
Arm Candy Warrior by E.M. Moore

irishgal02's review

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Another knockout novel!!

Omg this series is so amazing!! I love that we are getting to know Kyla more and that she is opening up to her guys and starting to trust them with her secrets (some of them anyways). There was one time I just wanted to smack Johnny for his reaction to Oscar. I think she will need to lay out all her cards on the table soon. I love all of her interactions with Brawler, Oscar, and Magnum and evening some of the scenes with Johnny when he’s not being all alpha (bad alpha male not sexy alpha). It did end on another cliffhanger which kills me lol but I’m excited the next book will be out in June which thankfully is not that far away!! Congrats on another awesome insight in the world of Kyla and her Crew!

giovannack's review

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This book is so good. As good as the first one. Usually I have the second book slump when I'm reading a series but EM Moore keeps me curious to what will happen next. We get to know the characters better without it being boring. There is some heat but not to much.

booknerd1986's review

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Holy crap this book was amazing. Kyla is so fierce and kickass, but I also love her emotional side as well especially for the guys.

Johnny I have a love/hate relationship with that man one minute I love him and the next I just want to kick him in the balls lol. But we do get to see a little bit of emotional and softer side of him in this book.
As for the rest of the guys well you just need to read this book to find out I ain't spoiling anything for you.

I do have my theories on Big Daddy K though. Like he is aware of who Kyla really is? And I think the reason he won't allow Johnny and Kyla to sleep together is he may think they are related in some way? There just something there that he knows.
I freakin loved this book and I cannot wait for book 3 to come out, as it ended in a cliffy. I need more lol.

chachiirose's review

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Okay so In my review of the first book I said that I had to read more to give an opinion. I can give a better one just not a full picture. Kyla is definitely realizing now she needs happiness in love in her life aside for only getting revenge. She cares about the four men in her life and wants to save them all. Johnny is definitely a caveman. Mine mine mine. Is all he can think about and I highly believe he’ll be like this even when he finds out about the others. Oscar and Brawler are opening up to her more (so is Johnny) and Magnum is becoming one of her best friends. It’s amazing to see these characters develop and more pieces of their stories slotting together. Question is though how will her revenge plan unfurl? And who framed her?


booksabrewin's review

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Things are getting deeper between Kyla and her men. While Johnny is still under Daddy K's thumb, the other guys are starting to show their unhappiness within the Crew's ranks. Now it seems that not only does Kyla feel she needs to exact her revenge, but she needs to free the men she is developing feelings for of the chains that bind them to the Crew. But until she can do so, she has to play along. She will fight whoever Daddy K decides even if it means the most prominent male fighter of a rival gang. If she wins, it will secure an alliance between the Crew and the other gang. If she loses... well, she can't lose.

Finding a gym to train for her upcoming fight leads her into a comfortable comradery with the gym owners and an excuse to spend more time with Oscar and Brawler. As she spends more time with them she starts to learn more about their lives. Brawler is no longer happy living in the shadow of her dead siblings. Between her dead Crew member brother and drive-by victim sister, his mother has been unable to pull herself out of her depression. Brawler can't help his mother in the Heights. He needs to get her out to get her help. And Oscar has a drug addict for a mother who is destined to fall further and further down the drain if she remains in the Heights. Both men have mothers who will not survive if they remain in the Heights. Kyla has to get them out and get them free when she achieves her goal.

It also seems that Kyla is starting to view Magnum as much more than the protector of her when Johnny is not around. His heated looks are starting to become more and more obvious to her and she can't help feeling much the same for her favorite bodyguard. But Magnum has a loyalty to Johnny that the other two men don't have. Magnum and Johnny are virtually best friends and chasing your best friend's girl is not done without an abundance of guilt accompanying it.

Getting to see Kyla's relationships grow more substantially past the initial attraction is great to see. Oscar is more than the witty clown and Brawler is more than the bleeding heart love muffin. Magnum is touched on but not explored fully and Johnny is starting to be tamed slowly but surely by the affection of Kyla.

The thing I enjoy most about this series so far is that the twists in the story are not apparent until the very last cliffhanger page in the book. It's got a way of sneaking up on you and shocking you completely. But there are hints of these soul-crushing situations occurring but unless you know what's coming you can't guess what's to happen. I love stories you can think back on situations and have an "ahha! So that's what that actually meant!" sentiment.

I am really enjoying the Heights Crew series and am anxious to see where Kyla and her Heights Boys' stories go.

neshaisabookworms_book_review's review

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I fell even more in love with Kyla and her men in this book! Magnum might be my favorite character and I vote to add him to Kyla’s harem!

That ending was so unexpected!

Can’t wait to see what book 3 has in store for us!

ravenwolfereads's review

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I'm intrigued enough to keep reading. This book had more development of relationships. However, I still hate Johnny. He's literally such a bad person. Mag is growing on me, but I'm a sucker for the strong, silent type. That cliffhanger is shocking.

ambere_booksandmore's review

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Even better

This book was even better than book one. I am excited to see where this goes! On to book three I go!

westcoastwords's review

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Holy Uppercut

Uhhhh flatlined.

Kyla girl you got your butt into quite a predicament. This was a great follow up book to the first and has me salivating over book three.

I need it now!!!