition

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I like that it's dark academia, a subgenere I stumbled into and loved, but a lot of the action becomea muddled by the author's literary experience and opinion. When I read the About the Author, it clicked why so much text was given to Annabel.

I did like it the novel overall. I just wasn't awed by it. Violet faces a lot of trials relating to the adolescent experience; however, what never happens is the reader never gains a definitive answer about Emily Frost. I couldn't decide if I missed something and magical realism was at play or not. Perhaps the ambiguousness of it all was intended to add more mysticism that would fit into the theme of Furies, female fury, and magic.

Overall, a good read for anyone a fan of The Secret History by Donna Tart and The Craft (1996).

ameserole's review against another edition

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The Furies seemed like it was going to be a good murder mystery. Then I dove into it and eh, no. I feel like I was overpromised by the synopsis and then left disappointed by what I actually read. The characters were okay, but I wasn't invested in anyone really. Heck even the mystery of it all was kind of a bummer. Besides the drama, everything else left me feeling meh and out of place. It was beyond boring until we dove into the magic of it all.

Sure, that's when things started to get interesting but by then I was already checked out. If I could plot revenge on any book, this would be that book. Honestly, I'd like to thank all the wine I was drinking while listening to this because without the wine... I'm not sure I would have ever reached the ending.

isahart7's review against another edition

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I wanted this book to be better. I wanted this to be a great Craft-Heathersesque book. But it wasn't. I constantly felt like the main character was unreliable. I wanted more witchcraft. But it just fell short. Also I had a lot more questions then answers which was frustrating.

_lost_in_wonderland_'s review against another edition

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don't think i'll be reading any of my mam's recommendations for a while after two in a row not hitting (the crooked tree was the other one, i was expecting this to be better)

kyledhebert's review against another edition

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The Furies is a frustrating, unbelievable mess.

pachypedia's review

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Partiendo de una premisa interesante, la verdad es que el libro se me ha hecho un poco aburrido. Le falta cierta chispa a la historia y a los personajes.

hmbb99's review against another edition

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A prestigious private girl's school, four young students, and a school's history of witchcraft, this story has all this, yet still misses the mark. I enjoyed the story of the girls' friendship, which was riddled with jealousy, anger, and love, and I enjoyed the witchcraft aspects. I thought the story was muddled by the extraneous references to art and art theory. It made the story difficult to follow, almost as if you had to be an art expert to relate the art history to the plot. The story often jumped in time without any indication that time had passed, making me have to reread passages to figure out what was happening and when. I had high hopes for this book but was left feeling less than satisfied when it was done.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced copy of this book. The opinions are my own.

betwixt_the_pages's review against another edition

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Rating: 3.5/5 Penguins
Quick Reasons: poetic, lyrical prose; characters that felt a bit "doll-like" or indecisive, flighty, wishy-washy; I feel like certain motivations were lacking, or totally unclear; WHY?!

I'm going to be honest, Penguins--this is the second time I'm writing this review, because I forgot to hit CTRL+C on my original version and lost it due to a time-out of the webpage. UUUUUGH. Let's see if I can remember the gist of my points, and maybe make myself a little more clear than I was the first go-round, shall we? This is going to be a shorter review for me, for reasons you'll find below.

"The fact of tragedy, then, is this: we're doomed to hurt the ones we love, faults amplified from fleeting thought to heinous crime. The deadly sins are just that--our furies turning fate, which in turn begets fury at our fallen condition: each the shadow of the other."

The prose in this book is absolutely BREATHTAKING. Poetic, lyrical, atmospheric. Oftentimes, just reading through the pages, I found myself in awe of Katie Lowe's knack for taking a simple sentence and making it into something stunning. The author weaved this from the finest silks of words, each row effortless and without tangles. Her characters, on the other hand, felt little more than shells of people. I say this because I felt like they were lacking in motivation. A lot of this story felt as if it was being written "on the fly" ; I didn't feel as if there were a point, a destination, toward which we were following these girls, but instead some nameless place unknown. Violet, especially, seemed more confused than anything. The few small moments where she followed her own mind or found her own voice, she followed up by being dragged along like a puppet behind the others. If the others weren't around to lead her, she flailed, and did things that were reckless and not what I would have anticipated. She seemed to flounder, a LOT--and that left me confused and unsure exactly who we were following, or how to feel about it. This, coupled with a feeling that these characters and their story needed a little more fleshing out, a little more skin and bones, made it very difficult for me to form any sort of connection.

Our hands left pastel prints in homage across the school: library books with green thumbs, a peach palm around a test tube, blue lips printed on coffee cups and one another's cheeks. The lesson, I suppose (Annabel, the art tutor, rarely leading us to an obvious conclusion--or any conclusion at all) was that the artist leaves her mark on everything she touches.

As much as I enjoyed the journey merely because of the prose and how beautiful the sentences are, I left feeling vaguely disappointed, with no clear or discernible reasons as to why. On top of being unable to form a connection, I felt as if some of the circumstances that arose in these pages, had no real purpose even being there--as if, after writing the novel out, the author felt it lacked drama, and went back and added certain things in. Violet, especially, was as confusing a character as she was confused throughout her tale, thinking one thing and then turning around and doing the complete opposite. Still, Penguins.... The Furies is a read that will enrapture you, if you remember to bring a little magic to your mind while reading.

ettaenni's review against another edition

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Jumalten verta suonissamme on kuvaus neljästä elämänjanoisesta teinitytöstä, joiden ympärille tuntuu kietoutuvan väkivallan ja kuoleman peitto. Tapahtumat kerrotaan takaumana Violetin näkökulmasta. Violet saapuu tyttöjen sisäoppilaitokseen yksinäisenä ja ulkopuolisena, kunnes tutustuu hurjaan ja karismaattiseen Robiniin sekä tämän kahteen ystävään. Violet haluaa paikoin jopa epätoivoisesti kuulua porukkaan ja on loppujen lopuksi valmis tekemään mitä vain todistaakseen sen.

Kirja kietoutuu noitavainojen, okkultismin ja taikuuden ympärille samaan aikaan hienovaraisesti ja vahvasti. Tytöt alkavat uskoa taikuuteen ja sen suomin oikeuksin jakaa oikeutta pienessä kylässään. Kirjan kannatteleva teema on alussa kuvaillut kaksi kuolemantapausta: tyttö keinussa ja Emily Frostin mysteerinen kuolintapaus.

Kirja on tiivistunnelmainen ja kiehtova. Ite halusin ehdottomasti tietää miten tarina päättyy ja miten tytöille käy. Tää ei kuitenkaan ollut mikään kovin järisyttävä kirja. Mun tuli tästä vähän mieleen Eikä yksikään joka häneen uskoo, mutta parempana. Kirja alkaa kuolemalla ja kirjan edetessä kerrotaan, miten siihen on päädytty. Jumalten verta suonissamme on kuitenki hahmoiltaan, miljööltään ja juoneltaan kiinnostavampi.