
The Christmas Cowboy Hero: A Western Romance Novel by Donna Grant

robinlovesreading's review against another edition

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When ex-Navy SEAL Clayton East came home, it was for one reason, his father was ill and the family ranch was in financial trouble. Once things get back to normal for Clayton's family, his plan was to leave. His progress is interrupted almost at the outset when the ranch becomes a victim to castle rustling. The only person caught is a young man, Brice Harper. His older sister Abby is his guardian and she promises to pay Clayton's family for the cost of the lost cattle.

Clayton has other ideas. He sees something in both Abby and Brice and offers Brice a job to work at the ranch in order to pay off his debt. As far as Abby is concerned, there is one word that Clayton would use to describe her: stunning. Abby is more than overwhelmed. She not only cares for Brice, but also younger brother Caleb. Some time after their father died, their mother took off, leaving their guardianship to Abby.

Abby loves her brothers more than anything and took on the job to the best of her ability. It has been eight years and she truly has been struggling. While working on her college degree, she is more than underappreciated in her job assisting at an accounting firm. Her circumstances change rather quickly when now her brother will be working for Clayton. One immediate benefit is that Clayton's family offer to let the Harper's spend Christmas with them. Abby never could give them the Christmas she'd like and so she accepts the offer.

This benefits Clayton in more than one way. Not only does he get to spend time with the beautiful Abby, but he discovers her affinity with figures and that she is more than familiar with accounting. Even before Brice was involved with the theft of his cattle, the ranch was suffering financially. Someone had stolen countless amounts of money, almost crippling the ranch. When Abby offers to look into matters, Clayton realizes even more just how special she is.

What an affecting story. It is utterly touching. There is a wonderful element of family. Not just how Abby is with her brothers, which is nothing less that amazing, but also there is Clayton and how he treats his parents. It certainly doesn't hurt that Clayton's mother is every person's dream. Clayton definitely did not fall far from the tree, because he was pretty spectacular. When he and Abby come together, the result is just wonderful.

Another remarkable thing about the story is the fact that as much as Abby tried with her brothers, they just needed so much, but they certainly were not lacking in love. However, that love increased a hundredfold after getting involved with the East family. Considering they were left by their mother, the story touched on the issue of abandonment more than once. This was helpful because no matter what good came from their soon-to-be new family, this issue certainly had to be addressed.

The Christmas Cowboy Hero is the compelling first book in the Heart of Texas series. What a start! It was a pleasure to have read this story, and to also have had the privilege of reading the following two stories in this series,Cowboy, Cross My Heart and My Favorite Cowboy. There is another book,A Cowboy Like You, to be released in November.

xakyr's review against another edition

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I was actually rather amazed by this story! I picked it up to read because I got asked to review the second book in the series, and I'm OCD enough that I try to read all the books in a series before I get to the new release. However, I wasn't expecting to like it, as I have read the author's paranormal works and had my ups and downs with them. This book's made me a fan of the Author's contemporary works!

While I don't normally read western romance, I will, upon occasion, pick one up. Clayton was a wonderful hero, with the double whammy of being former military and a cowboy, making him definitely swoon worthy. However, his protective nature and patience with Abby was what really made him stand out to me.

I loved how strong and resilient Abby was. The curve balls life had thrown her were not easy ones to handle and yet she did so with love and dedication. I really could identify with her, and cheered when she finally let her guards down enough to fall in love and be loved in return.

The book also had a bit of a suspense angle, and that was well done as well. It kept me surprised and guessing until the end of the story! While this was set at Christmas, the focus really wasn't on the holiday, so it can be read anytime. I highly recommend it!

paddlefoot55's review against another edition

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ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

Forget the knight in shining armour - Clayton East is a knight in Wrangler jeans! He's the reluctant cowboy back home on the ranch, and hooeee did he make me want to be a cowgirl!

I love the way Ms Grant has created a Cinderella-ish feel with the way Clayton and his family envelop Abby and her brothers into the fold.

It hits you in all the feels, you can't help but fall in love with everyone (well nearly everyone, gotta have someone to hate!)

Ms Grant has wrtten with such beautiful imagery, I could feel myself looking out over the ranch, staring up at the big skies, feel the dirt and grit on my face).

Beautifully written, the story flowed and the mystery throughout the story had me turning the pages to find out more.

The Christmas Cowboy Hero is a wonderful start to the Heart Of Texas series, and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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redhairedashreads's review against another edition

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Ex-Navy SEAL Clayton East is heads home to find his family ranch in dire straights. While trying to turn his family farm around he is also dealing with his sick father, and his attraction to Abby Harper. Abby has been taking care of her brothers for years now but things don’t always go as planned. When her brother gets in trouble with the law she thinks everything is over for them. Instead the Harper family find passion for life again and help Clayton save his ranch.

I love Donna Grant’s writing but so far I have not picked up any of her contemporary books. They have been on my TBR since she started writing them but I have yet to actually read them. I regret not reading these when they came out. I rarely read westerns but I usually enjoy them. This one was really good and I wish I had the rest of the series so I could continue reading it.

“She made the ghosts that haunted him vanish. She made him feel whole again.”

Abby and Clayton were a cute couple. Their relationship was a slower one but I did quite enjoy it. Abby was smart, strong, and very caring. She has been taking care of her two brothers since she turned 18 and her mother left them. She is struggling to make ends meet but always provides for her brothers. I loved how strong the Harper family bond was. They have been through so much that they had to band together to survive. Clayton was the perfect male for this family. He is the perfect role model for the boys without overstepping his role. He was supportive and never pushed the boys, or Abby, to talk or do anything they weren’t ready for. Clayton and Abby had great chemistry from the beginning and I just knew they were going to be a great couple.

This book also had wonderful and supportive side characters that you just couldn’t help but love. The brothers were so cute and supportive of their sister that I really want to see them grow up and be happy. I really want to read the rest of this series in the near future.

bananatricky's review against another edition

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Three and a half stars.

Clayton East is a former Navy SEAL. He's returned to his parents' cattle farm in Clearview, Texas after his father had a stroke only to discover that their accountant has robbed them blind and absconded with the money. Added to which rustlers have stolen 100 head of cattle and a prize bull. After being involved in an ambush in which the rest of his SEAL team died Clayton has suffered PTSD, he also still feels guilt at the death of his twin brother Landon when they were children. If his father hadn't had the stroke he would never have come home.

Abby Harper is struggling to make ends meet bringing up her two teenage brothers after their father died and their mother walked out on them as soon as Abby graduated from school. The last thing she needs three weeks before Christmas is to have her brother Brice arrested for cattle rustling. Clayton was ready to throw the book at Brice, especially when he refuses to implicate the people he was working for, but after Abby offers to pay him back every red cent he is impressed despite himself and decides to let Brice work off the debt after school and at weekends. It wouldn't hurt that he would get to see the beautiful Abby at the same time.

Phew, this is a cowboy story that just happens to take place at the run up to Christmas rather than a full-on Christmas story. I liked the plot although I feel there were some massive clues to the identity of the cattle rustlers that Abby should have picked up on before and one of those involved appears to have got off scot-free (although maybe that will come out in the next book in the series?).

This was enjoyable, Clayton and Abby were a good couple with plenty of passion between them. I do have a slightly bad taste in my mouth that the only women portrayed in this book are either absolute saints (Abby and Clayton's mother), selfish (Abby's mother) or nasty employers (Gloria), why do so many romances have to categorise women as either good or bad? Why can't they be a bit more nuanced? Anyway, maybe I'm being a bit grumpy. Otherwise this had a bit of everything: kids, Christmas, horses, drama, cowboys, a Navy SEAL, a mystery you name it, it was there.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Bumped for release.

tfail24's review against another edition

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To me, anything that Donna Grant writes is a must read and The Christmas Cowboy Hero didn’t disappoint.

After serving in the Navy, Clayton never returned home after getting out. Now he has received word that his father has fallen ill and is no longer able to do the work and keep the family ranch afloat. Once he returns home, he finds out that there is a lot more going on. Somebody is stealing from the ranch and he needs to find out whom. When he finds out that his culprit is a 16-year-old boy, he is able to work out an agreement with the boy’s guardian to work off the dept that is owed.

Between college and trying to take care of her younger brothers, she doesn’t have time for anything else. Abby has never met a man like Clayton and she is sure that there is no another man like him out there. Clayton makes Abby feel things and they have amazing chemistry together and I loved how they worked together.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

ARC provided by publisher for honest review.

bribookish's review against another edition

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It was a cute book, but sadly didn't give me the holiday vibes like I was looking for. But this book was soo good!!

shahlasworld's review against another edition

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A sweet Christmas story with a cowboy/ former Navy Seal? That's a double whammy right there. 
Fantastic main characters, aswell as secondary characters. I was thrilled that it was a true romance. The drama was from outside sources, not anything to do with their relationship. No ow/om situations for the sake of drama. 

- no cheating
- no ow/om drama 
- no violence of a sexual nature
-a few steamy scenes (could have used a bit more)
- safe

nikkisbooknook's review against another edition

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Fabby new series with a hot, hot cowboy!

Clay has had enough of bloodshed. He left the SEALS behind and instead of going home as expected, he hot-footed it to Africa. Now policing poachers and protecting animals, he is also dodging his family!

But when a near tragedy strikes he is forced to return home. But he finds that his father's illness is only the tip of the iceberg and there is a heap of more trouble to deal with. Including some sneaky embezzling from the Accountant who was supposed to look after the books! But his fortune may have changed. When he catches a youngster rustling cattle, he calls the sheriff but when Brice's guardian turns up, Clay can't believe that this young woman has shouldered so much responsibility.

Abby Harper, put upon sister, Accountant wannabe and all around good girl needs a break. Her brothers are acting up, she is stressed trying to make money stretch, and she has zero romance. Her brother has been given the chance to payoff his debts by working at the ranch. Somehow he manages to make this an enjoyable thing and he loves the work.

Abby also finds herself enjoying the ranch and inadvertently finds herself helping Clay track down the missing money. Clay is reeling from his attraction to Abby but the more he fights, the more he falls!

Fantastic read. Abby is at turns naive, strong-willed and stubborn. But she has a heart of gold. Clay is rough, gruff with a hair trigger temper but he handles Brice and Caleb like younger brothers and really has a soft centre! I can't wait to see what happens in the next book!

sarcasticromancereader's review against another edition

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Just what I needed, I’d been wanting a sweet cowboy book. This one felt like I was reading a Hallmark movie (but less cheesy).
Broken, ex-SEAL, Clayton, has come home to help out his family ranch after his father suffers a mini-stroke.
Strong, selfless, Abby, who has been guardian, mother and father two her two younger brothers these past eight years.
I’ve always been intrigued by the ranch life and all the characters in the book were everyone you’d hope to ever meet...the warm-hearted mother who spends her days cooking for the ranchers and baking cookies, the loving father who adores his wife and children and not to forget the loyal ranch hand who takes everyone under his wing.
This was just a sweet story that I enjoyed reading.