
F*ck Love by Tarryn Fisher

philton89's review

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This book had me going crazy!!!!

eyleen's review

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This was so good!!

I liked Helena, the main character, a lot and the whole premise of the book was so inspired and well done!
I can't say too much without spoilers, but the way Helena fell for Kit and what developed from that was just beautiful.

This book made me laugh out loud, brought tears to my eyes, made me angry - it gave me all the feels!

The whole book seemed very real, the characters were amazing and I enjoyed it from start to finish!

readfrenzy's review

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5+ stars!

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I loved this book HARD! I swear it’s like literary crack. I defy you to read one chapter and stop because Tarryn Fisher has crafted a breathtaking story that is exhilarating and captivating from the very first page to the last.

I’m really not a fan of love triangles, but this one is definitely the exception. It’s a story about one lost girl, one insecure girl, and the lighthearted man they both love.

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The story is told entirely from Helena’s point of view. She is adrift, and she just wants to be seen and loved.
“I don’t want to be someone’s ‘girl who got away.’ I want to be someone’s ‘girl who’d I’d never let get away.’”

She’s always been the faithful best friend. Now, though, as her relationship with Della evolves and her feelings for Kit intensify, she’s torn between doing the right thing and following her heart.

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It’s a complicated situation involving flawed characters of great depth, and I felt deeply for each of them. I really admired Helena. She’s fearless on her difficult journey to self-discovery. She’s also a bit of an odd duck with her collection of captioned selfies and monochromatic beige clothing.

The characters are in their early 20s so it’s technically a New Adult book. However, the maturity level and complexity of the characters make this read like an Adult Contemporary novel. If you’re looking for a drama-free book, this is definitely not the one for you, but oh my gosh – the feels!

The writing is simply gorgeous. I highlighted the heck out of this book. Each chapter is filled with insightful observations and moving quotes. I adored every single thing about it: the chapters titled with clever hashtags; the integral way in which Instagram is used; the steady build up of tension; the unpredictable plot. F*ck Love is one angsty rollercoaster of emotions that both enthralled and wrecked me. This one’s a no-brainer. Go and 1-click it immediately.

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Reading Frenzy Book Blog

ameserole's review

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F*ck Love definitely gave off a Something Borrowed kind of vibe. Which is probably why I loved it so much. Kit and Helena were just perfect for each other.. even if everything was pulling them apart.

Kit is dating Helena's best and super crappy friend while Helena is probably dating the least attentive and douche-y guy ever. Her boyfriend cheats on her and gets the girl preggo. Then Kit somehow get's her best friend preggo TWICE and then they were going to get married and then they didn't.. and so on and so on.

Drastic steps and measures were taken throughout the book. For example, Helena moved away to Kit's home town and fell in love with it. Kit left her best friend and went to follow her... only to have something drastic happen that made him go back. Yes, a lot of back and forth between the two.. which definitely made me root for them even more.

Of course you realize that they love each other so deeply that they are willing to step away from their happiness to do the right thing. Even if it hurts like hell they continue to do it. HOWEVER, I was freaking rooting and shipping the hell out of them THE ENTIRE TIME.

Then the ending happened and I absolutely loved it. I loved their happy ending. It made me swoon with happiness. I can't wait to dive into another Tarryn Fisher book!!

Overall, I really liked the book. I really liked Kit and Helena's relationship and everything else.

treparker73's review

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One of the most original books that I have read in a while, at least in the romance genre. I could not put it down and read in pretty much 1 night (up until 3:45 am)!!

Honestly, I didn't know how I wanted this book to end, but, when the ending came, I felt that I was going to be the one F*cked. But, rest assured, our fav author knows how to keep us on our toes.

I will say I was highly interested in Muslim and how he fit into the book overall. He was like the character that almost was...want go on as I don't want to spoil.

itsdanysbooks's review

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neviem vymysliet zrozumitelnu vetu. bolo to tak ine, tak originalne, tak divne, tak WTF... mam pocit akoby ubehli mesiace odkedy som to zacala citat. normalne nemam slov... v hlave mi chodi dookola len wtf wtf wtf wtf. idem citat vsetko od tarryn lebo jej pisanie je take divnogenialne.

mconley0713's review

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At first, I didn’t know if I was going to like F*ck Love as much as the other book I have read by Tarryn Fisher. It took me a few chapters to really get sucked in, but like every other book by Tarryn I was hooked.

“Let people feel the weight of who you really are, and let them fucking deal with it.”

The story of a forbidden love between two people who can’t be together without hurting people that they care about. Throughout the story fighting the love that they feel for each other and hurting themselves in the process.

“Take off your shoes and stop running. Live barefoot and fucking fight.”

After reading Mud Vein and Marrow, F*ck Love was a lighter side to Tarryn’s writing and it was equally amazing! I don’t think I will ever be disappointed with anything Tarryn writes, I adore her writing and can not wait to read every book she writes!

simplyxkate's review

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It wouldn't be a Tarryn Fisher book if it didn't make you want to throw your Kindle across the room every other chapter. The thing I love about Tarryn is that she writes characters who aren't perfect. They all have flaws, some of them major. They do some pretty messed up things. That's what makes them feel real. Helena and Kit are no exception to this. Helena is funny but she also made some questionable decisions in F*ck Love, as did Kit, whom I disliked a lot at certain points. But despite their flaws, I was rooting for them and holding out hope that they would both somehow get a happy ending.

Overall this was a very good book and I'm so glad Tarryn wrote another romance. She is pretty awesome at it.

yashiras_archive's review

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Couldn't get past chapter 16, I felt no need nor urge to continue it. It didn't grasp my attention the way I thought it would.

Helena's sudden desire for Kit, after just ONE DREAM, came off a bit as obsessive. That just didn't sit well with me, I would notice small details of the obsession and it just threw me off. As for Kit, I didn't know him. He came in and out the story randomly that I felt nothing towards him. I didn't swoon, I didn't squeal. I know I didn't get far enough into it to know him, but he fell flat to me.

There were some details I did like, such as the fact that there some parts of her dream that were occurring in her life. But, I felt no connection with the characters whatsoever, there were things distracting me, so I just had to put this one down. Saddens me to say all of this because Tarryn Fisher blew me away with the LMWL series, but F*ck Love just wasn't for me.

aoibhrua's review

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Rating: ★★★★☆
Genre: New-Adult, Romance,
Recommend: Yes


Review originally posted on Aoibh Reads

Helena has a dream. A dream where her husband is Kit- who in real life is her best friends boyfriend. She barely knows him, but when she wakes up facts from the dream start unfolding in real life. Helena can't ignore the pull she feels towards Kit or the need to please him. But Kit is not hers to have. Meanwhile Helena is on a journey to discover herself, anything to distract herself from her best friends boyfriend.

This is hilarious. I really didn't know what to expect with this book so I was going in blind and laughed so much.
The writing is brilliant throughout with great one liners;
"She is heavy with child, as I am heavy with topknot"

Helena: she is epic. She's far from perfect but just a woman trying to find herself and not get her heart crushed. She was so impulsive and I love how her stream of consciousness was depicted - not polished off to fit into a literary box but exactly how the mind of a young woman goes. Erratic and all over the place and it worked.

"His text bubble appears as he starts to type, then abruptly it's gone. It starts, then it's gone again. He's typing things then erasing them. I strangle my phone, then slam it on the bed a few times. It's lying facedown on the comforter, and I lift the corner to peek at the screen. There isn't a text. I go to the kitchen for a snack, then circle my bed a few times while I spoon peanut butter into my mouth from the jar. I'm scared that he's texted. I'm also scared that he hasn't. 'You chicken!' I yell. I lunge for the phone, dropping the peanut butter jar on the floor."

I had to stop for a second when reading this. I've never read a more realistic depiction in a novel that I could relate to before. It's so funny to read the ridiculous actions or thoughts we have in actual words.

"I almost have no nails left by the time his bubble pops up, but that's cool because everyone has fingernails, and I like to be different."

L. O. L!!!!

Kit is a different love interest. He isn't some great gorgeous charming dream guy that will make it onto any book boyfriend list. But he is the man of Helena's dreams - despite not having a choice in the matter. I wished he had more of a back bone at times, but I suppose his weakness was integral to the whole story.

What's great about this book is that the characters are realistic. They are not idealised or perfect representations of people who always do the right thing. Or some unattainable ideal of being an 100% great person. They're real and have their flaws and that's what makes this so brilliant.


I've never read a story like this. It's filled with humour but surrounding a serious story of ultimate heartbreak and friendships. I couldn't put it down and it's definitely a memorable novel! I look forward to reading more work by Fisher.

See more of my reviews here