
Fiend by Peter Stenson

macchi's review

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Raw, unrelenting in its depiction of addiction in the zombie apocalypse.

librosconte's review

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"I wish we were the kind of addict from movies, the kind with guns!"

Quienes más me conocen saben que yo y las películas de zombies no congeniamos 👎 No es las películas de zombies en general, particularmente me molesta mucho cuando un virus vuelve a toda la humanidad un zombie 🤦‍♀️ Asi que al entrar a leer esto ya sabía que iba a ser algo fuera de mi zona de confort pero quería probar con libros de zombies a ver si tenían ese mismo efecto en mi que las peliculas del mismo tema. Además, ya entrando sabiendo que hay zombies sospechaba que me lo iba a tomar de otra manera, sumado a que nunca se mencionaba un virus en la sinopsis, si mal no recuerdo.
Por otra parte, me gusta mucho leer comedia negra y sátira pero no soy tan ávida lectora del bizarro horror. Y justamente este libro es ese género. Lo único que había leido era un relato pero esto era una novela entera😅 y no sabía si eso me iba a gustar.

Por suerte, tanto los zombies como lo bizarro no me molestó en absoluto. Fue todo lo demás de la novela lo que no terminó de cerrarme 😅

"Screaming at this hallucination! Screaming because I'm gonna be dead at 25! Dead without having accomplished one fucking thing in my life!
Having burn every fucking bridge worth having! My primary relationship now being with a junkie called Typewriter and I think how everyone who had ever said they loved me
had told me this would be my fate. Drugs would eventually kill me."

El libro comienza ni bien nuestro protagonista, Chase Daniels, y su amigo Typewriter, encuentran una nena comiéndose las tripas de un perro 😱 Ya ese comienzo me enganchó y me gustó mucho!
Siendo drogadictos a absolutamente todo (lit TODO, metanfetaminas, LSD, cocaína, heroína; lo más tranqui que hacen en todo el libro es marihuana) no se alarman tanto con esa imagen ya que sospechan que es una alucinación producto de las drogas pero cuando luego comienzan a ver más y más personas actuando raro y como caníbales, caen en la cuenta de que el fin del mundo llegó y están solos en esto, o casi solos, porque Chase tiene la esperanza de que su ex al menos sigue viva y no actuando como zombie.

Nunca se sabe qué pasó con la humanidad, si fue un virus o qué. No se explica nunca. Y este aspecto me re gustó 👏
También disfruté lo bien visceral y asqueroso que es todo. Tiene una narración muy peculiar, perturbadora y muy buena al mismo tiempo. Si llegan a leer este libro eperense gente comiéndose gente de la peor manera, bebés e infantes involucrados🙈

Podría decirse que el narrador no es para nada confiable ya que, nosotros, como lectores, no sabemos qué es real y qué no ya que están continuamente drogándose 😅
Por otra parte, todo lo que pasa en el libro es justamente eso, se viven drogando y viven teniendo sexo; y nada más que eso.
No solo sufría muchísimo con todas esas escenas en las que se inyectaban heroína (por diooos, no paraban más y las descripciones son muy detalladas🙈 -le tengo una especie de fobia a las jeringas+agujas-) sino que llega un punto en el libro (que no debe ser ni la mitad, sino muucho antes) en la que se torna todo super repetitio!

"Nothing matters. And you'll be dead soon anyway. And nobody who loves you is still alive."

No esperaba que el libro me encantara pero debo admitir que tenía expectativas altas? para ser de la temática que es. No tan altas pero sí que al menos lo disfrutada de alguna forma. Lamentablemente se me hizo muy largo, super repetitivo y en algún punto llegó a aburrirme. Pensé en dnfearlo.

📌 Puntuación: 2,5/5⭐

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granolagina's review

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The story was ok. I would have given 1/2 star because of the awful writing style. Who writes a book with no quotation marks? Very irritating style.

tchristman's review

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I like the concept - the zombie apocalypse hits and the only people to survive are meth heads. Obviously this will play out in a fairly predictable way.

private_reader's review

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I got this as an ARC at ALA in January, drawn to the wicked cool cover and to the dark and nasty synopsis. Meth, addiction, zombies. Where do I sign? In a sense this book didn’t disappoint. It was just as dark and nasty as the cover blurb promises. Maybe more so. This is very graphic and visceral. Lots of talk of bodily functions, decay, illness, vomiting and the daily reality of severe meth addiction drove me quickly through the pages. Then there were the zombies – which were the usual mindless flesh eating drones. And I guess we’re supposed to find the analogy between meth addiction and zombies to be a little overwrought.I certainly did. Chase is an interesting, conflicted character, struggling with what addiction has done to his moral life. But I found the zombies a bit distracting; I don’t think they were even necessary. And because they were mindless drones I wasn’t really all that interested in them. I think now that the world has Isaac Marion’s WARM BODIES, the mindless zombie is a bit five minutes ago. The crisis Chase faces in this could really have been anything – a hurricane, an alien invasion. It didn’t matter. And antagonists should matter. I wasn’t expecting a HEA and I didn’t get one, but this book ended up leaving me a little cold. But maybe it’s coldness works for it. There’s nothing romantic about FIEND. This is one for fans of FIGHT CLUB and TRAINSPOTTING. Not for kids but recommended to boys 16 and up.

FIEND will be published July 9th.

busdjur's review

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Very trippy and far from anything else that I´ve read.

marceelf's review

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To an ER nurse, there's many patients worse than a meth head, especially one who is spun and has no desire to get clean. And not many meth heads desire to get clean - the old joke, how do you know a junkie is lying? He's talking.

So when I received a copy of Fiend from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review, I was a little taken aback, because I don't have much interest in junkie monkeys, but then I figured why not try my first ever zombie apocalypse book.

I loved I Am Legend, I'm a Walking Dead fan, but I've never read any of the books - and I know the book is always better than the movie. The difference between these movies and Fiend is that Fiend has no clear hero.

Chase Daniels is the anti-hero. The meth head who looks out the window while tweaked one day to see a little girl munching a Rottweiler. And so the story begins........

Chase and his friend, Typewriter begin a their journey of survival, taking a detour to rescue Chase's ex-girlfriend and true love, KK, who dumped him because he wouldn't stay clean. The real kicker is that now she isn't clean either, but she still didn't come back.

Chase figures out pretty quickly that the antidote to the zombie virus is meth. He tests his theory on KK's new junkie boyfriend, and a injection of meth brings him back from the brink of zombiehood. Why would Chase bother? Good question. The answer is because Chase still has a trace of hero in him.

The positive is that the zombie apocalypse has made chasing meth legit because it's the only way to stay alive. The negative is that now you're chasing down drug dealers while dodging the "Chucks", so named because they giggle as they try to eat your face.

This book was completely unlike anything I have ever read. It was completely intense, and I felt like I was holding my breath most of the time while I read it. But I also felt vaguely dirty reading it, as if I was plunged into the mind and reasoning of a junkie - which I was, because the character was really well written.

My next read is going to be a nice, sweet, chick lit book. Because this was a gritty read. But very well done.

emilyyjjean's review

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Meth Addicts + Zombie Apocalypse = a crazy, disturbing adventure

TW: drug abuse/usage

authorannafaundez's review

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Simply couldn't get into it. The prose is decent with a lot of interesting turns of phrase, but that's also part of the reason I couldn't keep going. There were so many de-familiarized words and phrases that it became distracting. Also didn't really care for the narrator. 

Stylistic complaint: Having no quotation marks when someone is speaking can make the book hard to read in some spots.

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dandreamelissa's review

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If you wanted to read a depressing book about addiction and zombies, its the right book for you.

The addiction angle was a new spin, and the zombies could represent how one becomes once addiction like that hits someone. I became depressed after reading it though.