
Ice Hard by Tracy Goodwin

bberg2412's review

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This review is going to center on the book Ice Hard by Tracy Goodwin. I received an ARC through NetGalley. This was published on October 8th, and is the second book in the New York Nighthawks series. The first book in the series is Ice Hot.

The main characters in this book are Nicholas Alexander George (yep, three first names make up his name), a right winger and NHL league enforcer, and Camille Bennetti, a loyal daughter currently running the family’s Italian restaurant.

Nick meets Cami while she’s helping out working a bar shift during Nick’s best friend’s bachelor party. Nick can’t take his eyes off her and the two share some quick banter. The major problem, as he finds out, is that she doesn’t date hockey players. Cami’s tortured past slowly comes to light throughout the story. Nick plans to prove himself worthy of Camille any way he can.

Will Camille be able to stick to the one night deal, or will she end up wanting more, much more?

I enjoyed reading this book and read it during this past weekend’s 24 hour Dewey Readathon. I think Goodwin did a good job of making her characters imperfect. They were believable in their personalities. It was clear that the characters understood that relationships are hard and take work to maintain instead of the many romance novels that are a bit easier in getting to the Happily Ever After. Persistence was a big aspect of this book. I hope those of you that pick it up enjoy it!

Happy reading

bookishforlife2's review

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I do like a good Hockey story! This was my first book by Tracy Goodwin, so I did not read book 1 in this series.

This isn’t my favorite Hockey player meets down to earth type girl. The insta-Love didn’t do it for me. I couldn’t connect to the characters on how they were dealing with the stuff thrown at them.

I did like Chris and Serena though!

I received this ebook copy from the publisher and NetGalley for an honest review.

malissac's review

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I am really excited about this new series from Tracy Goodwin, sports romances, particularly hockey related ones are some of my favorite contemporary romance genres. This book came across my desk and honestly as you can tell I haven't been overly active on the blog lately, but I could not pass up the chance to find a series to bring me out of my slump and I am glad that I said yes, instead of I don't have time. I will say that I went back and read book one, Ice Hot, before diving into this one and while it isn't necessary as they can be read as stand-alones, I do think it upped my enjoyment of this book because I had a full understanding of the relationship between Nick and Christian, team members of the Nighthawks and best friends.

Nick is not your typical bad boy hockey player, even if that's what the media wants you to think, he's less player and more heart than he lets on and that will make you love him all the more. His heart is as puny and silly as this sounds seriously the heart of this book. This big bad hockey enforcer has a heart of gold that just wants to be loved and love in return, be that in his platonic relationships and his romantic ones. I have to say one of my favorite things is watching his interactions with Christian and Serena, (Christian's fiancé) the way he is unsure if he was still an important part of Christian's life after his engagement, it's so 'real life' and nice to see from a male's (especially an 'Alpha') perspective.

Then there is the relationship between Nick and Cami. First thing I will say is that even in the first book, these relationships feel a bit 'Insta-love' which isn't always a favorite of mine, but I appreciate the fact that Tracy acknowledges that these relationships are fast paced. She gives us that 'boom' moment then allows the relationship to play out in a way that while you know they fell hard and fast, they also have time to come to terms with each other and what their feelings mean. Nick falls harder and faster than Cami, and that's quite refreshing to see. He's the one that has to do the chasing instead of her, which I don't feel like we typically get in contemporary, heck any, romances. Cami has a lot of baggage to get past and I loved how Nick was there every step of the way, standing beside her, especially when it comes to her family, not pushing but not letting her feel that she's alone.

Their romance is both steamy and emotional and it all blends together seamlessly together that it gives you that emotional high you love from a romance novel, as well as that feel good emotion from watching someone over come a hurtful past and find not only love but their true self in the process. Of course with it being a sports romance you also get lots of time with the team and watching their interactions and some ice action too.

The New York Nighthawks is going to be your next favorite hockey romance series and luckily for us, it looks as though this could be a nice long series with some great characters and romantic possibilities.

allingoodtime's review

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When I read the first book in this series, Ice Hot, I commented that I enjoyed the characters and liked the story concept but felt something was missing. There was enough I liked about the book that I wanted to read the next in the series. I’m happy to say I did feel this story was an improvement on the first.

I absolutely adore both Nick and Camille. They are both such caring people with just enough snark to make them fun but not overly abrasive. What they have is definitely insta-love, but it was really believable insta-love. As with the first story, I felt the flicker of chemistry but it didn’t explode off the pages as I was hoping/expecting. In the other book I chalked this up to telling and not showing with the story. I didn’t feel that way here, so I can’t really say what was missing to help things catch fire for me.

As much as I loved the backstory of Camille, I also felt I was missing out on something. There were two basic stories, one with her family and one with her ex, that converge to make her who she is today. Both were really great concepts. Yet I felt neither was given the depth it could have been given if only one had been central to the story. In other words, I wanted more. That’s a compliment, by the way.

So, while I’m still not totally blown away by this author, she’s definitely growing on me.

**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely**

You can find more of my book reviews at All In Good Time.

prongstat's review

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Ice Hard by Tracy Goodwin is the second book in the A New York Nighthawks series. At the time, I wasn't aware of that. But as my first Tracy Goodwin novel, it wasn't confusing to read since it stands alone, which is appealing for those who never know where to start with book series. It was a great read, it succeeded my expectations, and I have a lot when it comes to #HockeyBooks. Wish there was more hockey talk, but I'm okay with what I got, and it will sit well with those who don't care about hockey.

And now, let us talk about the book:

Ice Hard is about Nick George, a professional hockey player in the NHL. He has his whole life made, a job he loves and amazing best friends. But there's one thing, Nick realizes that he wants to fall in love. But most importantly, he wishes for commitment.

That’s why Nick is ready to settle down. Living the hockey life isn't always glamour and puck bunnies as the crowd thinks. When you start seeing your friends finding love and marrying off, you become jealous of what they have, in the right way. You want it for yourself; you want that commitment and passion. You want to feel blissfully happy. As he sees no alternative, he signs up for a dating app, and that's a secret he’ll never tell. That ’d give his teammate enough chirping material for a lifetime. He’ll never live it down.

Ice Hard is about Camille Benetti, a smart, sarcastic, and strong woman who loves her family and gives all to them without thinking about herself. She's got a degree, a want to pursue more and a never-giving-up attitude.

That's why she doesn't want to find love with a hockey player—again. When she sees Nick, it turns on the red flags that are always on the back of her mind when it comes to his kind. For her, hockey players are never fair and square, and she’s got a story to tell. So, she’ll ignore their chemistry and pull. There’s no enough incentive for her. Not even a smart, down-to-earth hockey will change her mind. Or, will it happen?

For them it all starts at a bar, for the Nighthawks it always starts there. Or so say they say.

theficster's review

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This is my first book by this author. I greatly enjoyed it. 2019 has become the year of Hockey Romance for me. This one is very good, although the Hockey is not a large part of the story. I will look for more books to read by this author

samwlabb's review

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Rating: 3.5 Stars

Cami frustrated me at times, but I really did like these two together. I especially liked how Nick was looking for more, which he thought he found in Cami, and was willing to fight for her. There were some fun musical moments, which won me over, but I think it was the ending I enjoyed the most.
