
The Mind of a Bee by Lars Chittka

ontologically_gucci's review against another edition

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Reading this and the Qur'an, wherein the Prophet dedicates a surah in which Allah gives a revelation to the bee, has convinced me that bees are sentient (beeings :)

safetygarden's review against another edition

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This book is a 10/10 for what it is, it's just not really for me personally. If you're into the subject matter it does an amazing job of explaining it in a way that feels human, empathetic, easily understandable, but still in-depth. It follows the story of discovery around the subject as a narrative, and emphasises *how* we know what we know about bees. If you're into this subject I give a heartfelt strong recommendation.

zubiashakeel's review against another edition

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I felt like I would understand this information much better if it were presented to me in a different format. Either a YouTube video or documentary 

wil7's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced


jordanlei's review against another edition

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funny informative slow-paced


I picked up The Mind of a Bee after attending a talk by the author, Lars Chittka, and I’m glad I did. It’s an enjoyable and thought-provoking exploration of a sensory world completely different from my own. In some ways, it reminded me of Ed Yong’s An Immense World, which also dives into the unique ways creatures experience their environments.

The book gave me a deeper understanding of how a bee’s life is shaped by a singular purpose: identifying flowers for pollination and harvesting nectar. Every aspect of their sensory world seems built to serve this goal, from their vision and navigation skills to their communication through the “bee dance” and their ability to learn from others. It was fascinating to see how these elements work together so seamlessly in support of their role within the hive.

What stood out most to me, though, was the focus on bees as individuals. I’d never considered that these tiny creatures could have unique characteristics, let alone how those differences might influence their roles in hive life. It added a layer of complexity and depth to my understanding of them.
That said, I found the pacing a little slow at times, which occasionally made it harder to stay engaged. 

Even so, the insights more than made up for it. The book left me with a newfound appreciation for the intricate and often overlooked complexity of bees—a perfect reminder of how much there is to learn about the world just beyond our own sensory reach.

lucaselliott42's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective slow-paced


So interesting! I loved the book but is very scientific and can be hard tog eat through at times.

jamienun's review against another edition

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Lots of summaries of scientific studies of bees. Gives a good overview of the complexities of these little creatures! As a beekeeper, I appreciate understanding how the minds of bees work.

longanlon's review against another edition

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За това колко точно са интелигентни животните се говори доста напоследък и се правят доста експерименти - след като, за всеобщо щастие, "научното" течение според което те са просто празни роботи, управлявани от инстинкти, умря заедно със създателите си. Както знаем oт М. Планк, науката напредва чак когато учените със стари възгледи умрат, щото докато крепят живи мощи по ръководните катедри в университетите, не дават на никой с по-нови възгледи да се издигне, ако оборва техните.

Вече имахме кефа да прочетем за това колко са интелигентни животните и най-вече бозайниците (доста), птиците (някои доста, повечете не) и октоподите (странна работа е там) и ето, че стигнахме и до пчелите (не са).

Самата книга е просто една по-дълга статия, разтегната на 300 страници. Да, много изследвания има на това какво правят пчелите, как и защо, но като цяло повечето от тях не доказват кой знае какво в областта на интелигентността на пчелите.

ultraviolet308's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


Very informative.  Gave me a better understanding of a bees life cycle and more information about planting the right flowers for conservation

skbookworm's review against another edition

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challenging informative inspiring mysterious medium-paced
