
Beastly: Semester 1 by Kiera Legend

thebooksuccubus's review

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Kit is thrust into a world she never knew existed but takes it all very well even if she doesn't think she is one of them. While try to get sent back home by breaking the rules she learns of a darkness in this new world that she cant help but trying you save the people around her. Story was a really good read some great mystery that keeps you guys as to who is behind the attack. And of course through in a few boys for some romance what more could you want.

thebooksuccubus's review against another edition

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Kit continues to find herself in trouble even if she doesn't me to. Add in the mystery of her family history as she learns of who they are and the OS is on the rise, but who can trust a group with so many secrets.

belindaclemons_123's review

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I love Kit Deangelo, Jimmy, and Chuck they are some really great characters. Sassy Artsy Serious and funny describe each. There is a mystery of the students spontaneously shifting and not having control that makes Kit want to find out why. My favorite line in the book was between Collins the police officer and Kit being
"Seems to me you turn up wherever there's trouble," she (Collins) said. "So do you," I (Kit) pointed out. "That's my job." "I just do it for a hobby." I laughed hard at that. I can't wait to get the next book im so excited to read it.

bookwormbunny's review

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Beastly: The Citadel is the first book in Kiera Legend’s new paranormal series. The author introduces readers to Kit Reeves. She’s just arrived at the Citadel and boy is she getting an eye-full. She’s seeing all sorts of creatures and beings and honest…she’s feeling out of place. She’s not even there for five minutes and she’s already encountered a vampire, a werewolf, and an angel. She doesn’t feel like she belongs, so she makes it her mission to get out as quickly as possible so that she can go back home to where she feels like she belongs. Too bad the principal isn’t fazed by her attempts and simply tells her to just give things a chance. But it won’t be long before Kit notices strange things going on with the students and that there is danger afoot.
Beastly: The Citadel – Semester One is an engaging paranormal novel that mixes romance and mystery together into this novel that had me page-turning to the end. Kit is an interesting character and overall I really like her. She doesn’t necessarily want to be at the Citadel but I’m glad that for the most part, she’s not running around making a scene and being clownish about not wanting to be there. She makes a few friends, but then she also sets herself up for a couple of bad interactions as well. I mostly appreciate that there isn’t any catty female drama in this book of where she has to deal with jealousy from other girls. The story focuses strongly on Kit and then encompasses the trio of guys who have caught her attention. I think one of my favorite characters in this story was the head librarian. I love how the author goes against the usual stereotype and has her young, interesting, and not the “shush, you’re in a library” type. Instead, she likes those who are rebellious and encourages it. I found this both amusing and refreshing.
I like the mystery the author weaves into this story. It keeps the story going and interesting along with Kit’s interactions with the three different guys who have caught her attention. The author does an excellent job putting in place the building blocks of a reverse-harem/why choose romance. The guys have such dynamically different personalities and I loved every second of it.
There isn’t much that I don’t like about this book, but there is one complaint that I have to make. While Kit has been going around making friends it seems that the author has neglected her making female friends. Now! I say that, but I also do acknowledge that she has a sort of friendship with Hailey. I say sort of friendship because that’s how I view it…” sort of.” They don’t hang out. Hailey is not someone Kit seeks out or asks for help when a certain situation arises. Instead, she goes and seeks out only the guys. I understand her attraction to the guys, but I’d like to see her interact with some more female characters in the next book. I want more actual interactions and less in passing/brief mention to show that there are others that she interacts with from time to time.
I truly enjoyed this book and it flows well from beginning to end. For that reason, I am rating this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. I’m taking off half a star because I want more female characters and interaction with Kit. I feel that this will help balance out the story. Also, it will help Kit look less like a bit of a hypocrite when she wanted to talk about “sexist bs” from men when all she spends her time with is guys. For those who enjoy paranormal romance novels with a healthy dose of mystery, this is a good book to pick up. There are some heated moments, but I can easily say that this book is a slow-burn with a cliffhanger. So for those who don’t like cliffhanger novels…this book comes with one, but it only makes me anticipate the next book in this series.

bookwormbunny's review against another edition

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Welcome back to the Citadel. Kit is back and semester one is going to look like a cakewalk in comparison to what she is about to go through in semester two. Kit is going to watch as things go downhill one after another. But the question will be – can she surmount the odds and reclaim the place that has become her second home?
Beastly: The Citadel Semester 2 is an engaging follow-up to the first book in this paranormal academy series. Now, I will admit that it took me a minute to pick up on where things left off with book one, but it didn’t take me long. The author picks the story up after Christmas break and begins things again, but it’s not long before things begin to go wrong beginning with the disappearance of the school President. It’s not too far of a stretch to guess that the radical group Out of the Shadows has something to do with it. But this semester seems to be the one where Kit learns a lot about her own family and their history. I loved that aspect of this story. It is absolutely shocking at how connected her family tree is and all the terrible things that so many of them did.
The author doesn’t just leave Kit’s problems with her ancestry. This semester tries her budding relationships with Deangelo, Chuck, and Jimmy. Nothing is going as she planned or even hoped. I have to admit that I liked this because it shows me different sides of the characters and how they handle things. Also, the author works hard to show the characters in a more realistic light as they have to deal with less than ideal situations. The guys are each doing their own things and it honestly doesn’t sit that well with Kit. I will admit that at times I thought that Kit was being a bit of hypocrite, but she works hard to not be consumed by that. I just don’t like her feeling/acting like she needed to be the center of the guys' attention all the time.
I will say that I appreciate the author working in Kit spending more time with Hailey, but she still tends to blow Hailey off to go chasing after one of the guys. On the one hand, it’s disappointing, but on the other hand, I’m glad that Hailey is so good-natured about it. I must say one of my favorite aspects of this story is Herman the boggart. He’s absolutely adorable! LOL! I love the fact that he and Boadicea take on bigger roles in this story as well.
The author is doing a good job developing the characters in this series and the trials that they are going to have to face both with the OS and with their various relationships. I’m hopeful that Kit and the guys can come to a happy medium between each other and any others since Kit has made it clear she’s not looking to be exclusive. I am rating this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. If you enjoyed the first book in this series then I’m sure that you will enjoy this book. I’m looking forward to what the author has next up her sleeve with respect to semester three.

willowb's review

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Great start to a new series.

Kit and all her friends were highly entertaining as they embarked on their first semester at college. Filled with excellent characterization and some fun twists and turns I enjoyed every moment.