
Entice by Carrie Jones

kaitrosereads's review against another edition

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Entice, the third book in Carrie Jones’ Need series, is just as good, if not better, than the first two. The story just keeps getting better and I am once again dying for more.

Zara is a pixie queen now so she should be able to bring Nick back from Valhalla, right? Wrong. Every time she and Astley get a clue something goes wrong and someone ends up dying. Can Zara bring Nick back from Valhalla before she loses everyone she loves or is he really gone for good?

Entice was full of action. From the very beginning Zara and her friends were kicking pixie butt. It seemed like every chapter had some sort of fight scene in it and I loved it. I had the hardest time putting it down because I didn’t know what would happen next. There were also some more deaths in this one and I was very sad about them. =[

Zara is still Zara. She may be a pixie queen now but she is still scared and insecure. She worries about people loving her and she tries so hard not to show her pixie side. Astley is the only one who really doesn’t care whether she is pixie or human. He was so great in this book. I am definitely Team Astley now.

Overall, Entice is a fantastic addition to this series. The next book cannot get here soon enough!

asteinke19's review against another edition

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This book was good but I feel that it was very anticlimatic. I wanted a reunion of Zara and Nick but he was mostly unconcious... idk I'm interested in bk 4.

amber04's review against another edition

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Review to come, but what a book!! Love it!!

lydiature's review against another edition

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I Love Astley. She won't end up with him, but I still love him.

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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this has been on my TBR list for years and I read the first two books...well, years ago.
so picking this one back up for a TBR pile reduction challenge was tough. It's not that the story was bad, it's just that I don't appreciate it. I did it as an audio book (all of them actually), and I think I would enjoy them more as books and not audio.

maddycat8's review against another edition

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Just finished reading this book tonight. Since it had been some time since I had read the first two I had to get back in the grove of the story, and it picked up right where it left off. First off I will say that this book was both good and bad, as other people have said. I believe that Zara did grow more in this book and came to terms with what she was dealing with. I LOVED that there was more Astley, to me he is one of the most real characters in the book and seems to really love Zara. I felt bad for him multiple times in the story, such a good guy! Now, what bugged me the most was the that Zara had to say that she "had to save Nick" atleast every other page, I think it was pretty obvious that she was going to save him, yes I know that we need her to say that, but maybe a little less? The story got a bit repetitive, and I feel that they should have saved Nick earlier in the story, but all in all I will be reading the next installment, and hopefully it will recieve a higher rating.

P.S. if you haven't noticed I am a Astley fan through and through! She better choose him.

canadian_booknerd's review against another edition

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This series was such a quick read. It has elements of Norse mythology which I haven't read about before so it gave it an interesting twist!

lcgerstmann's review against another edition

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Disappointing......and it makes me sad, I was anticipating this book since I finished #2. The plot of this sereis has always been a little corny but it got way too outlandish in this book, lets just say walking on rainbows to hang out with Odin! And the word "squee" was used way too many times (really once is too many!). The relationship development sucked...her "true love" is absent most of the book and the guy who wants to be the love interest lets her walk all over him ala "New Moon" but unlike New Moon, I didn't care either way. I almost always follow through on series where I have some sort of attachment to the characters but I might give up on this one.

eroof514's review against another edition

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I really enjoy this series and I can't wait to figure out what nick thinks of Zara turning pixie. Thought this book was a little slower than the others, but I ultimately enjoyed it. I hope there are good things to come in the next book!

marave's review against another edition

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I like Astley more than Nick is this one. And throughout the whole book Zara is just winning on how much she missies Nick, and if he'll love her now that she turned even when people are dying around her. She gets really annoying in this book.