
If Ever I Fall by Sonya Loveday

emmascr's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews
This is not the way love is supposed to start… is it?

When arriving in Scotland, Aiden Jacobson is ready to take on the task of setting up Cole Enterprise’s newest underground headquarters. But when their most-wanted criminal, Robert de Fleur, goes into hiding, Aiden is placed undercover at a local coffee shop. His mission—gather intel from Brenda Anderson, sister of Robert de Fleur, while posing as a barista at The Grounded Bean.

Coffee shop owner Brenda Anderson needs all the help she can get when it comes to keeping the Bean up and running. Unaware of his ulterior motives, Brenda brings the mysterious and handsome Aiden in with only one thing on her mind… Airen. Maybe her gypsy-souled niece wouldn’t wander quite so far if she had someone like Aiden to keep her grounded.

Thrown together by circumstance, Airen becomes part of Aiden’s mission when Robert de Fleur emerges from hiding, demanding something none of them can give. Knowing Robert won’t stop until he gets what he wants, Aiden is ordered to stick as close as possible to keep an eye on them.

Staying at Brenda’s seems to be the simplest solution… until he wakes up in Airen’s bed.
Making a valiant attempt to shove his growing feelings aside, Aiden forces himself to walk away and protect Airen from afar. Unfortunately, his plan backfires, and Robert de Fleur uses that weakness to make his move.

Kicking himself for allowing his feelings to get in the way of the mission, Aiden sets out to do what he should have done all along… take out Robert de Fleur once and for all. Can Aiden stick to the mission, or will Airen tear down every defense he puts in place and gain complete entrance to his heart?

After finishing End Note I had to read the next book in the series. I was in deep and couldn't think about leaving these boys yet.

This book follows Aiden. He's been sent to Scotland to carry on with the mission to find and take our Robert de Fleur. What he didn't bank on was falling, hard for Airen.

Airen is Brenda's niece. Aiden has been working in Brenda's coffee shop for cover for a few weeks when Airen returns home. She's a feisty girl who's not afraid to stand up for herself.

This book was laid out a little differently from The Summer I Fell and End Note in that each chapter was from either Airen or Aiden's perspective. I really like it when authors do this because you really get inside the character's head. You really get to know them not just what other people see of them.

This book will have you on the edge of your seat, biting everything and praying that they all make it to the end of the book alive.

I really liked the Epilogue of this book and I'm hoping the next book will be about Josh, I can't wait to hear his story.


christie_seiler's review against another edition

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I love the Six series, but I didn't enjoy this story as much.

The two narrators in this novel, bouncing between Aiden and Airen was different than in the books prior, so I wasn't expecting it. I had to get my mind around who's point of view I was reading from in every chapter. The huge downside of this, was the character names! They were so similar - Aiden & Airen have only 1 letter difference- it was a bit odd to me and I had to pay careful attention to the names of both of these main characters. Three me off at some points if I wasn't paying attention or picked up in the middle of a chapter. I guess this novel is just to be read in one sitting haha.

To be picky as well, I didn't like the Scottish language included. As a person who is not Scottish, I had to look up a few of the catch phrases just to make sure I was understanding what the characters were saying. "Ya Ken" was one of the ones I struggled with.

Overall I enjoyed the story of Aiden and Airen. It was mysterious, there was sexual tension and action filled. The back and forth of the narrators disrupted the fluidity of the story, but it did assist in truly understanding the feelings of both characters.

I can't wait to read the story of Mark and Paige- it's going to be a good one!

samwlabb's review against another edition

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Rating: 4.5 Stars
Each additional book, I fall more and more in love with the Six. Loveday does such a great job of creating these amazing guys and these feisty women for them to fall in love with. But wait, there's more. This not your average romance, as we learned in book 2, this series is also filled with action and suspense. There were some interesting twists that made me go hmmmm and with each new member of the Six becoming connected to the "Company", I get more and more excited for them all to be back together again. Let's face it, their friendship is the root of the whole series, and why I fell in love with them in book 1. It's been difficult with them apart, but I see a certain reunion in the near future.

kleejos's review against another edition

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I was anticipating this book for so long! Super excited when it was released. After reading, I was a little underwhelmed. Maybe because I had such high expectations. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, but I wasn't as drawn in as I was with the others. Maybe it was the plot. Maybe it was the characters. It all just seemed a little under-developed.

Not a bad read by any means! Just not up to par with the first two in the series.