
Goddess of Yesterday by Caroline B. Cooney

jordyn_alexx's review

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Possibly a 4.5.
I did find it very enjoyable, and I see why I've kept it in my heart for the past 11 years. It has tons of great references to Greek mythology, and Anaxandra is a character that you're forever rooting for. I'm not sure how I feel about the depiction of Menelaus and Helen, but that's neither here nor there. I do wish you found out how things end for Anaxandra.

barnes_and_nobles_girl's review

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Amazing characters, great perspective and a quick fun read for people with yearly goals of over 60 books.

iluvbooks13's review

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I loved this book! Anyone who enjoys Greek mythology would like this retelling of the trojan war and how it was started. Luved it!

ecsun345's review

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I Loved the twist on the classical story (exclamation point)

jlynnelseauthor's review

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I was very impressed with this story and where it went. The author has beautiful descriptions. As a reworking of a traditional tale, this story comes alive with an original character and new perspectives.

The author laces historical beliefs and rules and creates a relatable tale. It’s a great time period to explore. The main character, Anaxandra, goes through a lot of growth. She learns about the different societies and takes the readers along in her observations. I really like the details the author included. For instance, the men of Sparta laugh at men of Troy because they ride on the back of a horse, finding it a pointless exercise. "Kings were not stable boys, to handle animals." I also love how the characters notice differences in Greek dialect between cities! I felt very immersed in the time period.

In terms of writing style, I think the author used "but" too many times before clauses. I've found a few cases where "and" would have made the sentence flow better. While I think this largely relates to the author mimicking the literary styles of ancient Greek authors & playwrights, a few sentences did not fully make sense the way they were structured.

Gods and goddesses are portrayed as being an intrinsic part of everyday life, including peoples’ belief that their fates were completely in their gods’ hands, and this strongly ties the story to the Illiad’s style. I liked this aspect and felt it was very believable for the culture. The author is never graphic, yet issues are laid out clearly about the life of islanders and pirates. Societies and their points of view came alive as I read.

The author is honest about what is taken from historical records and what is fiction. Anaxandra is a creation of this author, but I liked the minor role she comes to play in the Trojan War. It helped bring her redemption of her guilt. It also gave her meaning to a life otherwise dictated by the kindness or cruelty of strangers. Women at this time had few if any rights and thus were not always an active participant in where their life went. This is portrayed gently in the story and came to a satisfying conclusion at the end. Anaxandra persevered through all the boulders thrown in her path.

There are small plot threads that come back later in Anaxandra’s life, like the idea of men riding on the backs of horses and how actually experiencing this changed her outlook. In addition, her hair is a constant bit of conversation. When Helen orders it shaved a second time, Anaxandra believes she is being punished by the gods and that it will never grow back (hair being considered a glory of a woman’s life). Yet the author gives us hope again after she return Plies to Menelaus. The author is great at resolving not only major events but also the subtle occurrences that affect the characters. There is a beauty illuminated when things great and small wrap themselves together. The author gave us that. Would it have been nice to have a bit more pages about when Anaxandra landed on King Euneas’s island?... Yes. But I was left satisfied with the ending nonetheless. I would enjoy reading more from the author.

reading_and_dreaming's review

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childhood favorite

tattedlibrarian's review

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I was loaned this book on tape (yes, tape!) by a friend. She thought I might like the book. I listened to the first half of the first tape and thought, why am I still listening...??? I kept going and that was the last time I had that thought.

Caroline Cooney spins an amazing tale about ancient Greece and Troy. She starts when Anaxandra is a six year old hostage from a siege on her home island. She is taken to live with King Nicander to be a playmate for the Princess Callisto, a crippled girl near her age. Anaxandra survives when a band of pirates attack and kill Nicander and most of the residents of the island. She buries Nicander and as she is standing guard over his grave, a fleet of ships lead by Menelaus picks up Anaxandra. She survives by telling them she is the Princess Callisto.

Menelaus introduces her to his wife, Helen. Helen is part goddess, her father is Zeus and her mother was Lida. Helen sees through the disguise and knows that she is no princess. Anaxandra is sure the gods are punishing her for stealing another’s birthright. She becomes friends with Hermione, the daughter of Menelaus and Helen and takes care of Pleisthenes, their youngest son (just an infant).

When Paris of Troy arrives everything changes. Helen leaves Menelaus and plans to sail to Troy with Paris. When Hermione realizes that her mother is planning to run away she is furious and decides to kill her. She is stopped by her nurse and Anaxandra. Anaxandra is disguised as Hermione and leaves with Pleisthenes in order to save the life of Hermione. When she arrives it doesn’t take long for Helen to realize that she has been deceived. Anaxandra spends the rest of the book trying to make sure that Paris doesn’t kill Pleisthenes.

Cooney shows a great deal of attention to detail in this great book. She mixes fiction with history (and the writings of Homer and others) to create a delightful story. Themes of self-sufficiency, coming of age, family and identity abound. What starts off slowly grows into a beautifully woven tale of life in ancient times.

cassandrasharp314's review

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i found this book in the lone star award section at the keller library today and remembered it instantly. i read it when i was twelve after coming across it in my middle school library. i started re-reading it today and its as good as i remember :)

amyjoy's review

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God, I love stories about ancient Greece and Troy (especially Troy; [b:The Iliad|1371|The Iliad|Homer||3293141] is my favorite). This is a lovely look at the beginnings of the war from an outsider's perspective. Anaxandra is such a wonderful character, and I loved the language Cooney uses throughout. And the characterizations of all the famous figures are wonderful, and I really appreciated the way she showed how Helen could get under people's skin and beguile them. I always wondered why Priam wouldn't just give her the boot once the war began to drag on and on and on, but Cooney handles that really deftly and in a way that makes sense.

ETA: GUH, that cover. I love it so much; it's powerful and dynamic and interesting.

My one nitpick is a scene where a ship is going through a storm and someone calls on the god of the ocean to save them EXCEPT ancient Greek sailors hoped Poseidon would never know that they were sailing (he ain't called the Earthshaker for nothing) and would never call upon him to calm a storm. #ClassicsNerd

cjazzlee's review

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Upon first reading years ago, I remember I found this a fascinating read, intended for young adults but enjoyable for adults, about Medusa, the Spartans, the battle of Troy. The heroine of the book is smart, intelligent and takes fierce control of her own fate. Love Cooney's handling of the themes of destiny, the power of choice and the reworking of Greek myth.