
Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris

jennifervu's review against another edition

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This book has been in my wish list the whole year!!! This book was shorter than I would've hoped for and I felt that the whole zombie thing was taken to its potential. I also didn't believe that Kate could take this so well. I don't think I could handle the zombie think maturely. WHo could?
I realized midway that I really dislike DISMEMBERED BODY PARTS. Who doesn't?? But it seemed so creepy...
Like the cover!

fearoflung's review against another edition

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I want to start this review off by giving a big thank you to . I won my copy of Bad Taste from the blog. Thanks so much! Go check out the blog, it really is awesome!

Bad Taste in boys is a little novel about zombies. Unfortunately, it just did not cut it for me. I was honestly expecting something a little darker than what I got or at least something silly and funny. This book just irked me. For one thing the characters felt very cliché to me. There was an uber-smart nerdy girl who suddenly starts to get into the higher up social circles, there is the sweet loveable jock who everyone wants, and then there are the random friends and classmates. But it was not even the characters that aggravated me so much, it was the lack of realism. No matter what the story, there are ways to make it realistic and believable. Having a girl who wants to be a doctor and who has a vague understanding of medical practices not go to the hospital to get her half bitten off lip checked out is not realistic.
Spoiler Not to mention having her later decide that she is just going to whip up a cure herself and inject it into people all willy-nilly without having the supposed cure medically tested in any way.

Maybe I just was not in the right mood for this book or maybe I was taking it too seriously when it was just meant to be fun. But I have read some really fun books that still were able to give me good characters and a realistic plot. I will not be recommending this book to anyone, but if you like zombies and are not terribly concerned with realism then by all means, give the book a try. It just was not the book for me.

perfectlymisaligned's review against another edition

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A little silly for my taste. I guess I was expecting more of a serious zombie YA book, but this definitely was not that. A quick read, though.

More reviews on my You Tube channel.

onceuponasarah's review against another edition

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The title and cover don't betray what this book is actually about: Zombies. Or wait, I'm sorry, disease infected people who seem like zombies. Felt very much like a first book, but was a good read. It was entertaining at the least.

anzuk's review against another edition

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I used to think anyone over the age of three who went by the name Kiki deserved to be drawn and quartered with a spork.

I’m with you on that sistah! But let me rephrase it a little bit.
I always think that anyone over the age of sixteen who writes a boring book about zombie fighting teenage geeks deserves to be drawn and quartered with a sledgehammer.

Much better, isn’t it?

So, what is Bad Taste in Boys all about? Geeks gone wild. With zombies. I love zombies!

Every highschool geeky girl’s dream is to have her long-time crush save her from a stampede of flesh eating black puking stinky slimy zombies. Pretty cool, right?

Yep.. Pretty cool..

The whole story started with a silly idea. I love silly ideas. The best things in the world come from silly ideas. Like rainbow cotton candy, gay unicorns, pink cookie monsters, and my personal favorite, skull shaped man eating trees.

Bad Taste in Boys is.. let’s say not good enough to fit in that category.

Kate, our dearest heroine, is the newest weapon the US Government has to offer. She’s a genius who single-handedly created a cure for the zombie apocalypse! Or almost single-handedly. But that’s beside the point! Her magnificent brain is America’s newest weapon against zombie terrorism! Those highschool zombie jocks don’t stand a chance!

And speaking of zombie jocks, they’re pretty popular in YAs, aren’t they? It’s weird that only these undersized teenage boys and girls get to be zombies and not, let’s say, wrestlers, ninjas, giants or mass murderers.

And the cure being just a simple injection is also awesome, isn’t it? Just… freaking awesome..

Back to my point. This book sucks. It’s not a one-star sucking, but a two-star one. I admit it had some decent moments but the rest was a total borefest. Too bad the author seems like a cool person. I mean she used to dissect brains! How awesome is that??

gabbyreadswithtea's review against another edition

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*WARNING: This review may have spoilers, but big ones will be marked.*

Actual Rating: 3.5 Stars
Favorite Character: Jonah. Or Hawaii(Although he was in there for about two pages.)

At first I didn't really like this book and thought that I would end up giving it about 2 stars. It wasn't horrible; because I could feel that I could pick it up again and continue reading. The characters were interesting but not that original- in my opinion. The nerd falls in love with the jock... I think we've all heard of it before. It was interesting to put the zombies in it as I haven't read many zombie books. At the top of my head I think I've read 1.5...([b:Alice in Zombieland|11300302|Alice in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles, #1)|Gena Showalter||16227953] and I guess you could call [b:The Hunt|10913887|The Hunt (The Hunt, #1)|Andrew Fukuda||15830154] A zombie/vampire book.)

It was a light and funny read i finished about 60% of it in just a couple of hours, but could have read the whole thing in a day had it been interesting at the start for me to.

May add to this later (Yes, I am aware I say that in 90% of my newer reviews and generally don't add anything because...i'm boring lazy ;)

velvetsun's review against another edition

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A little silly for my taste. I guess I was expecting more of a serious zombie YA book, but this definitely was not that. A quick read, though.

More reviews on my You Tube channel.

holly_tree's review against another edition

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So as I was reading Bad Taste in Boys, I was thinking that for a popular YA book, the flow and progression of the book was really, well, awful.

Then, when it was over, I read Carrie Harris' bio and it said, and I quote "Carrie Harris is a geek-of-all-trades and proud of it. Brains are her specialty; she used to work at a lab where they were delivered daily via FedEx," and with a "OOOOOOOOOHHHH!" I realized that this lady was more into zombies than she was into writing.

With that insight, I would give this book a review of medium rating. Some scenes certainly had flow problems, but all in all, it wasn't bad. I liked the little brother and the nerd brigade. If your looking for a zombie book, go for it.

books_plan_create's review against another edition

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Kate Grable is her high school football team trainer. Things are going well until she notices team members taking injections and puking nasty ass black puke. Before too long, football players are chomping down on classmates and it is spreading. Will Kate be able to save her high school and town before it is too late? Or will Kate become lunch for zombies?

If books had B-Movie categories, this one would definitely be in it! But don't get me wrong, I loved this book! Everything was very tongue-in-cheek, and seriously, a high schooler cures the zombie plague? Um...YES!

Take all of your zombie related rules, cliches, etc and throw them out the window. Then sit back and enjoy Bad Taste in Boys.

herlifewithbooks's review against another edition

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Not my tastes, but pretty quick-moving/silly. I would describe it as a "romp," but I'm not sure I'd recommend anyone romp around with zombies on the loose...