
Afraid by Jack Kilborn

pvb27's review against another edition

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Wow. This is the first Jack Killborn I've read and I was not prepared for the level of gore that he brought to the table. From the beginning we know that something is very wrong, and that no character is off limits to the sadistic wants of the squad bent on terrorizing this small town. This book was sickening, thrilling and had me racing to the end.

seddso's review against another edition

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This book drove me a bit mad! 100 miles an hour action from the off, I found it hard work, there was no respite. Kept wanting to abandon it, but then something would happen or someone would say something to keep me interested.
I can't really recommend this book, but others may like it...feels like a poor review but I do think people who like a fast paced, horror filled book like this, may enjoy it

bookworm311's review against another edition

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GOOD GRIEF!! Holy freaking crap, so brutal. NOT for the faint-hearted! Sheesh...that's all I can say right now.

tangledinwordsandyarn's review against another edition

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It was a thrilling book, from the very beginning. It is a good thing I've watched so many horror movies because the descriptions are extremely gory, but I was able to stomach it. The plot of why in the hell this was happening unfolded at a good pace, never leaving me wondering for too long. The end even had it's sad parts! A great scary read.

lisadolak's review against another edition

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Yes, this was a fast read. I read it in one day.

Now, I do NOT mind violence in a book that is about violence. I LOVE Thomas Harris. I'm not squeamish! The description of the book told me this was not going to be a feel good story. I knew it was going to be out there. However, this book was REALLY graphic and I wouldn't have a problem with it except I think it was graphic for the sake of being graphic. So many choices were made by the author that were gratuitous. These choices did not enhance the plot (which was NOT bad). Also, I liked the main characters a lot. I guess complaining about the violence is like going to an Arnold movie in the 90's and saying it was too violent....

I think my biggest problem is this was a solid story with great characters and maybe the other stuff made it a worse book instead of better? I don't know. I think under all the gore there was a really good story with solid characters waiting to be told. There were glimpses of this throughout the story but they were covered with blood, and gore, and skin, and bone, and offal...which was awful. (Sorry, couldn't resist)

baggman's review against another edition

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Okay, okay, it wasn't great book. It was . . . okay and contained all the literary and intellectual content that one would expect with a title like "Afraid". Certainly not the finest piece of literature that I've ever read. Perhaps, not exactly what I was expecting. But, it did move along and I didn't have to spend 20 minutes in each chapter looking up words that were used during 19th century New Zealand. Fun and fast moving. What more can you ask for in a horror/thriller?

The book didn't exactly meet my definition of horror. It fit more closely in the thriller category for me. I kept thinking throughout that it had the makings of a pretty good movie plot (By today's standards anyway).

airving's review against another edition

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not quite as daring as the other book I read by this author but still very disturbing.

rachelcabbit's review against another edition

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I've not read anything quite like this before. It is part horror, part action and is so vividly written that it plays like a movie as you read.
The story involves the grisly murders of an entire town committed by mysterious killers seemingly linked to a military operation. They are looking for Warren Streng, the hermit brother of the soon-to-retire sheriff. They kill and torture until they get what they want.
Meanwhile, the narrative flips from towns-person to towns-person, even following the minds of the killers, and no one is too much of a main character to avoid death. It's clever that you start to get attached to the characters and then they die.
I found it fascinating but it took me a while to read as there is only so much gore I can handle!
Really feel it could be a movie though!

kerasalwaysreading's review against another edition

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This was a long book. Towards the end it began to drone a bit, but picked up again and finished well.
This book was actually terrifying. There were so many parts where I was reading and I was like, wow... I have to just set you down for a sec and digest what I just read. Sometimes, people can be the scariest monsters, and this was absolutely the case.
There is a great deal of description in this book, but it never got annoying. Great read!!!!

acknud's review against another edition

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Excellent read. Horror, sci-fi, action and gore. This book has them all and plenty more. Easy fast read. Got a little maudlin at the end but i guess that's ok. Thanks Tressa!