
Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris

audreychamaine's review against another edition

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Kate Grable is a smart, borderline nerdy girl, and proud of it! She’s the student trainer for the football team (it will help her eventually get into med school), so she knows something is wrong when the coach starts injecting players with unmarked syringes of liquid. Initially suspecting steroids, after an incident at a party Kate knows it’s something much more sinister than that: it’s a compound that turns people into flesh-craving zombies. Now the zombie infection is spreading throughout the school, and Kate will need to use her smarts to find a cure and put an end to the zombies, before the zombies put an end to her.

Bad Taste in Boys is as much fun as a campy B-movie, and much more accessible to a wide variety of readers. Harris writes with the same pacing and tongue-in-cheek humor that you might get in the silliest of zombie films, like Dead Alive. She builds up the action and tension, and skillfully diffuses otherwise terrifying circumstances with absurdity and wit.

Kate is a really great character, and one that girls can look up to. She revels in her intelligence and trusts her own ability to think through problems. Kate is also very secure in her identity as the kind of geeky science fiend, knowing that she’s passionate about science, and that her intelligence and perseverance will someday land her a great job as a doctor.

Bad Taste in Boys might be a bit light on the zombies for those seeking hard-core zombie fiction, but I think this book can appeal to a wide cross-section of readers who want a screwball comedy mixed with action and a dash of horror. This is a zany peach of a debut for Harris, so I can’t wait to see what adventures Kate will have the next time around.

bmg20's review against another edition

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I can’t remember the last time that a book made me laugh till I cried and made me feel like if I didn't stop reading right this second I just might wet myself. I think I timed this read at the perfect moment. I’m stuck at home on Friday night working from home… fortunately work is slow so all I have to do is sit here and… sit here. So I decide I’m going to start ‘Bad Taste for Boys’. My Friday night did a 180° to the point where I’m actually enjoying ‘working’ from home right now. :D

Keep in mind, this book is meant to be funny… there is no seriousness involved, there is no world building, there are zombies, and NUMEROUS hysterical lines that had me dying to share them with someone.

Kate Grable is the student trainer for her school’s football team. When Kate finds unmarked vials in the Coach’s office she immediately thinks he’s giving illegal steroids to the players in order to try and recover their losing season. Later that night at a party with her classmates, Mike, a football player, collapses and appears to be dead. As Kate examines him prior to the EMT’s arriving she finds a bruise on his arm that looks suspiciously like an injection site. Thinking that he’s dead and fearing the worst she’s scared out of her mind when Mike suddenly jumps up from the ground and proceeds to grab her butt. When she regains her senses and takes a good look at Mike there’s something about him… something’s different and she doesn’t know what. That’s when he kisses her suddenly... and takes a chunk of her lip!

Being gnawed on had pushed me over the edge. Mike had always been a tool, but not the kind of tool who bit people when he had the munchies.

It’s all up to Kate and a few of her friends to find the antidote in time to prevent the entire town from becoming mindless flesh-eating zombies!

This book is highly recommended for anyone in dire need of a good giggle. :D
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sebinsangel's review against another edition

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Hot Boys, Zombies, and a strong female lead. What more could you want from a book? I was in love with this book from the very beginning, I can't lie. A stunning cover with an amazing story line, Bad Taste in Boys is way more than a zombie filled horror read. Of course like I've mentioned a million times before, the cover really is what first drew me to this book. I mean come on, look at it, doesn't it make you want to pick it up and read it? But what really hooked me was the story.

I remember being in high school and what it was like to have a crush on the high school jock, who doesn't? So the fact that Kate is just a normal teenage girl in the same kind of position that I have found myself in, made her extremely likable. The book hooks you in by getting to the point right away and I really liked how easy it was to be able to understand what was going on.

Bad Taste in boys is a fast paced quirky read about a zombie plague infecting a school, and one girl's fight to save her friends, family, and love. The witty remarks alone are something that should make you want to read this book. I found myself laughing while reading it and getting weird looks from my parents, but those I'm used to. So I would highly recommend picking up this book, and I know I'm adding Bad Hair Day to my list to read, I mean come on more Kate and werewolves, sounds perfect to me.

pitmanj18's review against another edition

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Really good read. Funny in parts. Great for zombie fans.

amandawije's review against another edition

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This was a fun, quick read. I got through it in an hour and a half so I obviously had to enjoy it for that to happen. I felt like the story was very quick. The plot moved fast without getting into too much detail so I felt like this read as if it was a light, humorous short story rather than a 201 page book. This was a nice change from reading series and gave me the brain break I was looking for.

nerdyfangirl's review against another edition

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Mini-Review: A fast, fun, and quirky read that'll change the way you look at zombies, and football!, forever.

My Thoughts:

I won a signed an ARC of this book straight from author Carrie Harris, who is hilarious and awesome by the way, and it's wonderful (and sadly only the second DAC book I've read this year). Kate is the nerdy type who works on the football team as a student trainer because she wants to get ahead in her preferred field of study, unfortunately it also puts her in close proximity to the boy she's crushing on and whom she can never seem to actually talk to. Until, of course, his life and the lives of all the Varsity football players are at stake.

Kate's a science nut, so naturally she does everything in her power to figure out what's going on and find a way to reverse the effects of the drugs before too many people get hurt. Throw that on top of high school drama and little brother troubles and you have an adorable and comic love story in the midst of a jock-zombie outbreak. Carrie Harris has a way of turning the disgusting zombies that terrify many into things that are still gross and scary and life-threatening, but somehow more amusing than horrific. Like a zombie rabbit rather than a zombie bear.

So even if you don't do zombies, or if they just aren't your thing, I suggest giving Kate and her mad zombie skills a try. If my copy wasn't personalized, I might pass it on and share, but it is, so you'll have to get your own copy. And you should, because it's kind of, sort of (really) fantastic.

junotranscends's review against another edition

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Fun and smartly written. A unique MC I rooted for the entire story. Loved the zombie lore and how it all came about, but would have liked to see more character development for the secondary characters and the MC/love interest. It was surprisingly short, and with how I lost myself in her lovely writing, it could have easily been another hundred pages to flesh (no pun intended) a lot of things out.

beths0103's review against another edition

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First off, I just want to get this out of the way: I hate zombies. I don't watch zombie movies and I certainly don't read zombie novels. But two things gave me pause and made me want to read this one. First off, Carrie Harris is from Michigan and I like supporting authors from my home state. Secondly, I have heard that this is not your run-of-the-mill zombie novel. And it's not. It's funny and it has a smart and quirky main character. Despite normally hating zombie novels, Bad Taste in Boys defied convention and kept me turning the pages, desperate to know how the heroine, Kate Grable was going save her classmates from undead to alive again. The only thing that kept me from giving this five stars is that I have a very weak constitution and the gore factor in this book, no matter how funny, was just a little much for me.

zoraidasolo's review against another edition

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Such a fun read! Kate is smart, witty, an everything you want in a high school science genius/kick-butt zombie fighter!

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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I do love a good zombie book.
I was glad this one was a very light, very funny zombie story. And not your typical one. Part mystery, part...well, zombie-kick butt action - it was intermixed in going to prom, crushing on boys at school and trying to keep an exboyfriend from biting off her lower lip!

the humor, day to day classes and interaction with her brother kept the horror of...well, walking around with a foot tucked under your arm. It was a nice distraction and nice to have a funny read.

and the cover. I absolutely LOVE it!