
Burning Up Flint by Laurann Dohner

purpleceders's review

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Really good book. A little frustrating but totally worth reading through. I love Flint and Mira. Very nicely written. Can't wait to read the next one.

laurenm2111's review

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**Reread 22 September 2014**

**original read - 9 August 2013**

lrnunez's review

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I don't think I have a HATED a book so much. i LOST ANY RESPECT I had to begin with for this author. I knew the main what the main story line of the book was going to be about but I had know idea that the heroine spends the entire book giving up what little dignity she had to begin with. Let me make this clear. Romance books are supposed to usually go like this, "Man meets woman, they fall for each others beauty/wit, man underestimates woman, woman sets him straight and comes out looking like the strong baddass she is, woman doesn't take shit from the man, man admits he was wrong or is awed at the treasure he has found in her, they sacrifice all for each other, live happily ever after, the end". No matter how different the plot in the book may be, the structure is supposed to vaguely go like that.

THIS BOOK DOES NOT HAVE ANY LOVE IN IT AT ALL. What it has is the woman groveling at the feet of the man and the man treating her like property. Anyone who says otherwise is ignorantly wrong. Basically the man makes the woman do everything he says and continues throughout the entire book to call her property. He only agrees to do the one thing she asks for because someone else says he can and she threatens to kill herself if she doesn't. I am furious to know that a woman wrote this book thinking any of this was acceptable. If you stand up for any woman's rights at all you will know what I'm talking about and hate this book. I actually read another of this author's books and thought it was ok, but after reading this book I have lost all respect for the author and will never read one of her books again. I recommend the same. IT WAS INSULTING TO ME AS A WOMAN!

jamsu's review against another edition

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1.5 stars

s3c0ndbreakfast's review against another edition

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I never liked Flint. Aren't you supposed to grow to like them at some point? He was an unfeeling asshole. I know he is a cyborg. I read a review saying the series got better, I may try another but if it is like this one was, I will be done. So sad since I loved her Mating Heat and New Species series.
sad times.

bookishgoblin's review against another edition

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I figured since I’ve read a bit more romance/erotica and know a bit more about the genre I’d return to some old favourites to see how they hold up and lemme tell you knowledge ruins everything. This book holds up as a good intro but probably not the best for regular readers

This was actually pretty amazing! My only previous knowledge of erotic fiction was 50 Shades so I wasn't expecting much when this was recommended to me, but honestly it was so good! The writing was amazing, the characters were okay, but mostly I loved the world building, there was so much to take in about this futuristic way of life that it made me want to keep reading! Have a new found respect for this genre

wellactjoally's review

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Kidnapping, exhibitionism, monogamy insistence, tied up. 

Pirate rape threatened. Suicidal ideation. Lots of impregnating talk. 

sunnydee's review

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Die ersten paar Kapitel hatte ich Schwierigkeiten hineinzukommen, was hauptsächlich an meinen Vorerfahrungen mit der Autorin liegt. Ich habe bereits zwei andere Reihen von ihr angefangen zu lesen, die deutlich mehr auf Handlung ausgelegt waren. Da war ich hier überrascht, wie schnell es zur Sache ging. Die Betonung liegt hier sehr deutlich auf Erotik und die Handlung spielt sich drum herum ab.
Die Prota wirkt erst sehr naiv und das legte sich im Laufe des Bandes nur geringfügig. Wer mit solchen Figuren nichts anfangen kann, sollte dringend die Finger von dem Buch lassen. Sie ist viel zu schnell hin und weg von ihrem Auserwählten. Es gibt zwar den ein oder anderen mehr oder weniger großen Widerstand von ihr gegen bestimmte Entscheidungen des Mannes/Cyborg, aber im großen und ganzen verhält sie sich dabei eher wie ein Kind.
Die Männer/Cyborgs sind hier sehr dominant und leider selbst für meinen Geschmack teilweise sogar zu dominant. Sie stellen ihre Befriedung etwas zu weit in den Vordergrund und stellenweise äußern sie ziemlich schockierende Dinge über ihr Frauen bzw. Sklaven. Die weibliche Protagonistin ist ein Mensch und der Cyborg an ihrer Seite sieht sie eher als Besitz. Das wird gut durch die Art und Weise des Denkens und Lebens der Cyborgs erklärt. Daher werte ich es nicht negativ. Die Cyborgs unterscheiden sich sehr von den Menschen in ihrer Art und Weise zu Leben und zu Handeln, trotzdem sind sie keine Monster, falls dies jetzt so herüber kommt. Es gibt bei ihnen genauso Typen die etwas sanfter oder ziviler sind, als andere.
Anfangs dachte ich, dass ich dem Buch 3 Sterne geben werde, aber im Laufe der Geschichte konnte es mich doch fesseln und ich möchte weitere Teile der Reihe lesen. Das Leben auf dem Planten der Cyborgs wird in diesem Band nur sehr kurz beschrieben. Die meiste Zeit befinden sich die Charakter auf einem Raumschiff. Dieser Sci Fi Anteil gefiel mir sehr gut. Trotzdem wird sich hauptsächlich auf die Liebes- bzw. Erotikgeschichte konzentriert. Es gibt hier einige Bondage-Szenen und Szenen die empfindliche Leser vielleicht bereits als nahe am NonCon empfinden könnten. Seid also gewarnt. Romantischer Kuschelsex ist hier eher weniger zu finden.
Einige Rechtschreibfehler sind mir auch aufgefallen.

Meine Wertung:
4 von 5 Sternen

bookwife's review

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Ok so I got this book because I have been reading the New Species series and I love it. So I thought that her other series might be good too. But it was not! This is one of the worst books I think Ive ever read. Flint is an asshole. Straight up. He kidnaps Mira. Then ties her to his bed and basically forces her to have sex with him. And what is worse is that she just accepts this. She doesn't fight back, she doesn't say anything but please don't hurt me. okay. Then the jackass BRANDS HER! Freaking BRANDS HER! Again she's cool with it. And then she steals an escape pod put of course he gets her back but sells her to a different cyborg guy. Who happens to be an even bigger dick than Flint is. So She BEGS him to take her back. Even tho she did nothing wrong by trying to escape her capture.

I absolutely hate everything about this book. I hate how weak Mira is. She didn't fight for anything. Flint wasn't caring in anyway. All he wanted was a slave to have his children.

foreverbeautifulbooks's review

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Holy crap!!!! What have I gotten myself into! It's like Firefly on porn LMAO!!!!!!

Oh, Laurann I truly hope you are writing more of these!

Full review coming soon!